Objects That Start With A

What are objects that start with A in English vocabulary? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of objects starting with A.
All these objects starting with the letter A are verified, using acknowledged sources for their genuineness before being published. Source: Your Info Master.
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There are many objects that start with the letter A. Some of these objects are common, while others are less well-known. Here is a list of everyday and exciting objects that start with A.
Apple is a fruit often eaten as a snack or used in pies and other desserts.
The airplane is a vehicle designed for air travel that has wings and one or more engines.
Alligator is a giant reptile with sharp teeth living in swamps and wetlands.
Ant is a tiny, hard-working insect that lives in colonies.
Axe is a tool for chopping wood with a heavy metal head attached to a wooden handle.
Objects That Start With A are for students at the grade 1 to grade 10. Here is a range of the A objects names that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Here are four letter objects starting with A, five letter objects that start with A, six letter objects starting with A, seven letter objects starting with A, and eight letter objects that start with A in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the A objects names.
Virtually everyone living on earth has their favorite objects that start with A. But there are many A starting objects you may have never heard of!
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Objects That Start With A List
Here are objects that start with A in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely objects that start with A; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 500 object names that start with A, is for you. All these A objects are validated using recognized world dictionaries.
- Abacus
- Abatis
- Abattis
- Abattoir
- Abaya
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviation
- Abdication
- Abdicator
- Abduction
- Abductor
- Abila
- Abm
- Abode
- Aborticide
- Abortifacient
- Abradant
- Abrader
- Absentee
- Abstraction
- Abstractionism
- Abukir
- Abuser
- Abutment
- Abyla
- Abysm
- Abyss
- Academia
- Academy
- Accelerant
- Accelerator
- Accelerometer
- Accension
- Accent
- Acceptor
- Access
- Accessory
- Accident
- Acclivity
- Accommodation
- Accomplice
- Accordion
- Accost
- Accouterment
- Accoutrement
- Accumulator
- Accused
- Accuser
- Ace
- Acebutolol
- Acetaminophen
- Acetanilid
- Acetanilide
- Acetate
- Acetophenetidin
- Acetphenetidin
- Acheron
- Achiever
- Achondrite
- Acicula
- Acid
- Acknowledgement
- Acknowledger
- Aconcagua
- Acorn
- Acoustic
- Acoustics
- Acquaintance
- Acquisition
- Acquittance
- Acquitter
- Acre
- Acropolis
- Acrylic
- Actinometer
- Actinomycin
- Action
- Active
- Activewear
- Actual
- Actuator
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Ad
- Adage
- Adam
- Adams
- Adaptableness
- Adapter
- Adaptor
- Adder
- Addict
- Addition
- Additive
- Addressograph
- Adept
- Adherence
- Adherent
- Adhesion
- Adhesive
- Adieu
- Adige
- Adirondacks
- Adit
- Adjacent
- Adjective
- Adjunct
- Adjuvant
- Administration
- Admiral
- Admiralty
- Admittance
- Admitter
- Admixture
- Adobe
- Adornment
- Adps
- Adrenergic
- Adriatic
- Adumbration
- Adventurer
- Adverb
- Advert
- Advertisement
- Advisement
- Advisory
- Advocate
- Adz
- Adze
- Aegean
- Aegis
- Aegospotami
- Aegospotamos
- Aerator
- Aerial
- Aerie
- Aerodrome
- Aerofoil
- Aerogenerator
- Aerolite
- Aeroplane
- Aerosol
- Aery
- Affair
- Affection
- Affidavit
- Affixture
- Affluence
- Affluent
- Afghan
- Africa
- Afrl
- Afterburner
- Afterdeck
- Aftergrowth
- Aftermath
- Afternoon
- Afterthought
- Agateware
- Agent
- Agglomerator
- Aggregate
- Aglet
- Agnostic
- Agonist
- Agora
- Agriculture
- Ahpcrc
- Aid
- Aiglet
- Aigret
- Aigrette
- Aiguilette
- Aileron
- Air
- Airbrake
- Airbrush
- Airbus
- Aircraft
- Airdock
- Airdrome
- Aire
- Airfield
- Airfoil
- Airframe
- Airgun
- Airline
- Airliner
- Airlock
- Airmailer
- Airplane
- Airport
- Airscrew
- Airship
- Airstrip
- Airway
- Aisle
- Alabama
- Alabaster
- Alarm
- Alb
- Albatross
- Albino
- Album
- Alcazar
- Alcohol
- Alcove
- Aldebaran
- Alder
- Ale
- Alehouse
- Alembic
- Alert
- Alfa
- Algol
- Algometer
- Alhambra
- Alibi
- Alidad
- Alidade
- Aliment
- All
- Alleghenies
- Allegheny
- Allegory
- Alleviant
- Alleviator
- Alley
- Alleyway
- Alluvion
- Alluvium
- Aloes
- Alp
- Alpaca
- Alpenstock
- Alps
- Altair
- Altar
- Altarpiece
- Altazimuth
- Alternator
- Altimeter
- Altocumulus
- Altostratus
- Alum
- Alyssum
- Amati
- Amazon
- Ambient
- Ambiguity
- Ambo
- Ambulance
- Ambulatory
- America
- Americana
- Americanization
- Amethopterin
- Amex
- Amidopyrine
- Aminophylline
- Aminopyrine
- Amman
- Ammeter
- Ammo
- Ammonia
- Ammonite
- Ammonoid
- Ammunition
- Amnesty
- Amobarbital
- Amoeba
- Amount
- Amphetamine
- Amphibian
- Amphitheater
- Amphitheatre
- Amphora
- Amphotericin
- Amplifier
- Ampoule
- Ampul
- Ampule
- Ampulla
- Amulet
- Amur
- Amusement
- Anachronism
- Anaesthetic
- Anaglyph
- Anagram
- Analeptic
- Analgesic
- Analyser
- Analyzer
- Anamorphism
- Anamorphosis
- Anapurna
- Anastigmat
- Anchor
- Ancient
- Ancohuma
- Andes
- Andiron
- Android
- Andromeda
- Anemometer
- Aneroid
- Anesthetic
- Anesthyl
- Angara
- Angel
- Anger
- Angina
- Angiocardiogram
- Angiogram
- Angioscope
- Angle
- Angledozer
- Angler
- Anguish
- Animalization
- Anime
- Anion
- Aniseed
- Anklet
- Anklets
- Ankus
- Annapurna
- Annex
- Annexation
- Annexe
- Annihilation
- Annihilator
- Annotate
- Announcer
- Annoyer
- Annual
- Annulet
- Annunciator
- Anode
- Anodyne
- Anomaly
- Anorak
- Anovulant
- Answer
- Ant
- Antagonist
- Antarctica
- Antares
- Ante
- Antechamber
- Antefix
- Antenna
- Anteroom
- Anthelminthic
- Anthelmintic
- Anthill
- Antiaircraft
- Antiarrhythmic
- Antibacterial
- Antibaryon
- Antibiotic
- Anticholinergic
- Anticholinesterase
- Antichrist
- Anticoagulant
- Anticonvulsant
- Antidepressant
- Antidiabetic
- Antidiarrheal
- Antidiuretic
- Antidote
- Antielectron
- Antiemetic
- Antiepileptic
- Antiflatulent
- Antifungal
- Antihistamine
- Antihypertensive
- Antilepton
- Antimacassar
- Antimalarial
- Antimeson
- Antimetabolite
- Antimicrobial
- Antimicrobic
- Antimuon
- Antimycin
- Antimycotic
- Antineoplastic
- Antineutrino
- Antineutron
- Antiparticle
- Antiperspirant
- Antiproton
- Antiprotozoal
- Antipruritic
- Antipsychotic
- Antipyretic
- Antiquark
- Antique
- Antiquity
- Antiseptic
- Antispasmodic
- Antisyphilitic
- Antitauon
- Antitussive
- Antiviral
- Antlia
- Anvil
- Anxiolytic
- Anybody
- Apadana
- Apalachicola
- Apartment
- Apc
- Apennines
- Aperient
- Aperture
- Apex
- Apiary
- Apishamore
- Apomorphine
- Appalachians
- Apparatus
- Apparel
- Appendage
- Appendicle
- Applecart
- Appliance
- Application
- Applicator
- Applier
- Applique
- Appointment
- Approach
- Appurtenance
- Apron
- Apse
- Apsis
- Apus
- Aquaplane
- Aquarium
- Aquarius
- Aquatint
- Aqueduct
- Aquifer
- Aquila
- Ara
- Arabesque
- Araguaia
- Araguaya
- Ararat
- Araroba
- Aras
- Arauca
- Araxes
- Arbalest
- Arbalist
- Arbor
- Arboretum
- Arbour
- Arcade
- Arch
- Archipelago
- Architecture
- Architrave
- Archive
- Archway
- Arctic
- Arcturus
- Area
- Areaway
- Arena
- Arete
- Argo
- Argun
- Argyle
- Argyll
- Aries
- Aristarchus
- Ark
- Arkansas
- Arm
- Armament
- Armature
- Armband
- Armchair
- Armet
- Armguard
- Armhole
- Armilla
- Armlet
- Armoire
- Armor
- Armory
- Armour
- Armoury
- Armrest
- Arms
- Arnica
- Arno
- Arquebus
- Arras
- Array
- Arrester
- Arrow
- Arrowhead
- Arroyo
- Arsenal
- Art
- Arteriogram
- Artery
- Arthrogram
- Arthroscope
- Artillery
- Ascendant
- Ascent
- Ascot
- Asdic
- Ash
- Ashbin
- Ashcan
- Ashes
- Ashlar
- Ashtray
- Asia
- Aspergill
- Aspersorium
- Asphyxiator
- Aspirator
- Aspirin
- Assagai
- Assegai
- Assemblage
- Assembly
- Asterism
- Asteroid
- Asterope
- Asthenosphere
- Astragal
- Astringent
- Astrodome
- Asylum
- Ataractic
- Atelier
- Athanor
- Athenaeum
- Atheneum
- Atherodyde
- Athodyd
- Atlantic
- Atlas
- Atm
- Atmometer
- Atmosphere
- Atoll
- Atom
- Atomiser
- Atomizer
- Atrium
- Atropine
- Attache
- Attachment
- Attenuator
- Attic
- Attire
- Auberge
- Audio
- Audiocassette
- Audiogram
- Audiometer
- Audiotape
- Audiovisual
- Auditorium
- Auger
- Augmentation
- Auriga
- Auriscope
- Auroscope
- Auschwitz
- Australia
- Auto
- Autobahn
- Autobus
- Autoclave
- Autocue
- Autofocus
- Autogiro
- Autogyro
- Autoinjector
- Autoloader
- Automat
- Automatic
- Automation
- Automaton
- Automobile
- Autopilot
- Autoradiograph
- Autostrada
- Autotype
- Availability
- Avalanche
- Aventail
- Avenue
- Aviary
- Avon
- Award
- Awl
- Awning
- Ax
- Axe
- Axis
- Axle
- Axletree
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Objects That Start With A Info Graphics
The objects that start with A infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts. Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Objects Start With A
- Objects Start With A List
- Objects Start With A Info Graphics
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