Adverbs That Start with E
In this article, I am going to provide adverbs that start with E. An adverb is one of the nine parts of speech. The other eight are pronouns, interjections, verbs, adjectives, nouns, articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. We’re at the beginning of an alphabetical list of adverbs, adverbs that start with E.
Adverbs are words that modify the sense of a verb or an adjective or a whole sentence. You may perform a Types of Adverbs Quiz for more understanding.
Also read: What is an Adverb in English Grammar?
What are the E adverbs and how do you use them to improve your English writing and speaking? These are the questions you’ll get the answers to in this detailed article. You may get 4 letter adverbs that start with E, 5 letter adverbs that start with E, 6 letter adverbs that start with E, and 7 letter adverbs that start with E.
Adverbs That Start with E List
Adverbs are words that modify the sense of a verb or an adjective or a whole sentence. Some common Adverbs that start with E include: fortunately, hopefully, simply, and apparently.
There are so many adverbs that start with E that it’s challenging to enlist them all in one place. Here is a list of some E adverbs.
Eg | Exactamundo |
Een | Ergodically |
Eft | Ecclesially |
Eke | Ekistically |
Ere | Eviternally |
Est | Educatively |
Etc | Expandingly |
Esp | Eggheadedly |
Eek | Eclectically |
Eva | Economically |
East | Ecstatically |
Easy | Effectuously |
Eath | Effeminately |
Else | Egoistically |
Erst | Electrically |
Even | Elenchically |
Ever | Elliptically |
Evil | Emarginately |
Evar | Emphatically |
Ergo | Enclitically |
Each | Endermically |
E.G. | Endogenously |
Euer | Entreatingly |
Enuf | Epidemically |
Eben | Equatorially |
Ev’R | Equivalently |
Eeke | Esoterically |
Eber | Exchangeably |
Evuh | Exorbitantly |
Euen | Expressively |
Eeny | Exhaustively |
Eevn | Evanescently |
Eva’ | Evaluatingly |
Erer | Euphorically |
Esp. | Euphoniously |
Evah | Entrancingly |
Enow | Enthralledly |
Elce | Enrapturedly |
Early | Encouragedly |
Earst | Enchantingly |
Ectad | Embitteredly |
Elles | Effortlessly |
Entad | Ecologically |
Extra | Ecumenically |
Emong | Episodically |
Eyely | Evidentially |
Ev’Ry | Entropically |
Exact | Exhaustingly |
Endly | Exegetically |
Evere | Empathically |
Easily | Extramurally |
Eerily | Extraneously |
Enough | Escalatingly |
Evenly | Evenhandedly |
Evilly | Equatorwards |
Either | Eponymically |
Edgily | Entitatively |
Eggily | Epicardially |
Eazily | Empoweringly |
Everso | Eustatically |
Epicly | Equanimously |
Eastly | Envelopingly |
Easely | Exploitively |
Enside | Energizingly |
Endeed | Euphenically |
Erenow | Euphonically |
Eather | Every Second |
Eathly | Encirclingly |
Eagerly | Enliveningly |
Earthly | Exultatingly |
Eftsoon | Extemporally |
Endlong | Equinoxially |
Endways | Epineurially |
Endwise | Ex Contractu |
Environ | Elementarily |
Equably | Ex Hypothesi |
Equally | Epithelially |
Erectly | Equipotently |
Erelong | Evenmindedly |
Exactly | Equiprobably |
Express | Everywhither |
Emptily | Extractively |
Emforth | Endohedrally |
Earlier | Expositorily |
Even As | Extratextual |
Earlily | Excrescently |
Even So | Exoterically |
E’En So | Engrossingly |
Ex Nunc | Extradurally |
Ex Vivo | Ereyesterday |
Effably | Encreasingly |
Enstead | Exothermally |
Erosely | Eighteenfold |
Elsehow | Equationally |
Exackly | Evaluatively |
Elseweb | Ectodermally |
Ever So | Eighteenthly |
Endlang | Erotetically |
Eo Ipso | Equestrianly |
En Banc | Extralegally |
En Bloc | Entanglingly |
Endlike | Esthetically |
Extreme | Exhibitively |
Endward | En Plein Air |
Easterly | Exogenically |
Eastward | Execratively |
Edgelong | Eccentrically |
Edgeways | Effrontuously |
Edgewise | Egotistically |
Edgingly | Encroachingly |
Eelspear | Enigmatically |
Eftsoons | Enravishingly |
Eighthly | Equinoctially |
Elatedly | Equipollently |
Elfishly | Evangelically |
Eligibly | Everlastingly |
Elsewise | Exceptionally |
Elvishly | Expeditiously |
Enaunter | Extemporarily |
Ensemble | Extravagantly |
Entirely | Exploratorily |
Erewhile | Explanatively |
Evermore | Experiencedly |
Excepted | Expatiatingly |
Expertly | Exhilaratedly |
Enviably | Exasperatedly |
Effetely | Exaggeratedly |
Epically | Epithetically |
Earthily | Enthrallingly |
Entierly | Entertainedly |
Etically | Enlightenedly |
Errantly | Energetically |
Erasably | Encouragingly |
Everwhen | Emotionlessly |
Erringly | Embarrassedly |
Equinely | Efficaciously |
Eenamost | Educationally |
Eyewards | Exponentially |
Early On | Ergonomically |
Everyday | Existentially |
Everyhow | Even-Handedly |
Eftsones | Enzymatically |
Ex Facie | Extrinsically |
Ex Juris | Equidistantly |
Evenlike | Enthalpically |
Evenlong | Explanatorily |
Ex Parte | Exploratively |
Emically | Ethologically |
Everyway | Extensionally |
Each Way | Embryonically |
Each-Way | Evaporatively |
Ex Vitro | Engineeringly |
Exgratia | Evolutionally |
Evenward | Explicatively |
Elseward | Enumeratively |
Elsewhen | Embitteringly |
Ever-So- | Ellipsoidally |
Enoughly | Extrovertedly |
En Clair | Etiologically |
Eathlins | Extraocularly |
En Creux | Enunciatively |
En Femme | Epileptically |
En Homme | Equilaterally |
En Masse | Endocranially |
Evitably | Epistatically |
Endwards | Epistemically |
Eachwhere | Elaboratively |
Earnestly | Excitonically |
Earthward | Ecosophically |
Eastwards | Epicormically |
Elegantly | Exclamatorily |
Elsewhere | Even-Mindedly |
Eminently | Eisegetically |
Emulously | Eyewateringly |
Encounter | Ecoculturally |
Endlessly | Epinastically |
Endurably | Emptyhandedly |
Engagedly | Egomaniacally |
Epicurely | Eutrophically |
Equitably | Endothelially |
Erewhiles | Excoriatingly |
Erstwhile | Exoskeletally |
Estimably | Exosmotically |
Eternally | Epiphanically |
Ethically | Epidermically |
Everywhen | Endovaginally |
Evidently | Evidentiarily |
Exceeding | Exculpatorily |
Excellent | Extenuatingly |
Expressly | Exceptionably |
Extempore | Epiphytically |
Extremely | Ectocranially |
Exigently | Extraverbally |
Excusably | Eye-Gougingly |
Excitedly | Ever And Anon |
Exaltedly | Exhaustlessly |
Evasively | Ever And Ever |
Eruditely | Encaustically |
Enviously | Epizootically |
Ensuingly | Encumberingly |
Enragedly | Equivariantly |
Enjoyably | Equiangularly |
Elusively | Entelechially |
Echoingly | Elucidatorily |
Everytime | Exhortatively |
Ever-More | Eleemosynarily |
Emotively | Enharmonically |
Enterally | Ethnologically |
Eightfold | Experimentally |
Excitably | Extortionately |
Everwhere | Exhilaratingly |
Eyelessly | Excruciatingly |
Everwhich | Exasperatingly |
Edictally | Entertainingly |
Every Bit | Enterprisingly |
Erasively | Encompassingly |
Every Day | Empty-Handedly |
Earthside | Empathetically |
Egoically | Effervescently |
Englishly | Earsplittingly |
Egolessly | Electronically |
Easefully | Embarrassingly |
Eftsoones | Endoscopically |
Ex Gratia | Evolutionarily |
Exposedly | Etymologically |
Envyingly | Experientially |
Enstantly | Emblematically |
Evadingly | Egocentrically |
Evaluably | Endotracheally |
Erosively | Electrifyingly |
Elsewards | Eye-Wateringly |
Extreamly | Epigenetically |
Eo Nomine | Extramaritally |
Evincibly | Embellishingly |
Eastabout | Endophytically |
Eastbound | Emmetropically |
En Pointe | Epigraphically |
Execrably | Ethnomedically |
Eggcrated | Endochondrally |
Epochally | Exonormatively |
Earthwards | Exploitatively |
Electively | Earthshakingly |
Eloquently | Essayistically |
Emendately | Enlighteningly |
Endearedly | Estrogenically |
Enormously | Endoskeletally |
Enticingly | Endosmotically |
Esentially | Every So Often |
Especially | Endodontically |
Ethereally | Exclusionarily |
Ethnically | Epicutaneously |
Eventually | Elocutionarily |
Everywhere | Extrasensorily |
Expectedly | Euphuistically |
Expeditely | Epideictically |
Explicitly | Extracranially |
Extendedly | Epenthetically |
Exteriorly | Experiencewise |
Externally | Elongationally |
Exultingly | Exocentrically |
Exultantly | Epexegetically |
Exotically | Enterprisewide |
Exhalingly | Emasculatingly |
Excusingly | Echometrically |
Excitingly | Endovascularly |
Exactingly | Extravaginally |
Everyplace | Exothermically |
Esuriently | Exacerbatingly |
Erotically | Erythematously |
Enthusedly | Eulogistically |
Engagingly | Elbow To Elbow |
Enduringly | Extraluminally |
Effusively | Equivocatingly |
Edaciously | Effervescingly |
Eastwardly | Exaggeratingly |
Expecially | Exaggeratively |
Edifyingly | Educologically |
Enforcedly | Extraordinarily |
Epidurally | Euphemistically |
Edgelessly | Environmentally |
Espressivo | Extrajudicially |
Expansibly | Econometrically |
Enragingly | Entomologically |
Explicably | Extracellularly |
Eightyfold | Embryologically |
Enactively | Eurocentrically |
Elevenfold | Execution Style |
Everloving | Extrametrically |
Exaltingly | Ear-Splittingly |
Eusocially | Eavesdroppingly |
Enjoyingly | Enterchangeably |
Enumerably | Ectothermically |
Exiguously | Endocentrically |
Extrorsely | Eudiometrically |
Eleventhly | Every Which Way |
Episomally | Exobiologically |
Exilically | Extrastriatally |
Expectably | Ex Proprio Motu |
Eximiously | Ex Rerum Natura |
Evolvingly | Encomiastically |
Enlargedly | Everywhere Else |
Eldritchly | Endothermically |
Earlier On | Equisatisfiably |
Every Inch | Extrathymically |
Errorfully | Expostulatingly |
Emergently | Elastomerically |
Even Still | Epiphenomenally |
Emergingly | Eventologically |
Every Time | Extravascularly |
Erstwhiles | Embryogenically |
Emetically | Enzymologically |
Ex Delicto | Egyptologically |
Either Way | Endonormatively |
Ex Officio | Ethnoculturally |
Eruptively | Ecclesiastically |
Ex Tempore | Epigrammatically |
Euhedrally | Ethnographically |
Echoically | Extemporaneously |
Ejectively | Expressionlessly |
Europeanly | Ever-So-Slightly |
Eventfully | Enthusiastically |
Ever After | Ethnocentrically |
Ever Since | Evangelistically |
Ergatively | Electrolytically |
Elsewhence | Encyclopedically |
Egg-Crated | Ethnomedicinally |
Eye-To-Eye | Electrothermally |
Extremally | Electrotonically |
En Famille | Even As We Speak |
Efferently | Ethnoreligiously |
Economicly | Extrapyramidally |
En Passant | Enantiomerically |
Exactually | Enteroscopically |
Equixially | Extracorporeally |
Editorially | Electrooptically |
Effectively | Equiprimordially |
Effectually | Euhemeristically |
Efficiently | Endourologically |
Effulgently | Eschatologically |
Egregiously | Expressis Verbis |
Elastically | Extrahepatically |
Elementally | Ethnobotanically |
Elsewhither | Embryoscopically |
Emanatively | Ethnogenetically |
Empirically | Epistemologically |
Emulatively | Electrostatically |
Endemically | Electrochemically |
Episcopally | Epidemiologically |
Equivocally | Entrepreneurially |
Essentially | Encyclopaedically |
Exceedingly | Equidimensionally |
Excellently | Ethnohistorically |
Exclusively | Electrometrically |
Executively | Electrosurgically |
Exemplarily | Extraperiosteally |
Expectingly | Electronegatively |
Expediently | Every Which Where |
Expletively | Extraprosodically |
Explosively | Ethnosemantically |
Exquisitely | Endosymbiotically |
Extensively | Extrasyllabically |
Exuberantly | Extrasynaptically |
Expectantly | Ecohydrologically |
Expansively | Elastodynamically |
Exhaustedly | Ebullioscopically |
Excessively | Electrophilically |
Evocatively | Electrophonically |
Erroneously | Extrafollicularly |
Erratically | Electropositively |
Entrancedly | Externalistically |
Enquiringly | En Ventre Sa Mere |
Engrossedly | Ecophilosophically |
Endearingly | Ecophysiologically |
Enchantedly | Evolutionistically |
Enamouredly | Exonucleolytically |
Emotionally | Endocrinologically |
Emaciatedly | Every Five Minutes |
Eluctantly, | Electrochromically |
Elaborately | Ecotechnologically |
Effortfully | Ecotoxicologically |
Ebulliently | Ethnoterritorially |
Expensively | Extrachromosomally |
Electorally | Enantioselectively |
Exogenously | Exoatmospherically |
Eponymously | Electrodynamically |
Eugenically | Echoendoscopically |
Enzymically | Extraterrestrially |
Eidetically | Extraterritorially |
Ephemerally | Electrographically |
Equatorward | Electrokinetically |
Ectopically | Eyeball To Eyeball |
Emolliently | Eucatastrophically |
Erosionally | Electromagnetically |
Exhortingly | Electrophoretically |
Entwiningly | Extralinguistically |
Everlasting | Electrobiologically |
Enrichingly | Electromechanically |
Enterically | Ethnolinguistically |
End For End | Endosonographically |
Extollingly | Ethnoscientifically |
Extraorally | Ethnosociologically |
Explodingly | Echocardiologically |
Extorsively | Enantiospecifically |
Exploitably | Echotomographically |
Equimolarly | Expressionistically |
Eirenically | Exhibitionistically |
Even Steven | Electroacoustically |
Errorlessly | Electroanalytically |
Endosomally | Electrocatalytically |
Exploringly | Etiopathogenetically |
Extatically | Ethnomusicologically |
Early Doors | Existentialistically |
Even-Steven | Electrohydraulically |
Eristically | Encephalographically |
Endosteally | Ethnomethodologically |
Elegiacally | Electromyographically |
Edaphically | Every Once In A While |
Epitaxially | Electrodiagnostically |
Ex Negativo | Echocardiographically |
Enfoldingly | Extraconstitutionally |
Ex Professo | Electrophysiologically |
Elongatedly | Electrometallurgically |
Enforceably | Ethnopharmacologically |
Everywhence | Elastohydrodynamically |
Everywheres | Extracytoplasmatically |
Epidermally | Epiphenomenalistically |
Epiphanally | Electrophotographically |
Egressively | Electrocardiographically |
Excretorily | Echoencephalographically |
Eventlessly | Electroretinographically |
Edematously | Electroantennographically |
Enthalpicly | Electrocochleographically |
Expressibly | Electroneuronographically |
Excursively | Electrocorticographically |
Exteriourly | Electroencephalographically |
Enhancingly | Esophagogastroduodenoscopically |
Eulogically |
Adverbs That Start with E InfoGraphics
Here are some printable infographics about Adverbs That Start with E. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The adverbs that start with E infographics can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.
My Considerations
With this set of adverbs that start with E, you will quickly determine whether you are making the most effective use of the E adverbs and how they could be used to enhance your English writing skills.
Since the adverbs are the main part of English Grammar, the importance of developing English learning skills cannot be undervalued without adverbs that start with E.
You can read the above sample sentences about adverbs that start with E to improve your understanding of English grammar.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but common rules for using E adverbs with example sentences, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of adverbs that start with E, handy for your kids in the future.
If you enjoyed a printable infographic about Adverbs That Start with E Example Sentences, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!
Also read: Adjectives That Start With Y
Recap of what we just learned
- Adverbs That Start with E
- Adverbs That Start with E List
- Adverbs That Start with E InfoGraphics
- Types of Adverb Quiz
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Also read: Adjectives That Start With Z
Types of Adverbs Quiz
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- W Adjectives to Describe a Person
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- Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Z Adjectives to Describe a Person