Verbs That Start With F

What are common verbs that start with F? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of verbs starting with F.
As you expect the latest publication from your favorite author, do you ever wonder how many new vocabulary verbs that start with F you’ll learn from? The more you read, the more F verbs you’ll learn.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter F verbs vocabulary.
Verbs That Start With F are for students at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Here is a range of the F verbs that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets and Parts of Speech Worksheets!
Here are four letter verbs starting with F, five letter verbs starting with F, six letter verbs starting with F, seven letter verbs starting with F, and eight letter verbs starting with F in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the F verbs.
5 Letter F verb lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter F verb collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Verbs That Start With F: Example Sentences
Here is a list of example sentences featuring verbs that start with ‘F.’
1. Flourish
In the fertile soil of the garden, vibrant flowers began to flourish, adding a burst of color to the landscape.
2. Forge
The skilled blacksmith used the roaring furnace to carefully forge a gleaming sword, a work of art and functionality.
3. Frolic
Children giggled and played, their laughter echoing as they continued to frolic in the sunlit meadow.
4. Fascinate
The intricate details of the ancient manuscript never failed to fascinate historians, offering a glimpse into a bygone era.
5. Flicker
As the campfire burned low, the flames began to flicker, casting dancing shadows on the surrounding trees.
6. Fulfill
With determination in his eyes, he set out to fulfill his lifelong dream of climbing the towering mountain peak.
7. Fluctuate
Stock prices can fluctuate dramatically, influenced by various economic factors and market conditions.
8. Foster
The organization worked tirelessly to foster a sense of community and support among its members.
9. Fabricate
Using scraps of metal and ingenuity, the inventor managed to fabricate a makeshift shelter in the wilderness.
10. Flee
When the storm clouds gathered on the horizon, birds took to the sky to flee from the impending rain.
List of Verbs That Start With F
Here are verbs that start with F in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely verbs that start with F; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 900 verbs that start with F is for you. All these F verbs are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
fag | feature | file down |
fan | feed up | file past |
fap | fellate | file with |
fat | ferment | filigreed |
fax | festoon | filter up |
fay | fibrose | finagling |
fee | file in | find work |
fet | filiate | fine-tune |
fib | filmise | fingertip |
fig | filmize | finish up |
fin | filmset | Finnicise |
fit | filsten | Finnicize |
fix | filthen | firebathe |
fob | finance | fireproof |
fog | finesse | fishplate |
fox | fire up | fissurate |
fry | firm up | fisticuff |
fub | fishin’ | five-star |
fug | fission | flag down |
fum | fissure | flagitate |
fur | fisting | flat-pick |
face | flacker | fletching |
fack | flag up | fling out |
fade | flaneur | flip flop |
faff | flanker | flip over |
fail | flannel | flip shit |
fake | flatten | flip-flap |
fall | flavour | flip-flop |
fand | flawter | Floridize |
fard | flicker | fluctuate |
fare | flinder | flunk out |
farm | flounce | fluoresce |
fart | flub up | flurrying |
fash | flummox | flush out |
fast | fluster | flustrate |
fave | flutter | foddering |
fawn | flyblow | folded up |
faze | flypost | foolproof |
fear | fly-tip | foot trip |
feat | foliate | foot-slog |
feck | fookin’ | force out |
feel | foolify | forcleave |
fend | fooster | foreclaim |
ferk | foot it | foreclose |
fete | foot up | forecount |
feud | forbear | foredream |
file | forcast | forefixed |
fill | forclem | forefront |
film | forearm | foreorder |
find | forecry | foreprize |
fine | forecut | forereach |
fink | forefix | foreready |
fire | forepay | forestall |
firk | forerun | forestudy |
firm | foresay | foreswear |
fish | foresee | foretaken |
fisk | forfeit | foretaste |
fiss | forfend | foreteach |
fist | forgive | forethink |
fizz | forhill | foretoken |
flag | forhold | foretrust |
flam | forhush | forhunger |
flap | forlead | fork over |
flaw | forleet | forlesing |
flay | forlend | formalise |
flea | forlese | formalize |
flee | forlive | formulate |
flex | forlong | formulise |
flip | forlorn | formulize |
flit | formake | formylate |
flog | formate | fornicate |
flop | forpass | forseethe |
flow | forpine | forthdraw |
flox | forsake | forthfare |
flub | forseek | forthfill |
foal | forthgo | forthgive |
foam | fortify | forthirst |
foil | forward | forthlead |
fold | forwerp | forthleap |
fond | forwork | forthlook |
fool | forwrap | forthpass |
foot | fossick | forthrist |
ford | founder | forthsend |
fork | foveate | forthshow |
form | fowling | forthtell |
foul | foxhunt | forthyete |
fowl | foxtrot | fortravel |
frag | fraught | forwither |
frak | fraynen | forwonder |
frap | frazzle | fossilate |
fray | freaken | fossilify |
free | freckle | fossilise |
fret | freight | fossilize |
frig | freshen | fragilize |
frit | fribble | fragrance |
frug | frisbee | franchise |
fucc | fritter | freak out |
fuck | frizzle | freeclimb |
fuel | frocked | freecycle |
fuff | frogger | free-fall |
full | frolick | free-hand |
fume | fruiten | freelance |
fund | fuck up | free-roam |
funk | fuel up | freewheel |
furl | fulfill | freewrite |
fuse | fullfed | freeze up |
fuss | fulmine | frescoing |
fust | furbish | fricassee |
fute | furnace | frogmarch |
futz | furnish | frontload |
fuze | fursuit | frostbite |
fuzz | fabulate | fructuate |
fable | fabulise | frustrate |
fadge | fabulize | fuck over |
fagot | face off | fuck with |
faint | facelift | fulgurate |
fancy | fagoting | fullfreme |
farce | fair off | fulminate |
farse | falchion | fundraise |
fatwa | fall due | fursuited |
fauch | famulate | face up to |
fault | farewell | facilitate |
favor | farspeak | fact check |
fayne | fartarse | fact-check |
feast | fasciate | faff about |
FedEx | fastpack | falchioned |
feign | favorize | fall about |
feine | favour’d | fall apart |
feint | federate | fall below |
felch | feebling | fanaticise |
fence | feed off | fanaticize |
ferry | felching | fart about |
fetch | femalize | fast track |
field | feminise | fast-track |
fight | feminize | featherbed |
filch | fend off | federalize |
filst | fenerate | felicitate |
finde | fetch up | femininize |
flack | file off | feminizing |
flail | file out | fenestrate |
flake | filetype | fermentate |
flame | filthify | fermionize |
flank | finalise | fetch away |
flare | finalize | fianchetto |
flash | find out | field-test |
flick | finedraw | fight back |
flimp | finetune | filibuster |
fling | finitise | filter out |
flint | finitize | find fault |
flipe | fink out | finish off |
flirt | fire off | fissioning |
float | fire out | flabergast |
flock | firebomb | flabrigast |
flong | firehose | flagellate |
flood | firewall | flittering |
floor | fishtail | flocculate |
floss | flaccify | floodlight |
flout | flatline | fluoridate |
fluff | flatpick | fluoridise |
fluke | flatting | force-feed |
flump | fleeting | forechoose |
flunk | flensing | foredamned |
flurt | flighted | foredesign |
flush | flinting | foregather |
flute | flip off | foremonish |
flyer | flip out | foreordain |
focus | flipflop | forereckon |
folio | flourish | foreshadow |
folwe | flyering | forlighten |
force | fœderate | forthdrawn |
forge | footling | forthglide |
forgo | footnote | forthgoing |
frail | forcarve | forthspeak |
frain | force in | forworship |
frame | forcling | forwrought |
frank | forclose | fossicking |
freak | forcover | four-flush |
freck | forcremp | fraternise |
frill | forcurse | fraternize |
frine | forebear | freeze out |
frisk | forecast | freeze-dry |
frist | foredamn | freshen up |
fritz | foredate | frog-march |
frizz | foredeal | frontolyze |
frock | foredeem | frostproof |
front | foredoom | fuck about |
frore | foredraw | fuck round |
frosh | forefeel | funeralize |
frost | forefend | fursuiting |
froth | foreflow | faff around |
frown | forefoot | fall around |
fruit | foreform | fall asleep |
fudge | foregive | fall behind |
fux0r | foremind | familiarise |
factor | foremove | familiarize |
faffle | foreplan | fanny about |
faggot | foreplay | fart around |
falcon | foreread | fastpacking |
fallow | foresaid | feather-bed |
falsen | foresave | feed out of |
falter | forestay | fenestrated |
famish | foretake | field dress |
famous | foretell | field strip |
fanboy | foretest | fight dirty |
fanged | foretype | fight fires |
fansub | forewarn | filmsetting |
fardel | forjudge | filter down |
farrow | fork off | fingerspell |
farsee | fork out | finish with |
fasten | forklift | firebombing |
father | forleave | flatpicking |
fathom | formated | flatten out |
fatten | forncast | fletcherize |
fatwah | forscald | focus-group |
favour | forsench | foredeclare |
fawnch | forshake | foredestine |
feeble | forshame | foredispose |
felted | forshape | forefeeling |
fender | forswear | forensicate |
ferret | forthcut | foreprepare |
fester | forthfet | forepromise |
fetter | forthink | foreshorten |
fettle | forthnim | forestretch |
fewter | forthput | forthfaring |
fiance | forthrow | fractionate |
fiddle | forthset | fragmentise |
fidget | forthwax | fragmentize |
figger | fortread | freebooting |
figgle | fortress | free-handed |
figure | forwhore | freewriting |
fillet | forworth | freeze over |
filter | forwound | freezeframe |
filthy | foryield | freezeproof |
fineer | fountain | friend zone |
finger | fracture | fuck around |
finish | fragging | fucosylated |
firtle | fragment | futureproof |
fisted | fraining | factionalise |
fixate | freeball | factionalize |
fizzle | freebase | fall back on |
flambe | freeboob | fall down on |
flange | freeboot | fanny around |
flaunt | freeload | fantasticate |
fleche | free-mix | fast-forward |
flèche | frenched | feather-dust |
fledge | frequent | fibrillating |
fleece | frescoed | fight it out |
flense | frighten | fight shy of |
fletch | fristing | find oneself |
flinch | frost up | find the net |
flower | fructify | flabberghast |
fluked | fruit up | flip a bitch |
flurry | fuck off | flip burgers |
flusht | fuddling | flog the log |
fodder | fullfeed | foreconceive |
follow | fumigate | foreconsider |
foment | function | foreordinate |
fondle | funerate | foreposition |
fondue | furbelow | foreprepared |
foozle | futurise | foretokening |
forage | futurize | forthdrawing |
forbid | fabricate | Frankenstein |
forbuy | face away | freeclimbing |
forc’t | face down | free-roaming |
forcut | face fuck | freeze frame |
foredo | face palm | freeze-frame |
forego | face-palm | fuck the dog |
forest | facsimile | future proof |
forget | factcheck | future-proof |
forhow | factor in | featherstitch |
forirk | factorise | fingerpicking |
forlat | factorize | fire in anger |
forlay | falconing | flip the bird |
forlet | fall away | foreconstruct |
forlie | fall back | foredetermine |
format | fall down | foregathering |
forray | fall flat | forereckoning |
forsay | falsecard | forthspeaking |
forsee | falsening | free-climbing |
forset | fan dance | fuddle-duddle |
foster | fantasied | face the facts |
fratch | fantasise | face the music |
freeze | fantasize | fall aboard of |
frenzy | fart-arse | fall back upon |
fresco | fasciated | fan the flames |
fridge | fascinate | featherbedding |
friend | fast rope | feed the meter |
fringe | fasten up | feed the troll |
frivol | fast-talk | fend and prove |
frolic | fatten up | fight the tape |
frowst | favourise | flip one’s lid |
fuddle | favourite | flip one’s wig |
fulfil | favourize | flock together |
fumble | fawn over | foreconceiving |
funnel | feed into | foreconsidered |
furrow | feminized | foredetermined |
furtle | fend away | forisfamiliate |
futter | feng shui | fuck and chuck |
fabling | Fennicise | feed one’s face |
face up | Fennicize | feed the dragon |
factify | ferhoodle | feed the flames |
fafiate | ferrotype | fetch a compass |
fag out | fertilise | fetch and carry |
fair up | fertilize | fight in armour |
falsify | festinate | find one’s feet |
famisht | fetichise | fine-tooth comb |
fan out | fetichize | flap one’s gums |
fantasy | fetishise | flip the script |
farcify | fetishize | fudge the issue |
farding | fight off | fend for oneself |
farrier | fight out | find one’s voice |
fashion | fight shy | flog the dolphin |
fatigue | file away | floccinaucinihilipilificate |
feather |
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Verbs That Start With F Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The verbs that start with F infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Verbs Start With F
- Verbs Start With F List
- Verbs Start With F Info Graphics
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