Verbs That Start With K

What are common verbs that start with K? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with K.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with K you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more K verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter K verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With K are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the K verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with K, five letter verbs starting with K, six letter verbs starting with K, seven letter verbs starting with K, and eight letter verbs starting with K in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the K verbs.
5 Letter K verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter K verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
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Verbs That Start With K: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘K.’
1. Kick
Soccer players showcase their skills as they expertly kick the ball towards the goal, aiming for a perfect shot.
2. Knead
Bakers carefully knead the dough, ensuring it reaches the perfect consistency for fluffy and delicious bread.
3. Keep
Gardeners diligently keep their plants hydrated, understanding the importance of regular watering.
4. Kindle
Readers eagerly kindle their love for literature by exploring diverse genres and discovering new authors.
5. Knock
Before entering, it’s polite to knock on the door to announce your presence and respect others’ privacy.
6. Know
Teachers strive to help students know and understand complex subjects through effective teaching methods.
7. Kiss
As a sign of affection, couples often exchange a loving kiss, expressing their feelings for each other.
8. Knot
Sailors skillfully knot ropes to secure sails, ensuring a safe and smooth journey on the open sea.
9. Key
Parents often play a key role in shaping their children’s values and beliefs through guidance and support.
10. Keep
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires individuals to keep a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise.
List of Verbs That Start With K
Here are verbs that start with K in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with K; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with K is for you. All these K verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
key | kick it | keep around |
kid | kick up | keep out of |
kin | kickban | keep schtum |
kip | kickbox | keep wicket |
kip | kilting | kick around |
kit | kirtled | kitesurfing |
kno | kiss up | knock about |
kart | kiss-up | knock boots |
kayo | kit out | knock under |
keak | kitbash | know better |
keck | knacker | knuckleball |
keek | knagged | knucklewalk |
keel | kneecap | kaleidoscope |
keel | kniving | keep company |
keen | knobble | keep in mind |
keen | know of | keep in mine |
keep | knuckle | keep in with |
kemb | kurbash | keep it real |
kemp | kyanise | keep tabs on |
kepe | kyanize | keep up with |
kerb | kyoodle | kick oneself |
kerf | kything | kick up dust |
kern | kafirize | kidney punch |
kick | kamikaze | kill oneself |
kick | kangaroo | kiss goodbye |
kife | kanoodle | kiss the rod |
kill | karstify | kite jumping |
kiln | kayaking | kneel before |
kilt | kayfabed | knit yoghurt |
kilt | keelhale | knock around |
king | keelhaul | knock it off |
kink | keep fit | know someone |
kink | keep mum | knuckle down |
kipe | keep off | keep a lid on |
kiss | keep out | keep straight |
KISS | kerchief | keep the baby |
kist | kerplunk | keep together |
kist | kettling | kick the beam |
kite | key down | kick to touch |
klap | key into | kick upstairs |
knaa | keyboard | kiss and tell |
knab | keyframe | knit together |
knag | keypunch | knock on wood |
knap | keystone | knock one out |
knaw | kick ass | knuckle under |
knaw | kick off | keep a lookout |
knee | kick out | keep an eye on |
knit | kickflip | keep away from |
knob | kicksled | keep the faith |
knot | kidproof | keep the peace |
know | kill off | kick the habit |
kohl | killfile | kick the tires |
konk | king hit | kick the tyres |
kool | kink out | kick up a fuss |
kris | kip down | kleptoparasite |
kyke | kiss ass | knock together |
kyth | kiss off | know backwards |
kabob | kitemark | know no bounds |
kaiak | kitesurf | know the score |
kayak | kittling | keep an eye out |
kazoo | klatawaw | keep one’s cool |
kebab | knapsack | keep one’s head |
kebob | knobbled | keep to oneself |
kedge | knock on | kick at the can |
keeho | knock up | kick into touch |
keepe | knouting | kick some tires |
keeve | knurling | kick the bucket |
kegel | konk out | kick the wheels |
kerve | Koranize | know inside out |
ketch | kourbash | know one’s mind |
ketch | kreasote | know one’s shit |
kipsy | kreosote | keep a cool head |
kithe | kruppize | keep an eye open |
kiver | kumbayah | keep it together |
ki-yi | kalsomine | keep on truckin’ |
kline | kanbanize | keep on trucking |
kluge | kaolinise | keep one’s peace |
knack | kaolinize | kick like a mule |
knead | karyotype | kick one’s heels |
kneel | keel haul | kick to the curb |
knell | keel over | kiss and make up |
knick | keep away | kleptoparasiting |
knife | keep back | kleptoparasitize |
knive | keep cave | knit one’s brows |
knock | keep down | knock for a loop |
knoll | keep from | know beans about |
knoll | keep pace | know like a book |
knout | keep term | know one’s stuff |
knowe | Kenyanize | know what’s what |
knurl | kerfuffle | keep one’s eye in |
kodak | kernelise | kid on the square |
Kondo | kernelize | knock on the head |
kotow | kersplode | knock oneself out |
kraal | keyholing | know one’s onions |
krige | keystroke | know someone when |
kvell | kibitzing | know what is what |
kyarn | kick arse | keep a close watch |
kythe | kick back | keep a low profile |
kaizen | kick butt | keep an eye peeled |
karate | kick down | keep on keeping on |
kasher | kickstart | keep one’s chin up |
kaypoh | kick-step | keep one’s counsel |
keckle | kid-glove | keep one’s hair on |
keloid | kill time | keep one’s hand in |
kennel | kinescope | kill the messenger |
kerbed | kiss arse | kill with kindness |
kerned | kite jump | kiss someone’s ass |
kettle | kiteboard | kiss someone’s hem |
key in | klaxoning | keep a civil tongue |
key up | knackered | keep one’s pants on |
kibble | kneeboard | keep one’s shirt on |
kibitz | knick off | keep someone on ice |
kibosh | knock off | keep someone posted |
kiboze | knock out | keep up appearances |
kidnap | knockdown | kick up one’s heels |
kindle | knowleche | kill one’s darlings |
kindle | knowledge | kiss someone’s ring |
kinkle | kosherize | knit one’s eyebrows |
kipper | Kuwaitise | knock the persimmon |
kirtle | Kuwaitize | know in one’s bones |
kissle | kvetching | know inside and out |
kitten | keep faith | know one’s own mind |
kittle | keep going | know what’s o’clock |
kittle | keep house | keep one’s head down |
klaxon | keep it up | keep one’s pecker up |
kludge | keep quiet | keep someone company |
knight | keep score | keep the pot boiling |
kosher | keep shady | kick over the traces |
kowtow | keep shtum | kill the fatted calf |
kreese | keep track | knock out of the box |
kvetch | keep under | know which end is up |
kvitch | keep watch | know which way is up |
kybosh | keratinise | keep one’s mouth shut |
kanjify | keratinize | keep one’s nose clean |
karaoke | kerb crawl | keep one’s powder dry |
kayfabe | kick start | keep the ball rolling |
keep at | kick-start | knock some sense into |
keep in | kid around | know one’s way around |
keep on | kill steal | know where one stands |
keep to | kiss up to | keep it in one’s pants |
keep up | knauvshawl | keep one on one’s toes |
keister | knawvshawl | keep one’s eyes peeled |
kerbing | kneel down | keep one’s lips sealed |
kerblam | knifecrime | keep one’s own counsel |
kerfing | knock back | keep to one’s knitting |
kerning | knock down | kiss one’s ass goodbye |
kerrang | knock over | know shit from Shinola |
ketchup | knock wood | know someone from Adam |
key off | knocked up | know what one is about |
keyhole | kryptonate | know what one is doing |
keynote | kum ba yah | keep a weather eye open |
keyseat | Kuwaitised | keep one’s options open |
keyword | keelhauling | kick against the pricks |
kibbitz | keep across | kick ass and take names |
kick in |
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Verbs That Start With K Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with K infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With K
- Verbs Start With K List
- Verbs Start With K Info Graphics
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If you are interested in detailed information about types of verbs, please check out these articles.
- Regular verbs
- Irregular verbs
- Modal verbs
- Dynamic verbs
- Auxiliary verbs
- Stative verbs
- Linking Verbs
- Transitive Verbs
- Finite Verbs
- Infinitive Verbs
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- Causative verbs
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- Verbs That Start With J
- Verbs That Start With K
- Verbs That Start With L
- Verbs That Start With M
- Verbs That Start With N
- Verbs That Start With O
- Verbs That Start With P
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