Verbs That Start With P

What are common verbs that start with P? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with P.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with P you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more P verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter P verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With P are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the P verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with P, five letter verbs starting with P, six letter verbs starting with P, seven letter verbs starting with P, and eight letter verbs starting with P in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the P verbs.
5 Letter P verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter P verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With P: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘P.’
1. Paint
Talented artists skillfully paint on canvases, expressing emotions and stories through vibrant strokes and colors.
2. Play
Children joyfully play in the park, creating imaginative worlds and building friendships through shared adventures.
3. Participate
Active community members enthusiastically participate in events, contributing to the vibrancy and unity of the neighborhood.
4. Persist
In the face of challenges, successful individuals demonstrate the ability to persist, striving toward their goals with determination.
5. Prepare
Cooks carefully prepare ingredients, ensuring each dish is crafted with precision and flavor.
6. Plant
Gardeners lovingly plant seeds, nurturing the growth of flowers, vegetables, and trees in their gardens.
7. Publish
Authors eagerly publish their works, sharing stories and knowledge with a wider audience.
8. Protect
Parents instinctively protect their children, creating a safe and nurturing environment for their well-being.
9. Perform
Talented musicians and actors eagerly perform on stage, captivating audiences with their skills and creativity.
10. Progress
In education, students steadily progress through various levels of learning, acquiring knowledge and skills along their academic journey.
List of Verbs That Start With P
Here are verbs that start with P in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with P; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with P is for you. All these P verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
pad | parable | pluralize |
pam | parboil | poeticise |
pan | parping | pointcast |
pat | parrock | polish up |
paw | partake | politicks |
pay | partner | pollinate |
pee | pass as | pollinize |
peg | pass by | polygraph |
pen | pass on | pommelled |
pep | pattern | pooh-pooh |
pet | paynize | posseting |
pig | pectize | postcoded |
pin | peg leg | postfixed |
pip | peg out | postulate |
pip | penance | potentise |
pit | penneth | potentize |
ply | pension | pound out |
PMS | perfect | power off |
pod | perform | precisify |
poo | perfume | precooked |
pop | perfuse | precrease |
pot | perjure | predefine |
pry | permute | predicate |
pue | perplex | pre-exist |
pun | persist | prefigure |
pup | pertain | prefilter |
put | perturb | preflight |
pyx | pervade | prejudice |
pack | pervert | premaster |
pæan | pesoize | prenotify |
page | petrify | prenumber |
pain | philter | prenylate |
pair | philtre | preoccupy |
pale | phonate | preordain |
pall | phutter | preponder |
palm | physick | prescribe |
pant | picture | preselect |
pare | pig out | preshrink |
park | pile on | presorted |
parp | pile up | pressgang |
part | pillage | pre-teach |
pash | pilling | preweight |
pass | pillory | prewhiten |
pave | pioneer | priesting |
pawn | placate | privateer |
peak | plaster | privatise |
peal | plateau | privatize |
peck | play in | privilege |
peek | play on | procreate |
peel | plug in | profanate |
peep | plummet | profiteer |
peer | plunder | programme |
pell | polisht | promenade |
pelt | pollack | prone out |
pend | pollock | pronounce |
perk | pollock | proofread |
perm | pollute | propagate |
phut | ponding | propogate |
pick | pooping | prorogate |
pike | popcorn | proscribe |
pile | portend | prosecute |
pile | portray | protonate |
pimp | possess | prototype |
pine | posture | publicise |
ping | pot mod | publicize |
pink | præsume | pull away |
pipe | prætend | pull back |
piss | pranged | pull down |
pity | prattle | pulverate |
plan | praunce | pulverise |
plat | prebill | pulverize |
play | preboil | punctuate |
plea | precede | puppeteer |
plip | precept | push-bike |
plod | precess | push-poll |
plop | precise | put right |
plot | precure | pack fudge |
plow | predate | pantograph |
ploy | predict | parabolize |
plug | predoom | paralogize |
pock | predose | paraphrase |
poke | preempt | parasitise |
pole | preface | parasitize |
poll | prefixe | parturiate |
pong | preform | pasquinade |
poof | preheat | perpetrate |
pooh | prelate | perpetuate |
pool | premise | perstringe |
poop | premiss | phantasied |
poot | prepare | phantomize |
pope | prepone | photograph |
port | prepose | photolyzed |
pose | presage | physicking |
poss | present | pigeonhole |
post | preshow | pincushion |
pouf | preside | pissed off |
pour | presume | pisstaking |
pout | pretend | pixellated |
pray | pretest | plagiarise |
prey | pretext | plagiarize |
prig | pre-tin | plasticize |
prod | prevail | play fight |
prog | prevent | play games |
prop | preview | play hooky |
puff | prewarm | play house |
puke | prewarn | play pussy |
pule | prewash | playacting |
pull | prickle | pockmarked |
pulp | probate | polemicise |
pump | proceed | polemicize |
punt | process | polish off |
purl | procott | politicise |
purr | procure | politicize |
push | produce | polymerise |
putt | profane | polymerize |
putz | profect | popularise |
pyke | profess | popularize |
paean | proffer | porphyrize |
paich | profile | portcullis |
paide | program | possession |
paint | project | postmodify |
panic | prolong | potentiate |
paper | promise | pound dirt |
parch | promote | pound sand |
parle | promyse | power down |
parry | pronate | powershift |
parse | propend | praetermit |
party | propose | prævailing |
paste | prosify | prebendate |
patch | prosper | preculture |
pause | protect | predecease |
pease | protest | predispose |
pedal | prouide | preimagine |
peeve | proverb | premeasure |
perce | provide | prepackage |
perch | provoke | preplanned |
peril | provost | preprogram |
peter | publish | pre-record |
pfaff | pugging | pre-render |
phase | pull in | pressurise |
phish | pull on | pressurize |
phone | pulsate | presuppose |
piece | purport | pretreated |
piked | purpose | prioritise |
pilot | push up | prioritize |
pinch | push-up | productise |
pique | put out | promulgate |
pitch | putrefy | propitiate |
pivot | pack off | proportion |
place | pack out | prostitute |
plait | paginate | protracted |
plane | palliate | pull ahead |
plant | palm off | pull apart |
plash | paneling | pull faces |
plash | panelize | punctulate |
plate | paradrop | push under |
plead | parallel | push-start |
plink | paralyse | puzzle out |
plonk | paralyze | palatalized |
pluck | pargeted | pamphleteer |
pluff | parodise | panhandling |
plumb | parodize | parallelise |
plump | pass for | parallelize |
plunk | pass gas | parametrize |
poach | pass off | participate |
point | pass out | pass muster |
poise | password | pathologise |
ponce | patinate | peninsulate |
posit | pavilion | perambulate |
pouch | peculate | perlustrate |
pound | pedicure | perseverate |
pound | peg away | personalise |
power | peg back | personalize |
prang | peg down | personating |
prate | penalise | phosphatise |
prawn | penalize | phosphatize |
preen | perbreak | phosphorise |
press | perceave | phosphorize |
prest | perceiue | platforming |
prest | perceive | play hookey |
price | permeate | play possum |
prick | perorate | pocket dial |
pride | perspire | pontificate |
prime | persuade | prævaricate |
primp | perswade | preannounce |
petition | pre-arrange | |
prise | pettifog | precedented |
prize | piffling | precipitate |
probe | pinpoint | predominate |
proof | pinprick | preimmunize |
proul | pipeclay | preincubate |
prove | pisstake | prepackaged |
prowl | pistoned | prepopulate |
prune | plashing | preposition |
pshaw | platform | presaturate |
psych | play God | preselected |
punch | play off | prevaricate |
puppy | play out | procrastine |
purge | pleasure | proliferate |
purse | plinking | proposition |
pacify | pluck up | proselytise |
pacing | plug out | proselytize |
packet | poinding | provenanced |
paddle | polarise | pull an oar |
pamper | polarize | put paid to |
pander | politick | pack a punch |
parade | polytype | parameterise |
paraph | poohpooh | parametrized |
parcel | populate | part-finance |
pardon | portrait | patchworking |
parish | position | pettifogging |
parish | postcode | philosophise |
parlay | postdate | philosophize |
parley | postedit | phosphatized |
parody | postlude | phosphorized |
parole | postpone | photocompose |
parrot | poultice | photogravure |
partay | poundage | photoionized |
patent | power on | phototypeset |
patrol | practice | play it cool |
patter | practise | play it safe |
patter | pranking | plea-bargain |
paunch | preblend | pointcasting |
peddle | prebless | porcelainize |
peg it | preblock | pound a beat |
pellet | preboard | precondition |
pencil | preclude | predetermine |
pep up | precurse | prefabricate |
pepper | precycle | preincubated |
perish | pre-date | premasticate |
permit | pre-empt | prepackaging |
persue | prefix’d | preponderate |
peruse | prejudge | presterilize |
pester | premiere | privateering |
pestle | premixed | problematise |
phrase | prentice | problematize |
phwoar | preserve | propagandise |
physic | preshape | propagandize |
picket | preshift | pseudolisten |
pickle | pressure | pseudologise |
picnic | prestamp | pseudologize |
piddle | prettify | psychologise |
pierce | prigging | psychologize |
piffle | primping | pull a train |
pigeon | primrose | push through |
pilfer | proclaim | push-polling |
pinken | prograde | papering over |
pirate | progress | part exchange |
plague | prohibit | part-exchange |
pleace | prolapse | particularise |
pleach | prophesy | particularize |
please | propound | pedestrianise |
pledge | prospect | pettifogulize |
plough | protract | phosphorylate |
plunge | protrude | pickpocketing |
pocked | pull off | pincushioning |
pull out | play for love | |
pogrom | pultrude | play for time |
poison | puncture | play hardball |
polari | purchase | play hob with |
police | purfling | polish a turd |
polish | pushbike | postmodernise |
pommel | put over | postmodernize |
ponder | put past | preincubating |
pooped | pack away | prepolymerize |
pother | pack heat | prethermalize |
potter | palletize | problem-solve |
pounce | palpitate | procrastinate |
pounce | paperclip | prognosticate |
powder | paraglide | psychoanalyse |
praise | paragraph | pull a sickie |
preach | parascend | pull one over |
preamp | pare down | pack on pounds |
précis | parenting | Palestinianise |
precum | parishing | Palestinianize |
precut | part ways | pamphleteering |
prefer | part with | piece together |
prefix | partition | play in Peoria |
prepay | pass away | play Old Harry |
prerun | pass down | procrasturbate |
preset | passivize | procrusteanize |
pretex | patchwork | proletarianise |
pretin | pathotype | proletarianize |
prevue | patinated | propositionize |
prewet | patronise | pseudocolorize |
prieve | patronize | pull my finger |
proact | pauperise | pull one’s pud |
profit | peace out | put out a fire |
prompt | pelletise | pass one’s word |
proove | penetrate | photosynthesise |
propel | percolate | photosynthesize |
psyche | perforate | pip to the post |
pucker | persecute | play for a fool |
puling | persevere | play gooseberry |
pumice | personify | plea bargaining |
pummel | petticoat | plead the belly |
punish | phase out | plead the fifth |
pupate | phenotype | plead the Fifth |
purify | philander | pound the table |
purple | phosphate | professionalise |
pursue | photochop | professionalize |
purvey | photochop | pseudoreplicate |
puzzle | photocopy | push up daisies |
pack in | photostat | put out feelers |
pack on | piece out | pardon my French |
pack up | ping-pong | play hard to get |
package | pin-point | play it straight |
padlock | pitchfork | play Nostradamus |
paid up | play nice | polish the pearl |
paid-up | play safe | polyubiquitinate |
palaver | pleaching | polyubiquitylate |
palpate | plug away | propositionalize |
palsied | plunge in | put pen to paper |
pancake | pluralise | photosynthesizing |
paneled |
Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!
Verbs That Start With P Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with P infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With P
- Verbs Start With P List
- Verbs Start With P Info Graphics
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If you are interested in detailed information about types of verbs, please check out these articles.
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- Dynamic verbs
- Auxiliary verbs
- Stative verbs
- Linking Verbs
- Transitive Verbs
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- Verbs That Start With D
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- Verbs That Start With H
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- Verbs That Start With J
- Verbs That Start With K
- Verbs That Start With L
- Verbs That Start With M
- Verbs That Start With N
- Verbs That Start With O
- Verbs That Start With P
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