Verbs That Start With B

What are common verbs that start with B? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with B.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with B you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more B verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter B verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With B are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the B verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with B, five letter verbs starting with B, six letter verbs starting with B, seven letter verbs starting with B, and eight letter verbs starting with B in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the B verbs.

5 Letter B verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter B verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With B: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘B.’
1. Bake
Every Sunday, she loves to bake delicious treats for her family, filling the house with a delightful aroma.
2. Build
The construction crew worked tirelessly to build a sturdy bridge connecting the two sides of the river.
3. Brush
He carefully brushes his dog’s fur to keep it clean and free from tangles.
4. Balance
Athletes practice to balance on tightropes, enhancing their agility and concentration.
5. Breathe
Taking a moment to breathe deeply, she calmed her nerves before stepping on stage.
6. Break
During the lunch break, employees often gather to break bread and share stories.
7. Blossom
In spring, the garden blossoms with vibrant flowers of various colors and shapes.
8. Blend
The chef skillfully blends different spices to create a unique and flavorful dish.
9. Bounce
Children love to bounce on trampolines, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness.
10. Blink
In the bright sunlight, people instinctively blink to shield their eyes from the glare.
List of Verbs That Start With B
Here are verbs that start with B in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with B; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with B is for you. All these B verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
be | befoam | bankroll |
bag | befold | bankrupt |
bam | befool | barbecue |
ban | befoul | beautify |
bar | beggar | becalmed |
bat | begone | beclawed |
bay | begrip | bedazzle |
BBM | begunk | bediaper |
BBQ | begyle | bedinner |
bcc | behave | bedizzen |
bed | behead | befetter |
bee | behold | befinger |
beg | behove | beflower |
bet | beinge | befogged |
bib | bejade | befriend |
bid | bejape | befuddle |
bin | belimb | befurred |
bip | belime | begrudge |
bob | belimp | beguilty |
bog | belirt | behallow |
boo | belive | bejesuit |
bop | belled | bejuggle |
bot | bellow | bejumble |
bot | belong | belabour |
bow | bemean | belitter |
box | bemean | belitter |
bub | bemeet | belittle |
bud | bemerd | belly up |
bug | bemete | bemingle |
bum | bemind | bemirror |
bum | beming | bemuddle |
bum | bemire | bemuffle |
bum | bemist | benching |
bus | bemoan | benedict |
but | bemock | benumbed |
buy | bemoil | bepepper |
buz | bemood | bepester |
bach | bemuse | bepommel |
back | bentsh | bepowder |
bail | benumb | bepraise |
bait | bepelt | bepucker |
bake | bepiss | bepurple |
bald | bepity | bepuzzle |
bale | bepuff | bequeath |
balk | berate | beringed |
ball | bermed | bescorch |
balm | beseek | bescrape |
band | beseem | bescrawl |
bane | beseen | bescreen |
bang | besend | beshadow |
bank | besigh | besmirch |
bard | bestar | besmooch |
bare | bestay | besotted |
barf | bestem | bestride |
bark | bestep | bethatch |
bark | bestir | bethrall |
barm | bestow | bethrong |
base | betake | bethrust |
bash | betide | bethwack |
bask | betray | betimber |
bate | beveil | beveiled |
bath | bewail | beveling |
bawd | beware | bevelled |
bawl | bewray | bevering |
bead | bezzle | bewilder |
beak | bibble | biograph |
beam | bicker | birdysit |
bear | biking | bitchin’ |
beat | billet | black up |
beef | billow | blackleg |
beep | bimble | blandify |
belk | binner | blandish |
bell | bisect | blaze up |
bell | bitter | bleedin’ |
belt | bladed | blockade |
beme | blanch | bloodlet |
bend | blanch | blotched |
berm | blazon | blow off |
bias | bleach | blow out |
bide | blench | blow-dry |
biff | blesse | blubbing |
bike | blight | bludgeon |
bilk | blockt | bluewash |
bill | bobble | board up |
bill | bodied | bodyjack |
bill | boggle | bodyslam |
bind | bollix | bodysurf |
bing | boogie | boldface |
bite | border | bomb out |
bitt | borrow | boobfeed |
blab | bother | bootlick |
blag | bottle | botanise |
blat | bottom | botanize |
blip | bounce | boulting |
blog | bow to | bow down |
blog | box in | box kick |
blop | box up | brandied |
blot | braise | brandish |
blow | branch | brattice |
blub | breach | brighten |
blue | breast | browbeat |
blur | breech | buckrams |
boak | breeze | buff out |
boat | brevet | build in |
boil | bridge | build on |
boke | bridle | build up |
bolt | brigue | bulldoze |
bomb | broach | bulleted |
bond | browse | bullshit |
bone | browze | bum-rush |
bong | bruise | butt out |
bonk | brunch | buttress |
boob | brusht | buttweld |
boof | brynge | back wash |
book | bubble | back-bite |
boom | buckle | back-comb |
boot | buckle | backcross |
borg | buddle | back-fill |
Borg | budget | backflush |
boss | buffet | back-form |
bowl | bugger | back-hand |
brad | bumble | backlight |
brag | bundle | backpatch |
bray | bungle | backpedal |
brew | burble | backshift |
brim | burden | backslash |
brit | burgle | backslide |
buck | burrow | backspace |
buff | bushel | backtrack |
buff | bustle | backwater |
bulk | butter | bagpiping |
bump | button | bakhshish |
bung | bypass | balkanise |
bunk | babbitt | balladeer |
burl | babying | ball-bust |
burn | babysit | bamboozle |
burp | back up | bang away |
burr | backhoe | barbarize |
bury | backlog | barnacled |
busk | bagpipe | barnstorm |
buss | balance | barricade |
bust | balding | BASE jump |
busy | ball up | base upon |
butt | ballast | beaconing |
buzz | balmify | befeather |
badge | bandage | beflatter |
bagsy | bandsaw | beflutter |
baize | bang on | begruntle |
bandy | banquet | bejeweled |
barge | baptise | beleaguer |
baste | baptize | belly out |
baste | bar off | bemoisten |
baste | bar out | bemonster |
batch | barding | bemoysten |
bathe | bargain | beneficed |
baulk | barrack | beplaster |
bavin | base on | bescatter |
beach | bastard | bescratch |
beare | bearhug | bescumber |
bebop | beatify | beseeming |
bedew | beclart | bespatter |
bedim | beclepe | bestagger |
bedip | becloud | bevelling |
befie | bedevil | bifurcate |
befit | bedewed | biofilter |
befly | bedight | biography |
befoe | bedirty | biologize |
befog | bedizen | birdwatch |
beget | beef up | bisulfate |
begin | befight | bittering |
begod | befilth | blackjack |
begum | beflake | blacklead |
belay | befleck | blackline |
belch | beflirt | blacklist |
belie | beflood | blackmail |
belly | begripe | blackmark |
bemix | begroan | blindfold |
bemow | beguess | bliss out |
bemud | beguile | blow away |
benet | beguilt | blow down |
benew | beguilt | blow over |
bepat | beguyle | blow past |
berth | begynne | blowtorch |
besee | bejewel | bluff out |
beset | believe | board out |
besew | beliked | bobtailed |
besom | beliked | bodyguard |
betie | belling | boldfaced |
bevel | beloved | bookplate |
bever | bemercy | boomerang |
bever | bemourn | bootstrap |
bield | bemouth | bottom on |
bilge | benefit | brainfuck |
binge | benegro | brainwash |
binky | bepaint | brambling |
birch | bepearl | brattling |
bitch | bepinch | breadthen |
bivvy | bepower | breakfast |
black | beprose | broadcast |
blame | bequest | broadseal |
bland | bequest | brothered |
blank | bereave | brow-beat |
blare | bescorn | brown-bag |
blast | bescrub | brutalise |
blaze | beseche | brutalize |
blaze | beseech | bubble up |
bleat | beselve | buckle up |
bleed | beshade | bull-whip |
bleep | beshake | bundle up |
blend | beshame | burlesque |
blenk | beshape | buttcheck |
blesh | beshare | buttonize |
bless | besiege | butt-rape |
blimp | besmear | back water |
blind | bespeak | backhanded |
blink | bestain | backlogged |
blirt | bestand | backpaddle |
blitz | bestead | backpeddle |
bloat | bestead | backstitch |
block | besteal | backstroke |
blood | besteer | back-track |
bloom | bethank | balbutiate |
bloop | bethink | balderdash |
blote | bethrow | ballyhooed |
bluff | bethumb | bang about |
blunt | bethump | bastardise |
blurb | betides | bastardize |
blurt | betoken | bedizening |
blush | beveled | belly flop |
board | bewitch | bescribble |
boast | bicycle | besteading |
bodge | biocode | bestialise |
bogue | bioneer | bestialize |
boing | birdsit | betimbered |
booby | bitting | biodegrade |
boost | bivouac | blaze away |
booze | blabber | blow a nut |
borry | blacken | blow smoke |
botch | blanket | blue light |
bouge | blather | bollocksed |
boule | blatter | booleanise |
brace | blemish | booleanize |
braid | bless’d | Boswellize |
brain | blether | bottom out |
brake | blinker | bouldering |
brand | blinkle | bowdlerise |
brave | blister | Bowdlerise |
brawl | blossom | bowdlerize |
brawn | blow it | brainstorm |
bread | bluiter | bratticing |
break | blunder | breadboard |
breed | bluster | breadcrumb |
bribe | bobsled | breastfeed |
bride | bobtail | brecciated |
brief | boffing | browserify |
bring | bollock | build down |
brood | bolster | build into |
brook | bomb it | build upon |
brown | bombard | bullocking |
brush | bombast | bum around |
budge | bone up | bundle off |
bugle | bonjour | burglarise |
build | boobied | bushhammer |
bulge | boo-boo | buttonhole |
bully | bootleg | babysitting |
bunch | borning | back-handed |
burke | borrowe | backloading |
burst | bow out | backpacking |
butty | box off | balbucinate |
babble | box out | bandy about |
babied | boycott | bang around |
babify | bracket | banquetting |
babyfy | brandle | base off of |
backup | brattle | befeathered |
badden | breaded | belly laugh |
badger | breathe | bemoistened |
baffle | brickle | beneficiate |
bagsie | bristle | biographise |
balden | broaden | biographize |
ballad | brother | blinged out |
ballot | buckler | blink first |
bandit | buckram | blow chunks |
bangle | buff up | blunderbuss |
banish | buffalo | boobfeeding |
banter | bullock | bootlicking |
bar up | bulwark | bottom edge |
barrel | bum out | brachiating |
barter | bumbaze | break a law |
basket | bung up | breathalyse |
basset | burnish | breathalyze |
battel | butcher | brighten up |
batten | buzzsaw | broken wind |
batter | babelize | bubble over |
batter | baby-sit | buckle down |
battle | babywear | back-channel |
beagle | backbite | backgrounded |
beaked | backchat | backslapping |
beckon | backdate | backstabbing |
beclam | backfill | bandy around |
beclap | backfire | BASE jumping |
beclap | backlash | bichromatize |
beclaw | backlink | bilingualize |
beclip | backlist | blacklegging |
beclip | backload | bloodletting |
become | backpack | bodyboarding |
bedeck | backwash | box the gnat |
bedhop | backwind | breaststroke |
bedirt | backwind | brother-zone |
bedwet | badinage | bubble under |
befall | ballarag | buckle under |
befang | ballyhoo | bushwhacking |
befile | ballyrag | basilectalize |
befind | banalise | biomineralize |
beflay | banalize | blackberrying |
beflea | bang out | blacksmithing |
beflee | banjaxed | bureaucratize |
beflow |
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Verbs That Start With B Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with B infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.

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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With B
- Verbs Start With B List
- Verbs Start With B Info Graphics
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- Verbs That Start With N
- Verbs That Start With O
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