Plants That Start With W

What are common plants that start with W? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of plants starting with W.
There are so many plants and flowers that start with W. Most W plants can only be found in specific geographical zones, while a good number can be planted in any region.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter W plants vocabulary.
Plants That Start With W are for students at the grade 2 to grade 5 levels. Here is a range of the W Plants names that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets
Here are four letter plants starting with W, five letter plants starting with W, six letter plants starting with W, seven letter plants starting with W, and eight letter plants starting with W in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the W plant names.
Virtually everyone living on earth has their favorite plants that start with W. But there are many W starting plants you may have never heard of.
5 Letter W plant name lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter W plant collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Plants That Start With W List
Here are plants that start with W in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely plants that start with W; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 200 plants that start with W is for you. All these W plants are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
Wachendorfia | whitecup |
Wahlenbergia | whitethorn |
wahoo | whitewood |
waldmeister | whitlavia |
Waldsteinia | whitlow grass |
walking fern | whitlowwort |
walking leaf | whorled aster |
wall barley | whorled caraway |
wall fern | whorled loosestrife |
wall germander | whorled milkweed |
wall pellitory | whorlywort |
wall pepper | whortleberry |
wall rocket | wickup |
wall rue | wicopy |
wall rue spleenwort | Widdringtonia |
wallflower | wig tree |
walnut | Wigandia |
walnut family | Wigginsia |
walnut tree | Wikstroemia |
wampee | wild angelica |
wand | wild apple |
wandflower | wild basil |
waratah | wild bean |
wartweed | wild bergamot |
wartwort | wild buckwheat |
wasabi | wild cabbage |
Washingtonia | wild calla |
water arum | wild carrot |
water avens | wild celery |
water birch | wild chamomile |
water bitternut | wild cherry |
water buttercup | wild cherry tree |
water cabbage | wild chervil |
water caltrop | wild china tree |
water carpet | wild cinnamon |
water chestnut | wild clary |
water chestnut plant | wild climbing hempweed |
water chickweed | wild coffee |
water chinquapin | wild cotton |
water clover | wild crab |
water crowfoot | wild cranberry |
water dragon | wild crocus |
water dropwort | wild emmer |
water elm | wild fig |
water fennel | wild flower |
water fern | wild garlic |
water flaxseed | wild geranium |
water gillyflower | wild ginger |
water gum | wild hollyhock |
water hemlock | wild hop |
water hickory | wild hyacinth |
water horehound | wild hydrangea |
water horsetail | wild indigo |
water hyacinth | wild leek |
water lettuce | wild licorice |
water lily | wild lily of the valley |
water lobelia | wild liquorice |
water locust | wild lupine |
water mat | wild madder |
water milfoil | wild mandrake |
water mint | wild mango |
water mold | wild mango tree |
water nymph | wild marjoram |
water oak | wild meadow lily |
water orchid | wild medlar |
water parsnip | wild medlar tree |
water pimpernel | wild mustard |
water plant | wild oat |
water plantain | wild oat grass |
water pore | wild oats |
water shamrock | wild olive |
water speedwell | wild onion |
water sprite | wild orange |
water star grass | wild pansy |
water starwort | wild parsley |
water stoma | wild parsnip |
water trumpet | wild pea |
water violet | wild peach |
water yam | wild peanut |
watercress | wild pink |
waterleaf | wild plum |
waterleaf family | wild plum tree |
watermeal | wild potato |
watermelon | wild potato vine |
watermelon begonia | wild pumpkin |
watermelon vine | wild quinine |
waterweed | wild radish |
waterwheel plant | wild raspberry |
Watsonia | wild red oat |
wattle | wild rice |
wax bean | wild rosemary |
wax begonia | wild rye |
wax mallow | wild sage |
wax myrtle | wild sarsaparilla |
wax palm | wild sarsparilla |
wax plant | wild senna |
waxberry | wild sensitive plant |
waxflower | wild service tree |
waxmallow | wild snapdragon |
waxwork | wild spinach |
waxycap | wild spurge |
wayfaring tree | wild strawberry |
Weberocereus | wild sweet pea |
Wedelia | wild sweet potato vine |
weed | wild tamarind |
weeping beech | wild teasel |
weeping love grass | wild thyme |
weeping spruce | wild tobacco |
weeping tree broom | wild vanilla |
weeping willow | wild water lemon |
Weigela | wild wheat |
weigela florida | wild winterpea |
Weingartia | wild yam |
weld | wild yellow lily |
Weldenia | wilde dagga |
welsh onion | wildflower |
welsh poppy | willow |
welted thistle | willow aster |
Welwitschia | willow bell |
welwitschia mirabilis | willow family |
welwitschiaceae | willow oak |
west coast hemlock | willow tree |
west indian cherry | willowherb |
west indian jasmine | Wilsonaria (hybrid orchid genus) |
west indian satinwood | wind poppy |
west indian snowberry | windflower |
western balsam poplar | windmill grass |
western birch | wine palm |
western blackberry | wineberry |
western buttercup | wing elm |
western chokecherry | wing nut |
western crab apple | winged bean |
western dewberry | winged elm |
western hemlock | winged everlasting |
western holly fern | winged pea |
western honey mesquite | winged pigweed |
western larch | winged spindle tree |
western mountain ash | wingstem |
western mugwort | winter aconite |
western paper birch | winter cherry |
western pasqueflower | winter cress |
western poison oak | winter crookneck |
western poppy | winter crookneck squash |
western ragweed | winter currant |
western red cedar | winter fern |
western redbud | winter flowering cherry |
western sand cherry | winter hazel |
western saxifrage | winter heath |
western silvery aster | winter heliotrope |
western tamarack | winter jasmine |
western wall flower | winter melon |
western wheatgrass | winter melon vine |
western white pine | winter mushroom |
western yellow pine | winter purslane |
western yew | winter rose |
westland pine | winter savory |
Westringia | winter squash |
weymouth pine | winter squash plant |
wheat | winter sweet |
wheat berry | winter urn |
wheat flag smut | wintera |
wheat rust | wintera colorata |
wheately elm | winteraceae |
wheatgrass | winterberry |
wheel tree | wintergreen |
whin | wintergreen family |
whinberry | wire grass |
whisk fern | wistaria |
whispering bells | Wisteria |
white alder | wisteria chinensis |
white ash | wisteria floribunda |
white aspen | wisteria frutescens |
white avens | wisteria venusta |
white baneberry | witch alder |
white basswood | witch broom |
white bead | witch elm |
white bedstraw | witch grass |
white beech | witch hazel |
white birch | witch hazel plant |
white broom | witchgrass |
white bryony | withe |
white camas | withy |
white campion | witloof |
white cedar | Wittrockia |
white cinnamon | woad |
white cinnamon tree | woadwaxen |
white clover | wolf bean |
white cohosh | wolfbane |
white currant | Wolffia |
white cypress | wolffia columbiana |
white cypress pine | wolffiella |
white daisy | wolffiella gladiata |
white dead nettle | wolfsbane |
white dipladenia | wollemi pine |
white dogtooth violet | wonder bean |
white elm | wonder flower |
white fairy lantern | wonderberry |
white false indigo | wood anemone |
white fir | wood aster |
white fringed orchid | wood avens |
white fringed orchis | wood cudweed |
white fritillary | wood fern |
white fungus | wood garlic |
white globe lily | wood horsetail |
white heather | wood hyacinth |
white hellebore | wood laurel |
white horehound | wood lily |
white horse nettle | wood meadowgrass |
white lettuce | wood mint |
white lily | wood nettle |
white lotus | wood poppy |
white lupine | wood sage |
white madder | wood sorrel |
white maire | wood spurge |
white mallee | wood strawberry |
white mallow | wood violet |
white mangrove | woodbine |
white matsutake | woodfern |
white melilot | woodland oxeye |
white milkweed | woodland star |
white mountain ash | woodland white violet |
white mulberry | woodruff |
white mullein | Woodsia |
white mustard | woodsia alpina |
white oak | woodsia glabella |
white pepper | woodsia ilvensis |
white pine | woodwardia |
white popinac | woodwardia virginica |
white poplar | Woodwardia (chain fern) |
white potato | woodwaxen |
white potato vine | woody nightshade |
white prairie aster | woody pear |
white rocket | woody plant |
white rust | wool grass |
white sage | woolly daisy |
white sanicle | woolly manzanita |
white slime mushroom | woolly mullein |
white snakeroot | woolly sunflower |
white snapdragon | woolly thistle |
white spanish broom | wooly blue curls |
white spruce | wooly lip fern |
white stringybark | wormseed |
white sweet clover | wormseed mustard |
white thistle | wormwood |
white titi | wormwood sage |
white trumpet lily | Worsleya |
white turnip | wort |
white violet | Wulfenia |
white walnut | wych elm |
white wax tree | wych hazel |
white willow | wych hazel plant |
white wood aster | wyethia amplexicaulis |
white yam | wyethia helianthoides |
white zinnia | wynnea |
whitebark pine | wynnea americana |
whitebarked pine | wynnea sparassoides |
Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!
Plants That Start With W Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The plants that start with W infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Plants Start With W
- Plants Start With W List
- Plants Start With W Info Graphics
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