Verbs That Start With L

What are common verbs that start with L? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with L.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with L you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more L verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter L verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With L are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the L verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with L, five letter verbs starting with L, six letter verbs starting with L, seven letter verbs starting with L, and eight letter verbs starting with L in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the L verbs.
5 Letter L verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter L verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With L: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘L.’
1. Leap
Graceful gazelles effortlessly leap across the savannah, showcasing their agility and speed.
2. Linger
In the cozy cafe, patrons often choose to linger over a cup of coffee, enjoying the relaxed ambiance.
3. Listen
Active and empathetic communication involves the ability to truly listen to others’ thoughts and feelings.
4. Lift
Weightlifters diligently train to build strength and confidently lift heavy barbells during competitions.
5. Laugh
Sharing a joke with friends can instantly lighten the mood and make everyone laugh together.
6. Lament
During challenging times, it’s natural for individuals to lament difficulties and seek support.
7. Look
Nature enthusiasts love to look for rare birds, binoculars in hand, as they explore the wilderness.
8. Love
Families continually love and support each other, creating a strong foundation for growth and happiness.
9. Learn
In educational settings, students actively learn by engaging with material and participating in discussions.
10. Lose
Athletes understand that sometimes, despite their best efforts, they may lose a game or competition, but they value the experience and lessons gained.
List of Verbs That Start With L
Here are verbs that start with L in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with L; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with L is for you. All these L verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
lag | lather | long for |
lam | laughe | longhaul |
lap | launce | look for |
lap | launch | look off |
lap | lavage | look out |
law | laveer | loophole |
leg | laving | loricate |
lek | lavish | lotioned |
let | lawing | louse up |
lew | lawyer | loved up |
lex | lay by | low five |
lib | lay in | lowlight |
lid | lay on | loyalize |
lie | lay to | luck out |
lig | lay up | luminate |
lin | league | lunatize |
lip | learne | luncheon |
lob | leasow | lungeing |
log | leaven | lustrate |
log | lecher | lyricise |
log | Leeroy | lyricize |
lol | leeroy | labialise |
LOL | leg it | labialize |
loo | legate | labyrinth |
loo | legend | lace into |
lop | legion | lactonize |
lot | length | ladderize |
low | lenify | laid down |
low | lenite | lampblack |
low | lensed | lampshade |
low | lesion | lancinate |
lue | lessen | landscape |
lug | lesson | landslide |
lul | let be | languaged |
luv | let go | lap dance |
lux | let in | larvicide |
lye | let on | lash down |
lace | let up | lather up |
lack | let us | latrating |
lade | letten | laugh off |
laff | levant | laundress |
lage | liaise | Lawsonize |
laik | libate | lawyer up |
lair | lie by | lawyering |
lait | lie in | lay about |
lake | lie to | lay aside |
lake | ligate | lay chase |
lamb | limbec | lay claim |
lame | limber | lay siege |
lame | limber | lay waste |
lamp | limned | lazy load |
land | limpen | lean into |
lank | limple | leap-frog |
lant | linger | leave off |
lard | linish | leave out |
lare | linker | left-drag |
larf | lippen | legendize |
lark | listen | legislate |
lark | lit up | lemmatise |
larn | litter | lemmatize |
LARP | livery | lemonized |
larp | loathe | lessoning |
lase | locate | let alone |
lash | locken | let drive |
lash | locoed | let in on |
last | locust | let it be |
lath | log in | let loose |
laud | log on | let slide |
lave | log-in | level off |
lawe | log-on | level out |
lawe | loiter | level set |
laye | lollop | Libyanize |
laze | looove | lichenify |
lazo | loosen | lichenize |
lazy | lotion | lie doggo |
lead | lotted | lightning |
lead | louche | like like |
lead | louden | limber up |
leaf | lounge | Limehouse |
leak | lumber | limelight |
leam | lumine | line feed |
lean | lushen | linearise |
lean | lustre | linearize |
lean | luting | lippening |
leap | luxate | lip-synch |
lear | lyghte | liquidate |
lech | labiate | liquidise |
leer | labrish | liquidize |
leer | lace up | listen in |
leet | lacquer | listen up |
lege | lacquey | Listerize |
lend | lactate | lithotype |
lerp | lactify | live blog |
lese | laicise | live down |
lett | laicize | live with |
levy | laid up | live-trap |
leyn | lallate | livetweet |
lick | lam out | loanshark |
liek | lambast | lock away |
lien | lampoon | lock down |
lift | land up | lock lips |
lige | langure | lock pick |
like | laniate | lock-pick |
lill | lantern | lojbanize |
lilt | lash up | Lojbanize |
limb | lateral | Londonise |
lime | latrate | Londonize |
lime | launder | longboard |
limn | lawnmow | long-haul |
limp | lay low | look back |
limp | lay off | look into |
limp | lay out | look like |
line | layaway | look over |
line | layback | look upon |
line | Lazarus | loopholed |
link | lead in | loosen up |
link | lead on | lord over |
lint | leaflet | lose face |
lion | lean in | lowercase |
lirk | lean on | lubricate |
lirt | leather | luminesce |
lirt | lecture | lush-roll |
lisp | leister | luteinise |
liss | leniate | luteinize |
list | lensing | luxuriate |
list | let fly | laminarise |
list | let off | laminarize |
list | let out | lampshaded |
liue | let rip | latch onto |
live | lez out | lateralise |
LJBF | liaison | lateralize |
load | librate | latibulize |
loaf | licence | Latinizing |
loan | license | laugh down |
lock | lidding | lavendered |
loco | lie low | lawnmowing |
lofe | lie off | lay an egg |
loff | lifelog | lay chilly |
loft | lift up | lay rubber |
loid | lighten | lay tracks |
loll | lignify | laze about |
long | like of | lead climb |
long | limning | leave home |
long | limp in | leave over |
look | line up | left-click |
loom | link up | leg glance |
loop | linkify | legitimate |
loot | lionise | legitimise |
lope | lionize | legitimize |
lord | lip off | lesbianise |
lore | lipread | lesbianize |
lose | lipsync | let one go |
loss | liquate | lethargise |
lote | liquefy | lethargize |
loue | liqueur | letheonize |
loun | liquify | letterhack |
lour | lithify | lexicalise |
lout | live in | lexicalize |
lout | live on | liberalise |
love | live up | liberalize |
love | load up | libidinize |
lowp | lobster | lichenized |
lube | lobtail | lie around |
luck | lock in | lie before |
lues | lock on | lighten up |
luff | lock up | lightering |
luge | log off | lights out |
lull | log out | lingualize |
lump | logroll | literalise |
lunt | lone it | lithobrake |
lure | longarm | lithograph |
lurk | look at | live a lie |
lurv | look on | live it up |
lush | look to | live large |
lusk | look up | live tweet |
lust | loop in | livestream |
lute | lop off | live-tweet |
lute | lose it | lobotomise |
lyke | louring | lobotomize |
lyse | love up | Lochnerize |
lyze | lovered | lock horns |
label | lowball | lockstitch |
labor | lozenge | logrolling |
lacke | lube up | longhauled |
ladle | luck in | look after |
lager | luff up | look ahead |
lager | lullaby | look alike |
la-la | lump it | look alive |
lamed | labilise | look on as |
lames | labilize | look round |
lance | labour’d | look sharp |
lanch | lacerate | look up to |
lapse | laconize | loom large |
laser | lagering | lose count |
latch | laicized | lose heart |
latch | lallygag | lugubriate |
laten | lam into | lyophilise |
lathe | laminate | lyophilize |
lathe | lampwork | lampshading |
laugh | landfill | lancinating |
laxen | landlock | larderhoard |
layan | landmark | lawyered up |
layer | landmine | lay a venue |
leach | language | lay eyes on |
learn | languish | lay hold of |
learn | lapidate | lay to rest |
lease | lapidify | laze around |
lease | lappeted | lead astray |
lease | larruped | leave alone |
lease | lash out | leave it be |
leash | last out | lend a hand |
leave | latch on | lend an ear |
leave | laterize | let her rip |
leaze | Latinise | let one off |
leech | latinize | let one rip |
leech | Latinize | lickspittle |
leese | latticed | lie in wait |
leese | laudanum | lifelogging |
leger | laureate | liposuction |
leint | lavender | live in sin |
lemon | laxening | livescanned |
lepak | lay back | longhauling |
letch | lay bare | look around |
let’s | lay down | look beyond |
levee | lay eggs | look lively |
levee | lay into | lose ground |
level | lay odds | lowercasify |
leven | lay open | lyophilized |
lever | lay over | laparotomize |
libel | lay pipe | laryngealize |
lifen | layerize | lateralizing |
light | lazyload | lay hands on |
light | lead off | lay the pipe |
light | lead out | lead nowhere |
likee | leaf out | leaf through |
liken | leapfrog | lean towards |
likey | leave be | leap to mind |
limbo | leave in | leave behind |
limit | left out | let get past |
lisse | legalise | letterboxing |
lithe | legalize | light-finger |
lithe | lemonize | light-footed |
lithe | lengthen | limp reraise |
litho | let down | listen after |
liven | let know | lithobraking |
liven | let past | live through |
loave | let slip | lock picking |
lobby | level up | lock-picking |
lockt | levelise | logarithmize |
lodge | levelize | long-hauling |
logic | leverage | look daggers |
logon | levigate | look down on |
loike | levitate | look through |
longe | Lewinsky | loose cannon |
looky | liberate | lord it over |
loose | lie back | louse around |
loose | lie down | laryngealized |
lorry | lie upon | lash together |
lothe | lie with | lead climbing |
louse | lift off | let off steam |
lovèd | ligature | lift a finger |
lubed | light up | look the part |
lunch | likeness | loop the loop |
lunge | limewash | lose her head |
lurch | line out | lose his head |
lurch | line-dry | lump together |
lurch | liniment | land the plane |
lurry | linotype | laryngectomize |
lurry | lip sync | lay a glove on |
lurve | liposuck | leave for dead |
lylab | lip-read | leave the nest |
lylas | lipstick | lend itself to |
lynch | lip-sync | let oneself go |
laager | lipsynch | let someone go |
labefy | liquesce | lethal chamber |
labell | litigate | light-fingered |
labour | live off | live the dream |
lacker | live out | look down upon |
lackey | liveblog | lose one’s rag |
ladder | livecast | lower the boom |
ladify | liven up | lay a finger on |
ladyfy | livescan | lay in lavender |
lament | livetrap | lay it on thick |
laming | loblolly | lay on the line |
lancet | localise | lead by example |
lanken | localize | lead the charge |
lap up | lock out | learn the ropes |
lapper | lockpick | live in poverty |
lappet | locomote | look forward to |
largen | lollygag | lose one’s cool |
lariat | lomilomi |
Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!
Verbs That Start With L Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with L infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Also Read: Sentence Structures Worksheets
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With L
- Verbs Start With L List
- Verbs Start With L Info Graphics
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- Transitive Verbs
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- Verbs That Start With L
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