Verbs That Start With H

What are common verbs that start with H? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with H.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with H you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more H verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter H verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With H are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the H verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with H, five letter verbs starting with H, six letter verbs starting with H, seven letter verbs starting with H, and eight letter verbs starting with H in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the H verbs.
5 Letter H verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter H verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With H: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘H.’
1. Harvest
In the autumn, farmers diligently work to harvest ripe crops, ensuring a bountiful yield for the season.
2. Hike
Nature enthusiasts often choose to hike through scenic trails, appreciating the beauty of the great outdoors.
3. Hum
As she worked on her art project, she couldn’t help but hum a cheerful tune, adding a musical touch to her creativity.
4. Hibernate
Bears typically hibernate during the winter months, conserving energy until the arrival of warmer weather.
5. Heal
Medical professionals strive to heal patients using a combination of advanced treatments and compassionate care.
6. Hover
Colorful butterflies gracefully hover over blooming flowers, showcasing their delicate wings in the sunlight.
7. Help
Communities thrive when individuals actively help one another, fostering a sense of unity and support.
8. Hibernate
During the colder months, some reptiles choose to hibernate in burrows to survive the harsh weather conditions.
9. Hunt
In the animal kingdom, predators skillfully hunt for prey, showcasing their natural instincts for survival.
10. Hope
Even in challenging times, people often hope for a brighter future, finding inspiration in optimism and resilience.
List of Verbs That Start With H
Here are verbs that start with H in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with H; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with H is for you. All these H verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
hag | hockle | histolyse |
hap | hockle | histolyze |
hap | hoddle | hit a six |
hav | hogtie | hit it up |
haw | hoiden | hitchhike |
haw | holler | hold true |
hem | hollow | holepunch |
hem | homage | holograph |
hen | hondel | holystone |
hep | honest | honeycomb |
het | honnor | honeymoon |
hew | honour | hoover up |
hex | hoofed | hop n pop |
hez | hoorah | hop to it |
hie | hooray | hopscotch |
hip | hoover | horseplay |
hip | hop it | horseshoe |
hit | hop up | horsewhip |
hmm | hotdog | hose down |
hob | hotkey | hostilize |
hod | hotten | housekeep |
hoe | housel | houseling |
hog | huddle | housemaid |
hop | hugger | house-sit |
hop | huggle | humiliate |
hot | hulloa | humourise |
hug | humble | humourize |
hum | humble | hunt down |
hye | humify | hurrahing |
hack | hummel | hush down |
hack | humour | hyalinise |
hack | hunger | hybernate |
hack | hunker | hybridise |
hade | hurdle | hybridize |
haet | hurrah | hydraulic |
hafe | hurray | hydrolyse |
haft | hurtle | hyperlink |
hail | hustle | hyphenate |
hail | huxter | hyphenize |
hain | huzzah | hypnotise |
hake | hyphen | hypnotize |
halp | habited | habilitate |
halt | hachure | hadronized |
halt | hack it | hæmorrhage |
halt | hagride | half-assed |
hand | haining | half-wheel |
hang | hainted | hallelujah |
hank | hambone | halogenate |
hare | hand in | hammer out |
hark | handfed | hand round |
harl | hang in | hands down |
harm | hang on | hang a leg |
hash | hang up | hang about |
hasp | harbour | hang glide |
hate | harling | hang heavy |
haue | harnass | hang paper |
haul | harness | hang tight |
have | harrass | hang tough |
hawk | harshen | hang-glide |
hawk | harvest | hardboiled |
hawk | hashtag | hate-watch |
haze | hatchet | have a cow |
haze | have at | have a few |
hea’ | have in | have a fit |
head | have it | have a nap |
heaf | have on | have a say |
heal | head up | have mercy |
heal | heal up | head south |
heap | hearin’ | headspring |
hear | hearken | hectograph |
heat | hearted | hegemonise |
heed | hearten | hegemonize |
heel | heckin’ | helicopter |
heel | heddled | heliskiing |
heft | heeltap | heparinise |
heil | heliski | heparinize |
hele | heroify | hereticate |
hell | heroise | hereticize |
hell | heroize | heterolyze |
helm | hew out | hexamerize |
help | hilight | hill climb |
hend | hit off | hippodrome |
herd | hit out | hippy jump |
hide | hitchel | hit a snag |
hide | hoarsen | hit it big |
high | hold up | hit it off |
high | hole up | hitch-hike |
hike | holiday | hocuspocus |
hile | holster | hodgepodge |
hill | hone in | hold tight |
hing | honnour | hold up as |
hint | honor’d | hold water |
hire | hop off | hole punch |
hiss | hormone | holla back |
hist | horn in | homebrewed |
hmph | horrify | homogenise |
hoar | hosanna | homogenize |
hoax | hot bed | homologate |
hock | hot box | homologise |
hock | hot dog | homologize |
hock | hot rod | hone in on |
hode | hotdesk | horsetrade |
hodl | hotline | hotfoot it |
hoik | hotlist | hotpressed |
hoit | hotplug | housebreak |
hoit | hotwalk | houseclean |
hoke | hotwife | hoverboard |
hoke | hotwire | hullaballo |
hold | Houdini | hum and ha |
hole | hump it | humbugging |
hole | husband | hydraulick |
holk | hush up | hydridized |
home | hushaby | hydroplane |
hone | hydrate | hyperfocus |
hone | habiting | hypergraft |
honk | hack off | hyperreact |
hood | hæsitate | hyperspace |
hoof | halalify | hypotonize |
hook | halalize | haemorrhage |
hoon | half-ass | half-expect |
hoon | halftone | hallucinate |
hoop | hallmark | hammer home |
hoop | hamboned | handfasting |
hoot | hanafize | handwritten |
hope | hand off | hang a left |
hork | hand out | hang around |
horn | handcuff | haplologise |
hose | handfast | haplologize |
host | handfeed | happen upon |
hote | handhold | hard-boiled |
howl | handicap | haul around |
huff | handknit | have a ball |
hulk | handline | have a bath |
hump | handmake | have a care |
hunt | handpass | have a clue |
hurl | handpick | have a look |
hurt | hang low | have a pair |
hush | hang out | have a seat |
husk | hang ten | have a stab |
husk | haramize | have a wank |
huzz | harangue | have a word |
hyar | hardboil | have had it |
hymn | hardcode | have it off |
hype | hardship | have it out |
habit | hardwire | haw and gee |
hadna | harrumph | Hawaiianize |
haill | hash out | headbanging |
haint | hatefuck | hearthstone |
haked | haul ass | heli-skiing |
halal | haul off | hem and haw |
hallo | have fun | heparinized |
haloo | have got | herringbone |
halse | havering | heterograft |
halse | head off | hexametrize |
halse | headbang | high center |
halve | headbutt | high centre |
hance | headdesk | Hispanicize |
hange | headhunt | historicise |
harry | headline | historicize |
harsh | healthen | histrionize |
hasta | hearting | hit a nerve |
haste | heatsink | hit and run |
hatch | heave to | hit paydirt |
haunt | heave-ho | hit the fan |
haven | heave-to | hit the gas |
haver | heighten | hit the gym |
haves | helicopt | hit the hay |
havoc | heli-ski | hit the net |
heald | help out | hockey stop |
heave | hemisect | hologramize |
heavy | hemolyse | hop freight |
hedge | hepatise | horripilate |
heeld | hepatize | hospitalise |
heerd | herniate | hug oneself |
heere | hesitate | hullaballoo |
heeze | hiccough | hum and haw |
heist | hide out | hunker down |
helpe | highball | hydrogenate |
helve | highjack | hydrogenise |
hence | hightail | hydrogenize |
hench | hiliting | hydroxylate |
henna | Hinduize | hypermutate |
herry | hinge on | hypertrophy |
herry | hire out | hypostasize |
hield | hit back | hypostatize |
hight | hit home | hypothecate |
hillo | hit upon | hypothesise |
hinge | hitch up | hypothesize |
hinny | hit-skip | hystericize |
hitch | hole out | half-embrace |
hoard | holla at | hang a Louie |
hoast | homebrew | hang a Ralph |
hoast | homemake | hang a right |
hocus | homemake | hang an arse |
hoick | homeport | hang gliding |
hoise | homodyne | happen along |
hoist | homolyse | have a break |
holde | homolyze | have a heart |
holla | homotope | have a laugh |
holla | honk off | have a thing |
homer | honour’d | have eyes on |
honey | hoodwink | have in mind |
honor | Horlicks | have it easy |
horde | horsesit | have it made |
horse | hot desk | have kittens |
hotch | hothouse | help oneself |
hough | hotpress | hierarchized |
hough | howl out | high centred |
hould | humanify | high-tail it |
hound | humanise | histoculture |
house | humanize | hit the deck |
hovel | humanize | hit the dirt |
hoven | humorise | hit the head |
hover | humorize | hit the mark |
howdy | hunt out | hit the road |
howel | hurry up | hit the rock |
hullo | habituate | hit the roof |
human | hack away | hit the sack |
humor | hadronise | hit the silk |
humph | hadronize | hit the spot |
hunch | haemolyse | hit the wall |
hurra | haemolyze | Hollywoodize |
hurry | hail down | homodimerize |
hurte | hail from | horripilated |
husht | half wish | horse around |
hutch | half-inch | horsetrading |
huzza | hallooing | hurry-skurry |
haffle | halsening | hydrophilize |
haggle | hammocked | hydroxylated |
hailse | hamstring | hypercognize |
hallal | hand down | hypercompute |
halloa | hand over | hypercorrect |
halloo | handbrake | hypermutated |
hallow | hand-code | hammer-harden |
hallow | hand-hold | hang the moon |
haloed | handplant | hang together |
halsen | hands off | happen across |
halter | hang back | hate-watching |
hamble | hang fire | have a cob on |
hammer | hang five | have a couple |
hamper | hang onto | have a jag on |
handle | hang over | have a pop at |
hangar | hang upon | have eyes for |
hansel | hang with | have it large |
happen | haplotype | heave the log |
harang | happen on | helicoptering |
harass | happenin’ | hemoglobinize |
harbor | harbinger | high centered |
harden | hard code | high-sticking |
harled | harlequin | hit the books |
harlot | harlotize | hit the rocks |
harrow | harmonise | hit the skids |
harten | harmonize | hit the trail |
hassle | hartshorn | hold the ring |
hasten | hate-fuck | hold together |
hiddle | hate-read | hop a freight |
hatted | haul down | horizontalize |
hatter | have a go | horripilating |
haying | have done | housebreaking |
hazard | have legs | housecleaning |
hearse | haze over | huff and puff |
heaven | head butt | hunt and peck |
heckle | head-butt | hydraulicking |
hector | headcarry | hydroentangle |
heddle | healthify | hydrogen bond |
heehaw | heatproof | hyperactivate |
hem in | heavenize | hypercolonize |
herald | heel over | hyperpolarise |
hiccup | heel-palm | hyperpolarize |
hickup | heliotype | hyperregulate |
hidate | Hellenise | hypersalivate |
higgle | Hellenize | hyposensitise |
highen | herbarize | hyposensitize |
hijack | hibernate | hypoventilate |
hilite | hide away | hang a shingle |
hilled | high five | hang one’s hat |
hilloa | highlight | have an affair |
hinder | high-step | have done with |
hindre | hillbilly | have it coming |
hit on | hipsterfy | have it in for |
hit up | hispanize | heave in sight |
hobble | Hispanize | heterodimerise |
hobnob | histogram | heterodimerize |
hockle |
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Verbs That Start With H Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with H infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With H
- Verbs Start With H List
- Verbs Start With H Info Graphics
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If you are interested in detailed information about types of verbs, please check out these articles.
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- Transitive Verbs
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- Verbs That Start With H
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- Verbs That Start With J
- Verbs That Start With K
- Verbs That Start With L
- Verbs That Start With M
- Verbs That Start With N
- Verbs That Start With O
- Verbs That Start With P
- Verbs That Start With Q
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