Verbs That Start With W

What are common verbs that start with W? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with W.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with W you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more W verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter W verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With W are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the W verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with W, five letter verbs starting with W, six letter verbs starting with W, seven letter verbs starting with W, and eight letter verbs starting with W in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the W verbs.
5 Letter W verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter W verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With W: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘W.’
1. Walk
She walks along the beach every morning, enjoying the soothing sound of the waves and the fresh sea breeze.
2. Write
He loves to write poetry in his free time, expressing his emotions and thoughts through carefully crafted verses.
3. Whisper
In the quiet library, people often whisper to maintain a peaceful atmosphere conducive to studying and reading.
4. Work
Every day, she diligently works on her novel, aiming to complete a new chapter by the end of the week.
5. Wonder
As they gazed at the starry night sky, they couldn’t help but wonder about the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds.
6. Worry
Despite being well-prepared, she tends to worry about the upcoming exams, a habit she’s trying to overcome.
7. Watch
The family likes to gather and watch classic movies together during the weekends, creating cherished moments.
8. Weep
After watching a poignant movie, she couldn’t help but weep at the emotional scenes, moved by the powerful storytelling.
9. Win
The team’s hard work and dedication finally paid off when they managed to win the championship, celebrating their victory.
10. Wield
In the virtual world of gaming, players can wield powerful weapons to defeat formidable foes and conquer challenges.
List of Verbs That Start With W
Here are verbs that start with W in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with W; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with W is for you. All these W verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
wan | warrey | womanise |
wap | washen | womanize |
war | washer | woodchop |
waw | wasten | woodshed |
wax | wattle | work off |
wax | watusi | work out |
way | waucht | workshop |
web | waught | wormhole |
wed | waylay | worn out |
wee | weaken | would of |
wem | weasal | wound-up |
wet | weasel | wrawling |
wex | webcam | wretched |
wig | webify | write in |
wil | webize | write up |
win | wedgie | wuss out |
wis | weewee | Wahhabize |
wit | weight | wait upon |
wnt | welter | wait-list |
wog | welter | wakeboard |
wok | wester | walk away |
woo | wether | walk back |
wow | wetten | walk free |
wry | wharve | walk into |
wry | wheech | walk over |
wub | wheeze | walk tall |
wub | whimsy | wallcrawl |
wuk | whinge | wallpaper |
wuv | whinny | wantoning |
wade | whirry | wantonise |
waft | whiten | wantonize |
wage | whoomp | war-drive |
wail | whoosh | warehouse |
wail | whoost | warfaring |
wain | whurry | warm down |
wair | wibble | warmonger |
wair | wibble | wash away |
wait | wicked | wash down |
wake | widdle | wash over |
wald | wiggle | wash with |
wale | wigwag | washed up |
wale | wikify | watch out |
walk | wilded | watchlist |
wall | willow | water ski |
wall | wimble | waterbomb |
walm | wimple | waterfall |
walt | win up | watermark |
wand | winder | wave away |
wane | windle | wave down |
wang | window | waveguide |
wank | wingle | wayfaring |
want | winkle | weaponise |
ward | winnow | weaponize |
ware | winter | wear away |
ware | wintle | wear down |
ware | wirble | wear thin |
wark | wissle | weird out |
warm | wither | weltering |
warn | wither | westering |
warn | withgo | wet dream |
warp | witing | wet nurse |
wash | witter | whack off |
wast | wittle | wheel out |
wauk | wizard | wheelsuck |
waul | woaded | whiffling |
wave | wobble | whip down |
wave | woggle | whipstall |
wawl | womble | whirlpool |
weal | wonder | whisk off |
wean | wondre | white out |
wear | woning | white-ant |
wear | worrit | whitelist |
weel | worsen | whitemail |
ween | worthy | whitenize |
ween | wotest | whitewash |
ween | woulde | wholesale |
weep | wraple | whoop ass |
weet | wrappe | whoop-ass |
weld | wreake | whore out |
weld | wreath | Wiccanize |
welk | wrench | wiccanize |
welt | wretch | widgetize |
welt | wright | Wikipedia |
wend | writhe | wild feed |
wern | wrixle | wildcraft |
wern | wtfpwn | wile away |
west | wuffle | win round |
weye | wunner | wind back |
wham | wuther | wind down |
whap | wysshe | windproof |
whet | wade in | wink-wink |
whew | wail on | winsorise |
whid | waiment | Winsorise |
whig | wait on | winsorize |
whip | wait up | Winsorize |
whir | wake up | winterise |
whiz | walaʻau | winterize |
whoa | wall in | wipe away |
whoo | wall up | wipe down |
whop | want in | wireframe |
whup | warfare | wisecrack |
whur | warm up | withdrive |
wick | warrant | withspeak |
wiki | wash up | withstand |
wild | wassail | withthrow |
wile | wattled | witticise |
will | wauling | witticize |
will | wave in | witwanton |
wiln | wawling | wizarding |
wilt | wayfare | woebetide |
wilt | wayment | wolf down |
wimp | wear on | woodcraft |
wind | wear up | wordsmith |
wind | weather | work blue |
wine | webcast | work over |
wing | weblish | worriting |
wink | websurf | wring out |
wipe | wee wee | write off |
wire | weedeat | write out |
wise | weekend | write-off |
wise | wee-wee | wrongfoot |
wish | welcome | wrongtake |
wisp | welfare | wussified |
wiss | well up | wackyparse |
wite | wet lab | wainscoted |
wite | whaling | walk in on |
wive | whammel | wallflower |
woad | what-if | wander off |
wolf | wheedle | warming up |
womb | wheelie | warrantise |
wone | wheeple | washed out |
wong | whemmel | wassailing |
wont | whemmle | waste away |
wood | wherret | waste time |
woof | whetten | watch over |
woop | whicker | water down |
word | whiffle | waterboard |
word | whilest | waterflood |
work | whimper | waterproof |
worm | whimple | wax poetic |
wote | whingle | waymenting |
woul | whinner | weaponised |
wrap | whip in | weaponized |
wray | whip up | wear horns |
wrig | whipsaw | wear weary |
writ | whirret | weasel out |
wuld | whisper | weatherise |
wuss | whistle | weatherize |
wyll | whither | webcasting |
wyte | whitify | weedeating |
waddy | whiting | weigh down |
wafer | whittle | weightlift |
wager | whizzle | well-order |
wagge | whoomph | westernise |
wagon | whoopee | westernize |
waile | whoring | wheel away |
waite | whuffle | wheelstand |
waive | wicking | whickering |
waive | widowed | while away |
waken | wife up | whipstitch |
walke | wig out | whisk away |
wally | wigging | whistle up |
waltz | wig-wag | whitestone |
wanse | wildcat | wigged out |
wan’t | wilding | win around |
wan’t | will do | wind-break |
wante | will on | windproofs |
wanze | win out | windscreen |
warez | wincest | windshield |
warry | wind up | winkle out |
warsh | windrow | winterfeed |
waste | wing it | winterkill |
watch | wipe up | withstrain |
water | wiretap | woe betide |
waulk | wise up | woolgather |
waver | withsay | worry back |
waxen | withset | would like |
weare | withsit | wreck shop |
weary | witness | wrist-slap |
weave | wizened | write down |
weave | woodify | wrong take |
wedge | word it | wrong-foot |
weepe | work at | wrong-take |
weest | work in | wag the dog |
weigh | work on | wainscoting |
weird | work up | wainscotted |
weive | worlded | wait tables |
welch | worship | walk around |
welsh | worthen | walk out on |
wench | worthen | wango tango |
wente | woulder | war-dialing |
weyve | woz ere | war-driving |
whack | wrangle | warfarinise |
whale | wrap up | warfarinize |
whang | wrassle | wasp around |
wharf | wrastle | wastebasket |
wheek | wreathe | weasel word |
wheel | wrestle | weathercock |
whelm | wriggle | weight down |
whelp | wrinkle | weight-lift |
whiff | writhen | wet oneself |
while | writin’ | wet sanding |
whine | wuckin’ | wet the bed |
whing | wucking | wet through |
whirl | wurship | wet-sanding |
whirr | wussify | wheel about |
whish | wabbling | wheel round |
whisk | wack out | wheelbarrow |
whist | waft off | wheel-clamp |
white | wainscot | whistle for |
whizz | wait for | whistleblow |
whois | wait out | whitelisted |
whomp | waitasec | whitesplain |
whoof | waitlist | whitestream |
whoop | waitress | whoop it up |
whoop | waivered | win the day |
whoot | walk off | win through |
whore | walk out | windmilling |
whorl | wall off | window-shop |
whump | wambling | windsucking |
widen | wank off | windsurfing |
widow | want out | winter-feed |
wield | warchalk | winter-kill |
wille | ward off | winterproof |
wince | war-dial | wiretapping |
winch | wardrive | wither away |
winch | wardrobe | womanhandle |
winge | warranty | wool-gather |
wisen | warraunt | wordprocess |
wishe | wash off | work around |
wisse | wash out | work nights |
witch | watch it | wreak havoc |
withe | watchdog | wreck havoc |
wizen | waterlog | wackyparsing |
wolde | waterski | wade through |
wolve | waulking | wainscotting |
woman | wave off | walk the dog |
wonne | wax wode | walk through |
woold | wear off | warmongering |
woosh | wear out | waste breath |
worke | wedlease | water skiing |
world | weed out | waterfalling |
worry | weigh in | wax and wane |
worth | weigh on | weatherboard |
wou’d | weigh up | weatherizing |
would | wellcome | weatherproof |
wrack | wet sand | weatherstrip |
wrack | wetnurse | weigh anchor |
wramp | wetproof | weight-train |
wrath | wet-sand | well-ordered |
wrawl | whale on | wheel around |
wreak | whiffing | whip the cat |
wreck | whip off | whip through |
wrest | whip out | whistle blow |
wreye | whiplash | whistle-blow |
wrick | whomp on | white knight |
wring | whomp up | white-anting |
wrist | whopping | whore around |
write | whupping | window-dress |
writh | wildfeed | wolf whistle |
wrong | wildfowl | woman-handle |
wabble | wimp out | wordsmithing |
waddle | win back | work through |
wadset | win over | work to rule |
waffle | wind off | work wonders |
waffle | wind off | wait a minute |
waggle | windlass | wake and bake |
waggon | windling | walk all over |
waiver | windmill | walk off with |
waller | windsurf | walk on water |
wallop | wipe off | walk the beat |
wallop | wipe out | walk the line |
wallow | wiredraw | walk the talk |
walter | wireless | walk the walk |
wamble | witching | waltz Matilda |
wander | withbear | watch and act |
wangle | withcall | wear two hats |
wanter | withdraw | weigh against |
wanton | withhold | weld together |
wantum | withsake | well-ordering |
wapper | withsave | whistle Dixie |
warble | withstay | wibble-wobble |
warden | withtake | win by a nose |
warish | witnesse | wine and dine |
warple | wolfpack | wish you well |
warray | woman up | wordprocessed |
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Verbs That Start With W Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with W infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With W
- Verbs Start With W List
- Verbs Start With W Info Graphics
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If you are interested in detailed information about types of verbs, please check out these articles.
- Regular verbs
- Irregular verbs
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- Dynamic verbs
- Auxiliary verbs
- Stative verbs
- Linking Verbs
- Transitive Verbs
- Finite Verbs
- Infinitive Verbs
- Intransitive Verbs
- Causative verbs
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- Verbs That Start With B
- Verbs That Start With C
- Verbs That Start With D
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- Verbs That Start With G
- Verbs That Start With H
- Verbs That Start With I
- Verbs That Start With J
- Verbs That Start With K
- Verbs That Start With L
- Verbs That Start With M
- Verbs That Start With N
- Verbs That Start With O
- Verbs That Start With P
- Verbs That Start With Q
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