Prepositions of Movement in English with Useful Examples


In this piece of writing, I am going to explain Prepositions of Movement in English with Useful Examples. A prepositions of movement is one of the five types of preposition. The other four types of preposition are prepositions of time, prepositions of movement, prepositions for the agent, and prepositional phrases.

Many prepositions of movement are used throughout the English language, and it’s vital to learn as much as possible to create more precise and natural-sounding sentences.

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This section will present an extensive list of prepositions of movement often used in written and spoken English.

What is a Preposition?

Prepositions indicate how something is related to or interrelates with the other. For example, “The girls go to school in groups.” The preposition in the sentence is to. Prepositions indicate the location of something about another thing.

A prepositions is one of the nine parts of speech. The other eight are pronounsinterjections, verbs, adjectivesnouns, articlesconjunctions, and adverb.

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What are prepositions of movement in English?

Prepositions of movement are used to show movement from one place to another. These prepositions are often used with verbs of motion and are found after the verb.

Also read: What is a Preposition in English Grammar?

What is a preposition list and how do you use them to improve your English writing and speaking? These are the questions you’ll get the answers to in this detailed article.

Full List of Prepositions of Movement

There are about 200 prepositions that are part of the English language. They are divided into preposition categories according to how each type of preposition is used. There are about 32 common prepositions of movement in English.

Some of these prepositions of movement could be used in multiple categories of prepositions, according to their use. Some prepositions can be classified into other types of speech also, especially adverbs and conjunctions.

AboveIn between
AheadOff of
Along withOnto
AmidOut of
Away fromRound
By means ofUnder
Further toVia

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Examples of Prepositions of Movement

In the following example sentences, prepositions of movement are highlighted in italics. While reading, think about whenever using different prepositions of movement.

  1. We’re going to school in the car, okay?
  2. He walked over to the window.
  3. They received another invitation to a wedding this evening.
  4. He stood up and walked towards her.
  5. He kept glancing towards the phone.
  6. I walked backwards towards the lawn.
  7. We walked slowly through the trees.
  8. She struggled through the crowd till he reached the front.
  9. Let’s go into the park.
  10. Stop running around and get into bed!
  11. He walked across the road.
  12. We’re building a new bridge across the river.
  13. Drones dropped leaflets over the town.
  14. I put a shawl over my shoulders.
  15. They walked along the beach, collecting small crabs in a bucket.
  16. Buses were parked all along the road.
  17. Get on the bus.
  18. Mother stepped into the batter’s box.
  19. Her suitcase is on top of the wardrobe.
  20. We live in that old house on the hill.

Prepositions of Movement Exercise

These exercises will help you understand the prepositions of movement in sentences. To complete each sentence, choose the best answer.

  1. Amelia turned her back ________ the audience.
  2. She looked straight ________ his eyes.
  3. He pushed his face ________ her.
  4. We rode ________ narrow country lanes.
  5. They went for a walk ________ the beach at twilight.
  6. The girls swam ________ the lake.
  7. The bus skidded sideways ________ the road.
  8. Many people travel ________ work by bike.
  9. She swerved and crashed ________ the fence.
  10. David strolled ________ the woods.

Answer Key:

  1. Amelia turned her back to the audience.
  2. She looked straight into his eyes.
  3. He pushed his face towards her.
  4. We rode along narrow country lanes.
  5. They went for a walk along the beach at twilight.
  6. The girls swam across the lake.
  7. The bus skidded sideways across the road.
  8. Many people travel to work by bike.
  9. She swerved and crashed into the fence.
  10. David strolled through the woods.

Prepositions of Movement InfoGraphics

Here are some printable infographics about list of prepositions of movement. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The list of prepositions of movement infographics can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

My Considerations

With this set of List of Prepositions of movement, you will quickly determine whether you are making the most effective use of the prepositions and how they could be used to enhance your English writing skills.

Since the prepositions are the main part of English Grammar, the importance of developing English learning skills cannot be undervalued without list of prepositions of movement.

You can read the above example sentences about prepositions of movement to improve your understanding of English grammar.

Encourage your children to learn these basic but common rules for using prepositions of movement with example sentences, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of prepositions, handy for your kids in the future to improve English vocabulary.

If you enjoyed a printable infographic about List of Prepositions of Movement, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!

Also read: C Adjectives to Describe a Person

Recap of what we just learned

  • Prepositions of Movement in English with Useful Examples
  • What is a Preposition?
  • What are Prepositions of movement?
  • Prepositions of movement Examples
  • List of Prepositions of movement
  • Example Sentences of Prepositions of movement in English
  • Prepositions of movement Exercise
  • Prepositions of movement Solved Exercise
  • Prepositions of movement InfoGraphics
  • Prepositions of movement Quiz

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Preposition Quiz

Welcome to Prepositions of Movement. These quizzes are designed to understand Prepositions of movement online. You need to determine which rule of preposition of movement is applied. Learn more about each of these example exercises if you're not familiar with them.

Online multiple-choice grammar test questions are equally beneficial for ESL/EFL students and teachers. Practice quizzes with answers covering prepositions of movement.

1. I don’t know how I managed to get ______ this mess.

2. I like skiing ___________ big mountains.

4. The dog is ___________ the bed.

5. I saw them. They were walking __________ the town.

6. Put the toys _______ the basket, please.

7. Our school is ______________ the park.

8. The train is going _____________ the tunnel.

10. The shoes are ___________ the sofa.

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