What are Descriptive Adjectives?

Descriptive Adjectives Definition
What are Descriptive Adjectives? In this article, I am going to explain different descriptive adjectives we can use to describe a person, place, or thing. There are a few kinds of adjectives, but descriptive adjectives are the most common. Other kinds of adjectives include compound adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, proper adjectives, possessive adjectives, quantitative adjectives, and negative adjectives.
If you recognize your grammar, you’re most likely already well aware of adjectives.
What Are Descriptive Adjectives?
Descriptive adjectives are exactly what they sound like, words that describe a thing, person, or place. Descriptive adjectives are used to clarify or add detail to a sentence. They include shapes, sizes, colors, and some other such details.
One or several adjectives can be used for the same noun, using commas between them. English-speaking communities aren’t always aware of the rules, they can hear the difference if several adjectives appear out of order, so it is better to know the rules. The order of using multiple adjectives is as follows:
- Demonstrative/quantitative adjectives
- Quality/opinion
- Size
- Age
- Shape
- Color
- Proper adjectives
- Purpose
So, for example, a sentence, “I have five, good, huge, young, round, blue, Storybook, egg-laying hens.”
Descriptive adjectives can tell how something tastes, what shape something, what color something, what size something is, what something smells like, what age of a person, and so much more.
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Adjectives that describe size are:
- Pudgy
- Petite
- Miniature
- Immense
Adjectives that describe texture are:
- Bumpy
- Rough
- Scaly
- Smooth
Adjectives to use when describing odor are:
- Acrid
- Fragrant
- Putrid
- Sweet
Adjectives that describe sound are:
- Faint
- Muffled
- Shrill
- Thundering
Adjectives that describe appearance are:
- Attractive
- Hideous
- Muscular
- Stunning
Adjectives that describe character are:
- Courageous
- Dependable
- Dishonest
- Funny
An Organized List of Descriptive Adjectives
You know now, what descriptive adjectives are, and how to use them, the following list of descriptive adjectives are explained
- Simple Adjectives
- Proper adjectives.
- Compound Adjectives
Simple Descriptive Adjectives
Simple adjectives are just adjectives. Simple adjectives are single words that are not proper nouns as simple adjectives also called common adjectives. Just like the other descriptive adjectives, these can be combined with other adjectives simply.
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Adorable | Kind |
Adventurous | Knightly |
Aggressive | Large |
Agreeable | Lazy |
Alert | Lemony |
Alive | Light |
Aloof | Lingering |
Amused | Lively |
Ancient | Lonely |
Angry | Long |
Annoying | Lovely |
Anxious | Low |
Arrogant | Lucky |
Arrow | Magnificent |
Ashamed | Massive |
Attractive | Mellow |
Auspicious | Melodic |
Average | Miniscule |
Awful | Modern |
Bad | Motionless |
Beautiful | Muddy |
Beige | Mushy |
Better | Mysterious |
Big | Naughty |
Bitter | Nervous |
Black | New |
Blue | Nice |
Blushing | Niche |
Bored | Noisy |
Brave | Nutty |
Bright | Oak |
Brown | Obedient |
Bumpy | Obnoxious |
Busy | Octagonal |
Calm | Odd |
Careful | Old |
Cautious | Open |
Charming | Orange |
Cheap | Outrageous |
Cheerful | Outstanding |
Chestnut | Oval |
Clean | Panicked |
Clear | Perfect |
Clever | Petite |
Clumsy | Pink |
Cold | Plain |
Colorful | Plastic |
Combative | Pleasant |
Comfortable | Poised |
Concerning | Poor |
Condemned | Powerless |
Confusing | Precious |
Cool | Prickling |
Cooperative | Proud |
Cotton | Puny |
Courageous | Purple |
Crazy | Puzzled |
Creepy | Quaint |
Crooked | Queer |
Crowded | Quiet |
Cruel | Quizzical |
Crystal | Rainy |
Curios | Realistic |
Cute | Red |
Dangerous | Relieved |
Dark | Repelling |
Dead | Repulsive |
Defiant | Rich |
Delicious | Right |
Delightful | Round |
Difficult | Sad |
Dim | Safe |
Disgusting | Salty |
Distinct | Sane |
Disturbed | Scared |
Dizzying | Scary |
Drab | Scenic |
Dry | Selfish |
Dull | Shallow |
Dusty | Sharp |
Eager | Shiny |
Easy | Short |
Elated | Shrill |
Elderly | Shy |
Elegant | Silly |
Embarrassed | Skinny |
Enchanted | Sleepy |
Encouraging | Small |
Energetic | Smiling |
Enthusiastic | Smoggy |
Envious | Soft |
Evil | Solid |
Excited | Sore |
Exciting | Sour |
Expensive | Sparkly |
Exuberant | Splendid |
Faithful | Spotted |
Famous | Square |
Fancy | Steep |
Fantastic | Sticky |
Fat | Stormy |
Few | Strange |
Fierce | Strong |
Filthy | Stupid |
Fine | Successful |
Foolish | Super |
Fragile | Superior |
Frail | Sweet |
Frantic | Swift |
Fresh | Talented |
Friendly | Tame |
Frightening | Tan |
Funny | Tart |
Fuzzy | Tasty |
Gentle | Teak |
Giant | Teeny |
Gifted | Tender |
Glamorous | Tense |
Gleaming | Terrible |
Glorious | Terse |
Good | Thankful |
Gorgeous | Thoughtful |
Graceful | Tiny |
Granite | Tired |
Green | Tough |
Grieving | Tremendous |
Grumpy | Triangular |
Handsome | Troubling |
Happy | Ugly |
Hard | Uninterested |
Harsh | Unusual |
Healthy | Upset |
Helpful | Uptight |
Helpless | Varied |
Hilarious | Vast |
Hollow | Victorious |
Homeless | Wandering |
Horrible | Weak |
Hot | Weary |
Huge | Wet |
Hungry | Whispering |
Hurt | White |
Ill | Wicked |
Important | Wide |
Impossible | Wild |
Impromptu | Witty |
Improvised | Wooden |
Inexpensive | Woolen |
Innocent | Worrisome |
Inquiring | Wrong |
Itchy | Yellow |
Jealous | Young |
Jittery | Zealous |
Joyous |
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Proper Descriptive Adjectives
Proper adjectives contain a proper noun. Here is the list of some example proper adjectives.
Alpine | Japanese |
American | Korean |
Arthurian | Martian |
Asian | Mayan |
Brazilian | Mexican |
Californian | Norwegian |
Canadian | Orwellian |
Chinese | Pacific |
Christian | Peruvian |
Colombian | Polish |
Cuban | Roman |
Darwinian | Romanian |
Ecuadorian | Russian |
English | Satanic |
European | Shakespearean |
French | Spanish |
German | Thai |
Greek | Turkish |
Gregorian | Victorian |
Hindu | Voltairian |
Indonesian | Welsh |
Italian |
Compound Descriptive Adjectives
Compound adjectives are adjectives in which more than one word makes up a single adjective. Commonly in compound adjectives, words are separated by hyphen e.g. High-heeled, Tight-fisted. But some time hyphen is not necessary, e.g. overpopulated, Bulletproof.
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old-fashioned | 500-word |
one-of-a-kind | 6-page |
open-minded | absent-minded |
Over-confident | all-too-common |
Overly affectionate | amazingly good |
overpopulated | apple-pie |
overstuffed | backward-facing |
part-time | Bad-tempered |
pro bono | beaten-up |
quick-witted | beautifully painted |
record-breaking | better-suited |
red-hot | Big-headed |
running on empty | Billy Elliot |
Seasick | blue-collar |
Second-place | blue-sky |
second-rate | brand-new |
Self-absorbed | brightly-lit |
Self-acting | Broad-minded |
Self-addressed | broken-down |
Self-adhesive | built-in |
Self-appointed | built-up |
Self-assembly | bulletproof |
Self-assertive | cashed-up |
Self-assured | child-wanted |
Self-aware | cold-blooded |
Self-centered | Cold-hearted |
Self-colour | cruelty-free |
Self-confessed | deep-dish |
Self-confident | deep-fried |
self-conscious | deep-water |
Self-contained | densely-populated |
Self-contradictory | dimly lit |
Self-correcting | Dog house |
Self-critical | Doghouse |
Self-defeating | Double-baked |
Self-deniying | dub reggae |
Self-drive | Easy-going |
Self-educated | English-speaking |
self-effacing | extra cheesy |
Self-employed | eye-opening |
Self-evident | far-reaching |
Self-explanatory | Fast-paced |
Self-important | Fast-talking |
Self-imposed | fat-free |
short-haired | fifteen-year-old |
short-handed | Fire truck |
Short-tempered | five-star |
show-stopping | forward-thinking |
sky-blue | four-foot |
slow-moving | four-wheel |
smoke-free | French-speaking |
Spanish-speaking | full-length |
Strong-minded | good-looking |
strong-willed | Good-natured |
sun-baked | grass-fed |
sun-dried | green-eyed |
terribly hot | gut-wrenching |
Thick-skinned | Hard-working |
third-party | high octane |
thought-provoking | highest-taxed |
three-floor | highly-respected |
three-page | high-spirited |
three-storey | homegrown |
Tightly wound | Ice-cold |
time-saving | kind-hearted |
twentieth-century | Laid-back |
two-year-old | last-minute |
undercooked | lesser known |
up-to-date | Level headed |
Waking the Dead | level-headed |
warm-blooded | lightly sauced |
Warmly received | long-lasting |
Weak-willed | long-life |
well-behaved | low-stress |
well-educated | meat eater |
well-fatted | middle-aged |
Well-known | most densely populated |
well-off | most ethnically diverse |
Whitewashed | mouth-watering |
widely-recognized | narrow-minded |
world-famous | Neatly pressed |
Yellow-striped | never-ending |
Also read: Adjectives That Start With K
Examples of Descriptive Adjective in Sentences
Here are some sentences that are using descriptive adjectives.
- There is a huge elephant.
- Sofia is a tall woman.
- Courageous firefighters!
- An annoying classmate.
- William is an intelligent speaker.
- Here is a playful kitten.
- Alex is a cute baby.
- Elijah is a cricketer.
- I bought a genuine bike.
- I am a self-reliant student.
- She has a beautiful niece.
- She is a clever lady.
- Give me that red big ball.
- I have an old van.
- Benjamin bought an expensive old mirror.
- He gave me four gorgeous red roses.
- I want to buy a diamond necklace.
- Emma loves golden jars.
- Liam wants to throw a surprise party for her girlfriend.
- Give me that brown pad.
- They ate some delicious food.
- Oliver plays enormous hockey.
- Lucas is a hard-working person.
- Noah is an exciting cricketer.
- Shahid Afridi is a dashing all-rounder.
- We caught a running lion.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With L
Descriptive Adjective InfoGraphics
Here are some printable infographics about Descriptive Adjective. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The Descriptive Adjective infographic can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

My Considerations
Since the Adjective is the main part of English reading, the importance of developing vocabulary cannot be undervalued without descriptive adjective.
You can read the above simple list of descriptive adjective to improve your understanding of English grammar.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but commonly used descriptive adjective, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of descriptive adjective, handy for future interview use.
If you enjoyed a printable infographic about descriptive adjective, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!
Recap of what we just learned
- What are Descriptive Adjective?
- Descriptive Adjective Definition
- An Organized List of Descriptive Adjectives
- Simple Descriptive Adjectives
- Proper Descriptor Adjectives
- Compound Descriptor Adjectives
- Examples of Descriptive Adjective in Sentences
- Descriptive Adjective InfoGraphics
If you’re having any doubts about the qualities of Descriptive Adjective, you can leave a comment below, and we’ll attempt to give you feedback as early as possible. Thank you!
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- A Adjectives to Describe a Person
- B Adjectives to Describe a Person
- C Adjectives to Describe a Person
- D Adjectives to Describe a Person
- E Adjectives to Describe a Person
- F Adjectives to Describe a Person
- G Adjectives to Describe a Person
- H Adjectives to Describe a Person
- I Adjectives to Describe a Person
- J Adjectives to Describe a Person
- K Adjectives to Describe a Person
- L Adjectives to Describe a Person
- M Adjectives to Describe a Person
- N Adjectives to Describe a Person
- O Adjectives to Describe a Person
- P Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Q Adjectives to Describe a Person
- R Adjectives to Describe a Person
- S Adjectives to Describe a Person
- T Adjectives to Describe a Person
- U Adjectives to Describe a Person
- V Adjectives to Describe a Person
- W Adjectives to Describe a Person
- X Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Z Adjectives to Describe a Person