Common Nouns in English with Example Sentences

In this piece of writing, I am going to explain Common nouns in English with Example Sentences. A common noun is one of the eight types of noun. The other seven types of noun are Concrete Nouns, Abstract Nouns, Proper Nouns, Countable Nouns, Uncountable Nouns, Collective Nouns, and Compound Nouns.
Many common nouns are used throughout the English language, and learning as much as possible is vital to creating more precise and natural-sounding sentences.
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This section will present an extensive list of common nouns often used in written and spoken English.
What is a Noun?
One of the easiest explanations for understanding the meaning of a noun is that it is a word used for the person, object, place, idea, event, quality, quantity, and substance. A noun is one of the nine parts of speech. The other eight are pronouns, interjections, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and adverbs.
You can find here an interesting article: Adjectives That Start With G
What are Common Nouns in English?
Common Nouns Definition: The common noun is the name of a regular thing, place, or person. Common nouns are not capitalized the first letter.
Also read: What is a Noun in English Grammar?
What is a common nouns list and how do you use them to improve your English writing and speaking? These are the questions you’ll get the answers to in this detailed article.
Full List of Common Nouns
There are about 80000 to 150000 nouns that are part of the English language. They are divided into noun categories according to how each type of noun is used. There are about 1000 essential common nouns in English.
Age | Mobile |
Art | Moment |
Bad | Monkey |
Bed | Mother |
Bit | Napkin |
Box | Nature |
Boy | Needle |
Bus | Number |
Car | Office |
Day | Orange |
Dog | Oxygen |
Egg | Oyster |
End | Parrot |
Eye | Pencil |
Fun | People |
Gas | Period |
Ice | Person |
Job | Pillow |
Key | Planet |
Lab | Player |
Law | Potato |
Leg | Profit |
Mud | Reason |
Oil | Record |
Pen | Result |
Son | Rocket |
Sun | Russia |
Tea | Safety |
Top | Sample |
Toy | School |
Two | Screen |
Van | Shapes |
War | Singer |
Way | Sister |
Yak | Snacks |
Zoo | Soccer |
Area | Source |
Army | Sports |
Aunt | Square |
Back | Street |
Ball | Stress |
Bird | Studio |
Body | Sweden |
Book | System |
Bulb | Tennis |
Card | Thanks |
Care | Theory |
Cash | Throat |
City | Tomato |
Date | Uganda |
Desk | Wealth |
Dirt | Window |
Disk | Worker |
Door | Ability |
Face | Address |
Fact | Airport |
Farm | Article |
Film | Balloon |
Fire | Battery |
Fish | Bedroom |
Flag | Belgium |
Food | Benefit |
Foot | Biscuit |
Form | Brother |
Game | Caravan |
Gene | Cartoon |
Gift | Charity |
Girl | Chicken |
Gold | Clothes |
Hair | College |
Half | Company |
Hand | Concept |
Heat | Contact |
Hill | Context |
Idea | Council |
Iron | Country |
Kind | Courage |
King | Culture |
Kite | Denmark |
Lamp | Diamond |
Land | Disease |
Life | Drawing |
Lion | Emotion |
Lock | England |
Loss | Evening |
Love | Example |
Mall | Factory |
Meal | Failure |
Meat | Feature |
Menu | Finding |
Nail | Finland |
Name | Flowers |
Nest | Fortune |
News | Freedom |
Page | Garbage |
Park | Hearing |
Part | Holiday |
Pond | Jewelry |
Post | Kitchen |
Rain | Leather |
Rate | Library |
Ring | Lighter |
Road | Machine |
Rock | Meaning |
Role | Message |
Room | Mixture |
Rope | Month |
Rose | Morning |
Rule | Network |
Sale | Nigeria |
Ship | Opinion |
Shoe | Outside |
Shop | Painter |
Side | Passion |
Site | Payment |
Size | Penalty |
Skin | Picture |
Soil | Plastic |
Song | Process |
Sort | Product |
Soup | Rainbow |
Tale | Reality |
Taxi | Revenue |
Team | Science |
Tent | Scooter |
Term | Service |
Time | Setting |
Tool | Shampoo |
Town | Speaker |
Type | Student |
Vase | Subject |
View | Teacher |
Wall | Tractor |
Week | Traffic |
Wife | Variety |
Wind | Vehicle |
Wire | Version |
Wood | Vulture |
Word | Weather |
Work | Wedding |
Year | Writing |
Actor | Accident |
Adult | Audience |
Apple | Bathroom |
Basis | Business |
Beach | Computer |
Beard | Customer |
Blood | Database |
Board | Daughter |
Bonus | Delivery |
Bunch | Eggplant |
Buyer | Elephant |
Cause | Elevator |
Chest | Emphasis |
Child | Employee |
China | Employer |
Class | Football |
color | Fountain |
Craft | Hospital |
Crowd | Hydrogen |
Cycle | Industry |
Dates | Instance |
Death | Interest |
Dream | Kangaroo |
Dress | Location |
Earth | Magazine |
Egypt | Magician |
Entry | Marriage |
Error | Material |
Event | Midnight |
Floor | Mountain |
Focus | Notebook |
Frame | Number |
Fruit | Painting |
Ghost | Platform |
Glass | Portugal |
Grass | Position |
Group | Pressure |
Honey | Priority |
Horse | Proposal |
House | Quantity |
Image | Raincoat |
Issue | Relation |
Jelly | Republic |
Juice | Resource |
Knife | Response |
Level | Sandwich |
Lunch | Software |
Match | Standard |
Metal | Strategy |
Money | Thailand |
Month | Umbrella |
Movie | Adjective |
Night | Advantage |
Ocean | Afternoon |
Owner | Agreement |
Paint | Ambulance |
Party | Apartment |
Piano | Australia |
Pizza | Awareness |
Place | Breakfast |
Plant | Candidate |
Price | Childhood |
Queen | Chocolate |
Quill | Cigarette |
River | Committee |
Scene | Condition |
Sense | Confusion |
Shape | Continent |
Share | Direction |
Sound | Equipment |
Space | Furniture |
Spoon | Hamburger |
Sport | Inspector |
State | Insurance |
Stock | Jewellery |
Stone | Newspaper |
Store | Operation |
Story | Pollution |
Sugar | Procedure |
Table | Professor |
Thing | Promotion |
Topic | Secretary |
Trade | Situation |
Train | Statement |
Truck | Telephone |
Truth | Variation |
Union | Vegetable |
Value | Waterfall |
Video | Xylophone |
Voice | Yesterday |
Water | Appearance |
Whale | Assignment |
Woman | Assistance |
Women | Assumption |
Yacht | Atmosphere |
Zebra | Chocolates |
Access | Definition |
Action | Dictionary |
Advice | Difficulty |
Agency | Discipline |
Amount | Discussion |
Animal | Efficiency |
Answer | Employment |
Banana | Enthusiasm |
Bottom | Experience |
Branch | Expression |
Camera | Friendship |
Cancer | Girlfriend |
Candle | Government |
Carpet | Helicopter |
Church | Importance |
Client | Impression |
Coffee | Inspection |
Colony | Leadership |
Colors | Literature |
Course | Manchester |
Cousin | Membership |
Crayon | Microphone |
Demand | Motorcycle |
Dinner | Percentage |
Doctor | Permission |
Drawer | Population |
Easter | Preference |
Editor | Profession |
Effort | Protection |
Energy | Psychology |
Engine | Reflection |
Extent | Restaurant |
Family | Technology |
Farmer | Television |
Father | Toothbrush |
Figure | Advertising |
Flight | Appointment |
Flower | Competition |
Forest | Description |
France | Electricity |
Fridge | Environment |
Friend | Information |
Fruits | Instruction |
Future | Interaction |
Garage | Maintenance |
Garden | Measurement |
Greece | Negotiation |
Guitar | Opportunity |
Health | Performance |
Height | Personality |
Helmet | Perspective |
Injury | Possibility |
Insect | Preparation |
Inside | Recognition |
Island | Temperature |
Jackal | Championship |
Jordan | Construction |
Laptop | Contribution |
Lawyer | Distribution |
Leader | Introduction |
Leaves | Organization |
Length | Refrigerator |
Letter | Significance |
Lizard | Advertisement |
London | Communication |
Market | Establishment |
Matter | Administration |
Medium | Responsibility |
Method | Yesterday |
Mirror |
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Examples of Common Nouns
In the following example sentences, common nouns are highlighted in italics/Bold. While reading, think about whenever using different common nouns.
- Penelope is a fantastic player.
- Sydney Sixers is the team she plays for.
- She was not born in this country.
- New York is the city she lives in.
- She is a woman of dreams.
- She plays football with intensity.
- Benjamin is his mentor.
- The girl walked down the road.
- The train pulled up to the station.
- They landed at the airport.
- I went to my friend’s house.
- Their religion was important to him.
- They rode the buggy to school.
- We sang at the concert.
- The man danced in the street.
- She has a house across the bridge.
- We go for a walk by the river every day.
- We talk about movies and celebrities.
- She is a fan of Hugh Jackman and the movie Wolverine.
- She has a dog named Jack.
- She has a bike and a car also.
- The computer I just bought is excellent.
- She broke the plate I gave her to put on the table.
- She washed all the pillows in the room.
- She accidentally broke my favorite glass.
- He added new books to the library.
- I have never seen my father.
- Tomorrow we will go swimming with my cousin.
- My brother was promoted today.
- The baseball player threw the ball.
Common Nouns Exercise
These exercises will help you understand the common nouns in sentences. To complete each sentence, choose the best answer.
- He is an __________.
- He likes fresh __________.
- He knows this __________ pretty well.
- The baby was asleep in her __________.
- He is afraid of __________.
- I like watching __________.
- You should take care of your __________.
- He is in love with __________.
- He bought new __________.
- He is the tallest __________ in our __________.
- He has two __________.
- I don’t like __________.
- Whose __________ is that?
- Does he live in the __________?
- The __________ struck four.
- He works in a __________.
- How many __________ do you have?
- There are seven __________ in the world.
- It is a beautiful __________.
- My __________ is very old now.
Common Nouns Solved Exercise:
- He is an actor.
- He likes fresh air.
- He knows this area pretty well.
- The baby was asleep in her cradle.
- He is afraid of bears.
- I like watching birds.
- You should take care of your body.
- He is in love with books.
- He bought new boots.
- He is the tallest boy in our class.
- He has two cars.
- I don’t like cats.
- Whose child is that?
- Does he live in the city?
- The clock struck four.
- He works in a company.
- How many computers do you have?
- There are seven continents in the world.
- It is a beautiful country.
- My grandfather is very old now.
Common Nouns InfoGraphics
Here are some printable infographics about list of common nouns. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The list of common nouns infographics can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.




My Considerations
With this set of common nouns, you will quickly determine whether you are making the most effective use of the nouns and how they could be used to enhance your English writing skills.
Since the nouns are the main part of English Grammar, the importance of developing English learning skills cannot be undervalued without common nouns.
You can read the above example sentences about common nouns to improve your understanding of English grammar.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but common rules for using common nouns with example sentences, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of common nouns, handy for your kids in the future to improve English vocabulary.
If you enjoyed a printable infographic about common nouns, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!
Also read: G Adjectives to Describe a Person
Recap of what we just learned
- Common nouns in English with Useful Examples
- What is a Noun?
- What are Common nouns?
- Common Examples
- List of Common nouns
- Example Sentences of Common Nouns in English
- Common Exercise
- Common Solved Exercise
- Common InfoGraphics
- Common Quiz
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Also read: Positive Words That Start With G
Common Nouns Quiz
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- Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Z Adjectives to Describe a Person