Verbs That Start With T

What are common verbs that start with T? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with T.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with T you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more T verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter T verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With T are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the T verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with T, five letter verbs starting with T, six letter verbs starting with T, seven letter verbs starting with T, and eight letter verbs starting with T in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the T verbs.
5 Letter T verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter T verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With T: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘T.’
1. Teach
Experienced educators passionately teach students to inspire a love for learning.
2. Transform
A fresh coat of paint can easily transform a room, giving it a vibrant new look.
3. Travel
Many people love to travel to new destinations, exploring different cultures and landscapes.
4. Taste
Food enthusiasts often enjoy experimenting with diverse ingredients to create unique and delicious tastes.
5. Tackle
Facing challenges head-on is the best way to tackle obstacles and achieve success.
6. Think
Creative individuals constantly think of innovative ideas to bring fresh perspectives to their work.
7. Talk
Effective communication is essential, and the ability to talk openly fosters understanding and collaboration.
8. Try
Embracing new experiences and opportunities encourages individuals to try things outside their comfort zone.
9. Transcribe
Court reporters skillfully transcribe spoken words into written records during legal proceedings.
10. Test
Engineers rigorously test prototypes to ensure the reliability and functionality of their designs.
Verbs That Start With T List
Here are verbs that start with T in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with T; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with T is for you. All these T verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
tab | toilet | top-dress |
tag | tomcat | topstitch |
tan | tongue | torrefied |
tap | tootle | tosylated |
tar | topple | transcend |
tar | torace | transduce |
taw | torple | transduct |
tax | torque | transfect |
tea | toswap | transform |
ted | totter | transfuse |
tee | toxify | translate |
tie | trapan | transmove |
tin | trapes | transmute |
tip | travel | transpire |
tod | trayne | transport |
toe | treble | transpose |
tog | trepan | transrate |
top | trepan | trapesing |
tot | trifle | tremoring |
tow | triple | trepaning |
toy | tripod | trialling |
try | trolly | tribalize |
tug | truant | trifallow |
tun | trudge | trousered |
tup | truing | trucidate |
tut | tumble | truck out |
tye | tunnel | truncheon |
tabu | turnip | tumble on |
tack | turtle | tumble to |
tail | tusked | turn back |
take | tussle | turn coat |
talk | twinge | turn down |
tame | twitch | turn into |
tamp | typify | turn over |
tang | tach up | turn tail |
tank | tail in | turn Turk |
tape | take to | twaddling |
tapu | take up | twangling |
tare | talk at | two-table |
tarp | talk up | typecheck |
tase | tallage | tyrannise |
taxi | tantivy | tyrannize |
team | tappish | tabularize |
tear | tarnish | take a bow |
teem | tatting | take a dip |
teem | tea bag | take a nap |
teem | tea-bag | take a pew |
teen | teargas | take aback |
teen | tedding | take after |
teep | telefax | take aloft |
teld | telpher | take turns |
tell | tenoned | talk dirty |
temp | tenuate | talk round |
tend | terrace | talk shite |
term | terrify | talk smack |
test | testify | talk trash |
thaw | texting | tantamount |
thay | texture | tapped out |
thew | thermal | tarmacadam |
thin | thicken | taste-test |
thud | thorned | television |
thug | thunder | tesselated |
tick | tiddled | tessellate |
tide | tighten | textualise |
tide | timebox | textualize |
tidy | tintack | thermalise |
tiff | tissued | thermalize |
tile | titrate | threadjack |
till | tobreak | thresh out |
tilt | tobrest | thryfallow |
tilt | toburst | thwartened |
time | tocking | tighten up |
tink | toenail | timeboxing |
tint | tofrush | time-limit |
tire | togrind | time-share |
tirl | tomfool | time-stamp |
toad | tonging | time-waste |
tock | tonsure | to and fro |
togo | topdeck | tolerizing |
toil | topline | tonguefuck |
toll | topspin | topicalise |
tomb | toquake | torque off |
tone | toquash | toss salad |
tong | torment | touch-type |
tonk | torpedo | tower over |
tool | torpify | track down |
toom | torrefy | track with |
toot | torrent | tralineate |
tope | torture | trampoline |
toss | toslive | transcribe |
tote | toss up | transearth |
tour | tostart | transgress |
tout | toswink | transition |
tram | toughen | transmorph |
trap | tradpub | transplant |
tray | traduce | transprint |
tray | traduct | transprose |
tray | traffic | transsexed |
trek | traipse | traumatise |
tret | traitor | trepanning |
trim | traject | trephining |
trip | tramble | triplicate |
trot | trammel | triturated |
trow | trample | trivialise |
tuck | transit | trivialize |
tuft | trapeze | trousering |
tumb | trashed | trypsinise |
tune | travail | trypsinize |
turf | travell | tubularize |
turn | treacle | tumble dry |
tush | treaded | tumble-dry |
tusk | treeify | turn heads |
twat | trellis | turn loose |
twig | tremble | turn round |
twoc | trickle | Tyndallize |
tyne | trigger | type-check |
type | trindle | take a bath |
TRUE | trinket | take a bite |
tabby | triplex | take a crap |
table | trisect | take a dive |
taint | triumph | take a dump |
tally | trolley | take a grab |
tally | trollop | take a hike |
tango | tropify | take a hint |
tappy | trouble | take a horn |
tarre | trounce | take a joke |
tarry | truckle | take a knee |
taste | truckle | take a leak |
taunt | trumpet | take a look |
tawse | trundle | take a pill |
teach | tubbing | take a risk |
teare | tuck in | take a seat |
tease | tuck in | take a shit |
teaze | tufting | take a spin |
teend | turn in | take a turn |
telex | turn on | take a wife |
tempt | turn to | take across |
temse | turn up | take action |
tense | turtled | take up for |
terve | tutting | taken aback |
tervy | tut-tut | talk around |
tetch | twaddle | talk out of |
thank | twangle | talk turkey |
thass | twankle | taste blood |
theme | twatted | taxidermize |
thing | twattle | telecloning |
think | twattle | telecommute |
think | twiddle | teleoperate |
thole | twinkle | telepathise |
thorn | telepathize | |
thort | twizzle | temporising |
thowt | twocced | texture map |
thrid | type up | Thatcherise |
throb | typeset | Thatcherize |
throw | tabulate | theorycraft |
throw | tail off | theosophise |
thumb | tailgate | theosophize |
thump | take aim | thermalised |
thunk | take air | thermalized |
thwap | talk big | think about |
thwip | talk out | tin-plating |
tight | tattling | tombstoning |
tinge | teardown | tongue kiss |
tithe | telecast | tongue-lash |
title | telecine | topdressing |
titre | telepath | topicalized |
toady | teleport | torqued off |
toast | teletype | toss a coin |
toput | televise | toss around |
torat | televize | transcoding |
torch | telework | transfigure |
total | theorise | translocate |
touch | theorize | transmutate |
tough | thin out | triangulate |
towel | thingify | tricked out |
tower | thoriate | trifle with |
tower | threaten | trilaterate |
trace | thropple | tropologize |
track | throttle | trothplight |
tract | thunking | tubthumping |
trade | thwarten | tumble down |
trail | thwittle | tumble home |
train | timeslot | Tunisianize |
tramp | tincture | turn flukes |
trape | tinplate | turn one on |
trash | titivate | turn tricks |
trawl | toboggan | turn turtle |
tread | toboggin | typesetting |
treat | tobruise | take a break |
tress | tocleave | take a flier |
trial | tolerate | take a flyer |
trice | tolerise | take a guess |
trick | tolerize | take a spill |
trike | tomahawk | take a stand |
trill | tomatoed | take a whizz |
trine | toothing | take against |
troop | topdress | take the rap |
trosh | top-post | take to task |
truck | top-rope | take to wife |
truck | torching | take too far |
truck | tosliver | take umbrage |
trump | toss off | take up with |
truss | toss out | talk down to |
trust | tosunder | talk through |
tryst | tosylate | technologize |
tszuj | totalise | teletransmit |
tubed | totalize | tergiversate |
tutor | toy with | terraforming |
twain | traffick | thumb a lift |
twang | transact | thumb a ride |
twank | transect | time-sharing |
tweag | transfer | time-stretch |
tweak | transfix | tongue punch |
tweet | tranship | topstitching |
twerk | transmit | tossed salad |
twine | transsex | tow the line |
twire | trashing | trailblazing |
twire | traverse | tranquillise |
twirl | travesty | tranquillize |
twist | treasure | transaminate |
tabbed | treebank | transanimate |
tackle | trephine | transelement |
tailor | trespass | transhipping |
tallow | tripwire | transmigrate |
tamper | trollied | transmogrify |
tanged | trot off | transrepress |
tangle | trot out | trickle down |
target | truck in | troubleshoot |
tarmac | truncate | turbocharged |
tassel | trunking | turn to dust |
tattle | trysting | take a breath |
tauten | tubthump | take a bullet |
teabag | tubulate | take a chance |
teasel | turf out | take a gamble |
teathe | turn off | take a gander |
teazle | turn out | take a number |
teepee | turn two | take a powder |
teeter | turnpike | take a run at |
teethe | turtling | take a tumble |
te-hee | twitting | take a wicket |
temper | twoccing | take the time |
tenant | two-time | take the veil |
tender | type out | take to heart |
tennis | typecast | talk the talk |
tenure | take time | tangentialize |
tether | take vows | telecommuting |
thanke | take wing | thermoforming |
thatch | talk back | throttle down |
thieve | talk cock | through-shine |
thinck | talk down | throw a curve |
thinke | talk into | tittle-tattle |
thirst | talk over | toothbrushing |
thrash | talk past | toss and turn |
thrave | talk shit | toss together |
thread | talk shop | transactivate |
threap | tantalise | transambulate |
threat | tantalize | transesterify |
threpe | tease out | transhumanize |
thresh | teaseling | transistorise |
thrift | telephone | transistorize |
thrill | telescope | transliterate |
thrive | temporise | triangularize |
throng | temporize | triphthongize |
thrust | tenderise | turn the boat |
thwack | tenderize | turn the page |
thwart | tentering | turn the tide |
thwite | terebrate | take a bead on |
thwock | terminate | take a licking |
thwonk | terraform | take a picture |
thynke | terrorise | take a stab at |
tickle | terrorize | take advantage |
tidder | tesselate | take an axe to |
tiddle | texturise | take the point |
tillow | texturize | take the reins |
tinder | thematise | take the stand |
tingle | thematize | take the stump |
tinker | thoriated | take the wheel |
tinkle | tide over | teleconference |
tinsel | tillering | tetrahedralize |
tipple | timetable | theorycrafting |
tiptoe | tin-plate | thermoregulate |
tirade | titillate | tintinnabulate |
titter | titlecase | toss a bone to |
tittup | tittivate | traditionalise |
tocher | tolerized | traditionalize |
toddle | tombstone | transactivated |
toggle | toothpick | transistorized |
Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!
Verbs That Start With T Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with T infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Also Read: Sentence Structures Worksheets
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With T
- Verbs Start With T List
- Verbs Start With T Info Graphics
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If you are interested in detailed information about types of verbs, please check out these articles.
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- Irregular verbs
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- Dynamic verbs
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- Stative verbs
- Linking Verbs
- Transitive Verbs
- Finite Verbs
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- Verbs That Start With M
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