Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences


In this article, I am going to explain the Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences. An adverb of speed is one of the ten types of adverbs. The other nine are Conjugative adverbs, Adverb of Degree, Adverb of Time, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of Manner, Adverb of Certainty, Adverbs of Attitude, Adverbs of Judgement, Adverbs of Place, and Adverbs of Duration.

Adverbs are words that modify the sense of a verb or an adjective or a whole sentence. You may perform an Adverb of Speed quiz for more understanding.

Also read: What is an Adverb in English Grammar?

What is the meaning of the adverb of speed, and how do you use them to improve your English writing and speaking? These are the questions you’ll get the answers to in this comprehensive article. There are also excellent examples and a list of adverbs of speed.

What is the Adverb of Speed?

Describing how fast an item move is a great way to change a verb! Use these adverbs when you’re considering the speed of a verb. Common adverbs of speed include: briskly, casually, expeditiously, fleetingly, gradually, haltingly, and hastily.

Adverb of Speed List

There are so many adverbs of Speed that it’s challenging to enlist them all in one place. Here is an alphabetical list of 100 common adverbs of Speed.

100 Example Sentences Using Adverb of Speed, Adverb of Speed, Adverb of Speed Rules with Example Sentences, Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences, Rules of Using Adverb of Speed, Rules of Using Adverb of Speed with examples, Rules of Using Adverbs with Example Sentences, Types of Adverbs, Types of Adverbs with Example Sentences, What are Adverbs, What are the types of Adverbs

Adverb of Speed Example Sentences

Here is the list of adverbs of speed.

  1. The plane climbed quickly to a height of 30 000 feet.
  2. Olivia moved swiftly to the rescue.
  3. She suddenly realized what she had to do.
  4. The company’s exports have been decreasing steadily.
  5. Gradually, Isabella realized that he wasn’t telling her the truth.
  6. Could you please speak more loudly?
  7. Sophia was more casually dressed in leggings.
  8. Standing in the park, Benjamin snatched a pen from his pocket and hastily scribbled a note.
  9. William towelled off and hurriedly dressed.
  10. She lay down and was asleep immediately.
  11. It is vitally essential to cancel the project immediately.
  12. Amelia was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.
  13. Though Elijah slept soundly, he awoke instantly.
  14. She recognized his voice instantly.
  15. All three targets died instantly.
  16. Oliver pulled himself lazily from the ground.
  17. The woman lazily turned her head.
  18. The doe lies lazily in the rank grass.
  19. Emma ran rapidly toward him.
  20. Noah blinked rapidly to clear his vision as he entered the dark building.
  21. They quickly accessed their options.
  22. The storm passed quickly, but the night remained warm.
  23. Lucas got up, dressed quickly and ran downstairs.
  24. Mia smiled and languidly blew him a kiss.
  25. William answered promptly, “I will pay twenty cents.” 

Adverb of Speed Exercise

These exercises will help you understand the Adverb of Speed. To complete each sentence, choose the best answer.

  1. Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve ________.
  2. They pressed the buzzer in their cabin, and a steward arrived ________.
  3. Charlotte looked ________ at me, biting a straw.
  4. The puddle evaporated ________ in the sun.
  5. The world is ________ moving to participatory government.
  6. My husband ________ recovered and smiled.
  7. ________ lifting a hand, Isabella shaded her eyes and smiled at him.
  8. These discoveries were ________ acknowledged.
  9. Firefighters took action ________ to stop the fire from spreading.
  10. Life was moving ________, with our singlehood sliding toward the finish line.

Answer Key:

  1. Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.
  2. They pressed the buzzer in their cabin, and a steward arrived instantly.
  3. Charlotte looked lazily at me, biting a straw.
  4. The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.
  5. The world is quickly moving to participatory government.
  6. My husband quickly recovered and smiled.
  7. Languidly lifting a hand, Isabella shaded her eyes and smiled at him.
  8. These discoveries were promptly acknowledged.
  9. Firefighters took action immediately to stop the fire from spreading.
  10. Life was moving rapidly, with our singlehood sliding toward the finish line.

Adverb of Speed InfoGraphics

Here are some printable infographics about Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The Adverb of Speed with examples of infographics can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

100 Example Sentences Using Adverb of Speed, Adverb of Speed, Adverb of Speed Rules with Example Sentences, Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences, Rules of Using Adverb of Speed, Rules of Using Adverb of Speed with examples, Rules of Using Adverbs with Example Sentences, Types of Adverbs, Types of Adverbs with Example Sentences, What are Adverbs, What are the types of Adverbs

My Considerations

With this set of Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences, you will quickly determine whether you are making the most effective use of the Adverb of Speed and how they could be used to enhance English writing skills.

Since the adverbs of speed are the main part of English Grammar, the importance of developing English learning skills cannot be undervalued without adverb of speed with examples.

You can read the above sample sentences about adverbs of speed with example sentences to improve your understanding of English grammar.

Encourage your children to learn these basic but common rules for using adverbs of frequency with example sentences, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of adverbs of speed, handy for your kids in the future.

If you enjoyed a printable infographic about Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!

Also read: Adjectives That Start With Y

Recap of what we just learned

  • Adverb of Speed with Example Sentences
  • Adverb of Speed
  • Adverb of Speed List
  • Adverb of Speed Exercises
  • Answer for Adverb of Speed Exercise
  • Adverb of Speed InfoGraphics
  • Types of Adverb Quiz

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Also read: Adjectives That Start With Z

Types of Adverbs Quiz

Welcome to Types of Adverbs Quiz. These quizzes are designed to understand types of adverbs online. You need to determine which rule of adverbs is applied. Learn more about each of these Types of Adverbs Quiz if you're not familiar with them.

Online multiple-choice grammar test questions are equally beneficial for ESL/EFL students and teachers. Practice quizzes with answers covering Types of Adverbs.

1. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "Sophia OFTEN practices piano."

2. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "Sophia coughed LOUDLY to attract attention."

3. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "The owner of the bar told them to take their argument OUTSIDE."

4. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "The director BRIEFLY examined the new project."

5. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "It would help if you did your test; OTHERWISE, you might get a bad grade."

6. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "The girl ate the chocolates GREEDILY."

7. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "She was so angry that she HARDLY noticed what he was saying."

8. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "Isabella received an invitation to attend a party and she is QUITE sure she will attend."

9. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "You came here LAST NIGHT."

10. Which type of adverb is the word in capitals? - "This window opens FREQUENTLY."

Explore the full list of Adjectives to Describe a Person from A to Z!

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