Regular Verbs in English with Example Sentences

In this piece of writing, I am going to explain Regular Verbs in English with Useful Examples. A regular verbs is one of the six types of verb. The other five types of verb are irregular verbs, modal verbs, dynamic verbs, stative verbs, and auxiliary verbs.
Many regular verbs are used throughout the English language, and it’s vital to learn as much as possible to create more precise and natural-sounding sentences.
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This section will present an extensive list of regular verbs often used in written and spoken English.
What is a Verb?
A verb is a word that we use to refer to actions (what something does) and states of being (how something is).
A verb is one of the nine parts of speech. The other eight are pronouns, interjections, verbs, adjectives, nouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and adverb.
You can find here an interesting article: Adjectives That Start With D
What are Regular Verbs in English?
Regular Verbs Definition: Verbs vary from most other parts of speech because they can change their form. Sometimes, endings can be included -ed or -ing; at other times, the verb is a different word (such as put and put).
Regular verbs are words that form past-tense simply by putting the letter “d” or “ed” at the end. Following are the common regular verbs.
Also read: What is a Verb in English Grammar?
What is a regular verb list and how do you use them to improve your English writing and speaking? These are the questions you’ll get the answers to in this detailed article.
Full List of Regular Verbs
There are about 60000 to 100000 verbs that are part of the English language. They are divided into verb categories according to how each type of verb is used. There are about 1000 common regular verbs in English.
First Form (Base) | Second Form (Simple Past) | Third Form (Past Participle) |
Accept | Accepted | Accepted |
Accuse | Accused | Accused |
Achieve | Achieved | Achieved |
Act | Acted | Acted |
Add | Added | Added |
Admire | Admired | Admired |
Admit | Admitted | Admitted |
Adopt | Adopted | Adopted |
Advise | Advised | Advised |
Affect | Affected | Affected |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed |
Allow | Allowed | Allowed |
Amaze | Amazed | Amazed |
Amuse | Amused | Amused |
Announce | Announced | Announced |
Answer | Answered | Answered |
Appear | Appeared | Appeared |
Appreciate | Appreciated | Appreciated |
Approve | Approved | Approved |
Argue | Argued | Argued |
Arrange | Arranged | Arranged |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived |
Ask | Asked | Asked |
Assist | Assisted | Assisted |
Attack | Attacked | Attacked |
Attempt | Attempted | Attempted |
Attend | Attend | Attend |
Avoid | Avoided | Avoided |
Back (up) | Backed (up) | Backed (up) |
Bake | Baked | Baked |
Banish | Banished | Banished |
Beg | Begged | Begged |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved |
Believe | Believed | Believed |
Belittle | Belittled | Belittled |
Belong | Belonged | Belonged |
Blame | Blamed | Blamed |
Bog down | Bogged down | Bogged down |
Boil | Boiled | Boiled |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed |
Bother | Bothered | Bothered |
Bound | Bounded | Bounded |
Brake | Braked | Braked |
Brush | Brushed | Brushed |
Bury | Buried | Buried |
Call | Called | Called |
Cancel | Canceled | Canceled |
Carry | Carried | Carried |
Cause | Caused | Caused |
Celebrate | Celebrated | Celebrated |
Challenge | Challenged | Challenged |
Change | Changed | Changed |
Chase | Chased | Chased |
Chat | Chatted | Chatted |
Cheat | Cheated | Cheated |
Check | Checked | Checked |
Cheer | Cheered | Cheered |
Chew | Chewed | Chewed |
Clap | Clapped | Clapped |
Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Clear | Cleared | Cleared |
Climb | Climbed | Climbed |
Close | Closed | Closed |
Coax | Coaxed | Coaxed |
Coexist | Coexisted | Coexisted |
Collect | Collected | Collected |
Compare | Compared | Compared |
Compete | Competed | Competed |
Compete | Competed | Competed |
Complain | Complained | Complained |
Complete | Completed | Completed |
Concoct | Concocted | Concocted |
Confess | Confessed | Confessed |
Consider | Considered | Considered |
Construct | Constructed | Constructed |
Contact | Contacted | Contacted |
Contain | Contained | Contained |
Continue | Continued | Continued |
Control | Controlled | Controlled |
Cook | Cooked | Cooked |
Copy | Copied | Copied |
Correct | Corrected | Corrected |
Cough | Coughed | Coughed |
Count | Counted | Counted |
Crash | Crashed | Crashed |
Create | Created | Created |
Cross | Crossed | Crossed |
Cry | Cried | Cried |
Curse | Cursed | Cursed |
Cycle | Cycled | Cycled |
Damage | Damaged | Damaged |
Dance | Danced | Danced |
Date | Dated | Dated |
Decide | Decided | Decided |
Decide | Decided | Decided |
Deliver | Delivered | Delivered |
Demand | Demanded | Demanded |
Depend | Depended | Depended |
Describe | Described | Described |
Design | Designed | Designed |
Destroy | Destroyed | Destroyed |
Develop | Developed | Developed |
Dicrease | Dicreased | Dicreased |
Die | Died | Died |
Disagree | Disagreed | Disagreed |
Disappoint | Disappointed | Disappointed |
Discover | Discovered | Discovered |
Discuss | Discussed | Discussed |
Disregard | Disregarded | Disregarded |
Disturb | Disturbed | Disturbed |
Divide | Divided | Divided |
Drag | Dragged | Dragged |
Dress | Dressed | Dressed |
Dry | Dried | Dried |
Dunk | Dunked | Dunked |
Earn | Earned | Earned |
Eliminate | Eliminated | Eliminated |
Emigrate | Emigrated | Emigrated |
Employ | Employed | Employed |
Encourage | Encouraged | Encouraged |
End | Ended | Ended |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
Entertain | Entertained | Entertained |
Escape | Escaped | Escaped |
Establish | Established | Established |
Estimate | Estimated | Estimated |
Excuse | Excused | Excused |
Exercise | Exercised | Exercised |
Exhibit | Exhibited | Exhibited |
Expand | Expanded | Expanded |
Expect | Expected | Expected |
Explain | Explained | Explained |
Express | Expressed | Expressed |
Fake | Faked | Faked |
Fill | Filled | Filled |
Film | Filmed | Filmed |
Finish | Finished | Finished |
Fish | Fished | Fished |
Fix | Fixed | Fixed |
Flush | Flushed | Flushed |
Follow | Followed | Followed |
Force | Forced | Forced |
Foster | Fostered | Fostered |
Freeze | Freezed | Freezed |
Fry | Fried | Fried |
Gather | Gathered | Gathered |
Grab | Grabbed | Grabbed |
Grade | Graded | Graded |
Greet | Greeted | Greeted |
Ground | Grounded | Grounded |
Guess | Guessed | Guessed |
Hail | Hailed | Hailed |
Handle | Handled | Handled |
Happen | Happened | Happened |
Harass | Harassed | Harassed |
Harm | Harmed | Harmed |
Hate | Hated | Hated |
Heal | Healed | Healed |
Heat | Heated | Heated |
Help | Helped | Helped |
Hesitate | Hesitated | Hesitated |
Hire | Hired | Hired |
Hitchhike | Hitchhiked | Hitchhiked |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped |
Hunt | Hunted | Hunted |
Hurry | Hurried | Hurried |
Hush (up) | Hushed (up) | Hushed (up) |
Identify | Identified | Identified |
Ignore | Ignored | Ignored |
Imagine | Imagined | Imagined |
Impress | Impressed | Impressed |
Improve | Improved | Improved |
Include | Included | Included |
Increase | Increased | Increased |
Insist | Insisted | Insisted |
Intend | Intended | Intended |
Interest | Interested | Interested |
Interrupt | Interrupted | Interrupted |
Interrupt | Interrupted | Interrupted |
Interview | Interviewed | Interviewed |
Introduce | Introduced | Introduced |
Invent | Invented | Invented |
Investigate | Investigated | Investigated |
Invite | Invited | Invited |
Irritate | Irritated | Irritated |
Jinx | Jinxed | Jinxed |
Jog | Jogged | Jogged |
Join | Joined | Joined |
Join | oined | oined |
Joke | Joked | Joked |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped |
Kick | Kicked | Kicked |
Kill | Killed | Killed |
Kiss | Kissed | Kissed |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked |
Label | Labeled | Labeled |
Land | Landed | Landed |
Last | Lasted | Lasted |
Laugh | Laughed | Laughed |
Learn | Learned | Learned |
Lie | Lied | Lied |
Lift | Lifted | Lifted |
Like | Liked | Liked |
Link | Linked | Linked |
List | Listed | Listed |
Listen | Listened | Listened |
Live | Lived | Lived |
Locate | Located | Located |
Lock | Locked | Locked |
Look | Looked | Looked |
Love | Loved | Loved |
Mailed | Mailed | |
Manage | Managed | Managed |
Mark | Marked | Marked |
Marry | Married | Married |
Match | Matched | Matched |
Measure | Measured | Measured |
Mention | Mentioned | Mentioned |
Mind | Minded | Minded |
Miss | Missed | Missed |
Mistreat | Mistreated | Mistreated |
Mix (up) | Mixed (up) | Mixed (up) |
Move | Moved | Moved |
Murder | Murdered | Murdered |
Name | Named | Named |
Need | Needed | Needed |
Note | Noted | Noted |
Notice | Noticed | Noticed |
Number | Numbered | Numbered |
Obey | Obeyed | Obeyed |
Offend | Offended | Offended |
Offer | Offered | Offered |
Open | Opened | Opened |
Order | Ordered | Ordered |
Organize | Organized | Organized |
Outsmart | Outsmarted | Outsmarted |
Overreact | Overreacted | Overreacted |
Pack | Packed | Packed |
Paint | Painted | Painted |
Pamper | Pampered | Pampered |
Pardon | Pardoned | Pardoned |
Park | Parked | Parked |
Participate | Participated | Participated |
Pass | Passed | Passed |
Perform | Performed | Performed |
Persuade | Persuaded | Persuaded |
Phone | Phoned | Phoned |
Pick | Picked | Picked |
Pip | Ripped | Ripped |
Piss (off) | Pissed (off) | Pissed (off) |
Place | Placed | Placed |
Plan | Planned | Planned |
Play | Played | Played |
Please | Pleased | Pleased |
Pluck | Plucked | Plucked |
Practice | Practiced | Practiced |
Praise | Praised | Praised |
Pray | Prayed | Prayed |
Predict | Predicted | Predicted |
Prefer | Preferred | Preferred |
Present | Presented | Presented |
Pretend | Pretended | Pretended |
Printed | Printed | |
Proceed | Proceeded | Proceeded |
Program | Programmed | Programmed |
Promise | Promised | Promised |
Protect | Protected | Protected |
Provide | Provided | Provided |
Pull | Pulled | Puled |
Pull | Pulled | Pulled |
Punch | Punched | Punched |
Punish | Punished | Punished |
Purchase | Purchased | Purchased |
Push | Pushed | Pushed |
Question | Questioned | Questioned |
Question | Questioned | Questioned |
Race | Raced | Raced |
Rain | Rain | Rain |
Rain | Rained | Rained |
Rate | Rated | Rated |
Receive | Received | Received |
Recommend | Recommended | Recommended |
Reduce | Reduced | Reduced |
Refuse | Refused | Refused |
Regret | Regretted | Regretted |
Rehearse | Rehearsed | Rehearsed |
Relate | Related | Related |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed |
Release | Released | Released |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired |
Repeat | Repeated | Repeated |
Reply | Replied | Replied |
Request | Requested | Requested |
Rescue | Rescued | Rescued |
Resist | Resisted | Resisted |
Rest | Rested | Rested |
Retire | Retired | Retired |
Return | Returned | Returned |
Review | Reviewed | Reviewed |
Rob | Robbed | Robbed |
Rub | Rubbed | Rubbed |
Rush | Rushed | Rushed |
Sail | Sailed | Sailed |
Save | Saved | Saved |
Scan | Scanned | Scanned |
Scare | Scared | Scared |
Scold | Scolded | Scolded |
Seem | Seemed | Seemed |
Select | Selected | Selected |
Share | Shared | Shared |
Shop | Shopped | Shopped |
Shout | Shouted | Shouted |
Shrug | Shrugged | Shrugged |
Sign | Signed | Signed |
Skate | Skated | Skated |
Ski | Skied | Skied |
Slap | Slapped | Slapped |
Slip | Slipped | Slipped |
Slow | Slowed | Slowed |
Smoke | Smoked | Smoked |
Snatch | Snatched | Snatched |
Sneeze | Sneezed | Sneezed |
Snore | Snored | Snored |
Snow | Snowed | Snowed |
Solve | Solved | Solved |
Sort | Sorted | Sorted |
Sound | Sounded | Sounded |
Spell | Spelled | Spelled |
Stalk | Stalked | Stalked |
Stare | Stared | Stared |
Start | Started | Started |
State | Stated | Stated |
Stay | Stayed | Stayed |
Step | Stepped | Stepped |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped |
Store | Stored | Stored |
Stress | Stressed | Stressed |
Stroll | Strolled | Strolled |
Study | Studied | Studied |
Substitute | Substituted | Substituted |
Succeed | Succeeded | Succeeded |
Sue | Sued | Sued |
Suggest | Suggested | Suggested |
Surprise | Surprised | Surprised |
Talk | Talked | Talked |
Taste | Tasted | Tasted |
Tease | Teased | Teased |
Terrorize | Terrorized | Terrorized |
Thank | Thanked | Thanked |
Touch | Touched | Touched |
Tour | Toured | Toured |
Trade | Traded | Traded |
Travel | Travelled | Travelled |
Travel | Traveled | Traveled |
Trip | Tripped | Tripped |
Trouble | Troubled | Troubled |
Try | Tried | Tried |
Tune | Tuned | Tuned |
Turn | Turned | Turned |
Twist | Twisted | Twisted |
Type | Typed | Typed |
Underline | Underlined | Underlined |
Use | Used | Used |
Vary | Varied | Varied |
Visit | Visited | Visited |
Vote | Voted | Voted |
Wait | Waited | Waited |
Walk | Walked | Walked |
Want | Wanted | Wanted |
Warn | Warned | Warned |
Wash | Washed | Washed |
Wast | Wasted | Wasted |
Watch | Watched | Watched |
Water | Watered | Watered |
Wave | Waved | Waved |
Welcome | Welcomed | Welcomed |
Wink | Winked | Winked |
Wish | Wished | Wished |
Witness | Witnessed | Witnessed |
Wonder | Wondered | Wondered |
Work | Worked | Worked |
Worry | Worried | Worried |
Wrap | Wrapped | Wrapped |
Wrestle | Wrestled | Wrestled |
Yell | Yelled | Yelled |
Also Read: Positive Words That Start With D
Examples of Regular Verbs
In the following example sentences, regular verbs are highlighted in italics/Bold. While reading, think about whenever using different regular verbs.
- Amelia accepts the award on his behalf.
- Amelia accepted the award on his behalf.
- Amelia will accept the award on his behalf
- The cats amuse the baby.
- The cats amused the baby.
- The cats will amuse the baby.
- I advise you to slow down.
- I advised you to slow down.
- I will advise you to slow down.
- Isabella begs for your forgiveness.
- Isabella begged for your forgiveness.
- Isabella will beg for your forgiveness.
- We bolt out the door.
- We bolted out the door.
- We will bolt out the door.
- Nothing compares to freshly squeezed mango juice.
- Nothing compared to freshly squeezed mango juice.
- Nothing will compare to freshly squeezed mango juice.
- Sophia destroys all the furniture.
- Sophia destroyed all the furniture.
- Sophia will destroy all the furniture.
- Emma dresses for success.
- Emma dressed for success.
- Emma will dress for success.
- Olivia heats up her dinner in the microwave.
- Olivia heated up her dinner in the microwave.
- Olivia will heat up her dinner in the microwave.
Regular Verbs Exercise
These exercises will help you understand the regular verbs in sentences. To complete each sentence, choose the best answer.
- She had already ________ her assignment work.
- He ________ here as a part-time job to earn extra money for education.
- She ________ fine arts in her childhood.
- I ________ for permission from my father to go swimming with friends.
- He ________ her scooter to give a path for my car to park.
- We ________ around 2 miles every morning.
- She ________ the door by kicking on it.
- We ________ a football very high in the sky.
- She ________ a car to give to her younger brother on his birthday.
- I will ________ your project at the meeting.
Answer Key:
- She had already completed her assignment work.
- He works here as a part-time job to earn extra money for education.
- She learned fine arts in her childhood.
- I asked for permission from my father to go swimming with friends.
- He moved her scooter to give a path for my car to park.
- We walk around 2 miles every morning.
- She smashed the door by kicking on it.
- We kicked a football very high in the sky.
- She purchased a car to give to her younger brother on his birthday.
- I will approve your project at the meeting.
Regular Verbs InfoGraphics
Here are some printable infographics about list of Regular Verbs. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The list of Regular Verbs infographics can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

My Considerations
With this set of List of Regular Verbs, you will quickly determine whether you are making the most effective use of the verbs and how they could be used to enhance your English writing skills.
Since the verbs are the main part of English Grammar, the importance of developing English learning skills cannot be undervalued without list of regular verbs.
You can read the above example sentences about regular verbs to improve your understanding of English grammar.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but common rules for using regular verbs with example sentences, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of regular verbs, handy for your kids in the future to improve English vocabulary.
If you enjoyed a printable infographic about List of Regular Verbs, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!
Also read: D Adjectives to Describe a Person
Recap of what we just learned
- Regular Verbs in English with Useful Examples
- What is a Verb?
- What are Regular Verbs?
- Regular Verbs Examples
- List of Regular Verbs
- Example Sentences of Regular Verbs in English
- Regular Verbs Exercise
- Regular Verbs Solved Exercise
- Regular Verbs InfoGraphics
- Regular Verbs Quiz
With ESLBLOCK, you will not face problems studying new ideas. If you are in doubt, about the qualities of blog posts about regular verbs, reach us through our blog’s comment section. Keep checking back! We’ll attempt to give you feedback as early as possible. Thank you!
Also read: Positive Words That Start With D
Regular Verbs Quiz
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- X Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Z Adjectives to Describe a Person