Plants That Start With T

What are common plants that start with T? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of plants starting with T.
There are so many plants and flowers that start with T. Most T plants can only be found in specific geographical zones, while a good number can be planted in any region.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter T plants vocabulary.
Plants That Start With T are for students at the grade 2 to grade 5 levels. Here is a range of the T Plants names that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets
Here are four letter plants starting with T, five letter plants starting with T, six letter plants starting with T, seven letter plants starting with T, and eight letter plants starting with T in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the T plant names.
Virtually everyone living on earth has their favorite plants that start with T. But there are many T starting plants you may have never heard of.
5 Letter T plant name lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter T plant collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Plants That Start With T List
Here are plants that start with T in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely plants that start with T; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 200 plants that start with T is for you. All these T plants are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
tabasco pepper | tiliaceae |
tabasco plant | tiliomycetes |
Tabebuia | tillandsia |
Tabernaemontana | tillandsia usneoides |
tacamahac | Tillandsia (air plant, Spanish moss) |
Tacca | tiller |
tacca leontopetaloides | tilletia |
tacca pinnatifida | tilletia caries |
taccaceae | tilletia foetida |
tagasaste | tilletiaceae |
tagetes erecta | timber tree |
tagetes patula | timothy |
Tagetes | tinnevelly senna |
tageteste | tipu |
tahoka daisy | tipu tree |
tailflower | Tipuana |
tailwort | titan arum |
talinum | Titanopsis |
talinum augustissimum | tithonia |
talinum aurantiacum | Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) |
talinum brevifolium | toad lily |
talinum calycinum | toad rush |
talinum paniculatum | toadflax |
talinum spinescens | toadshade |
Talinum (fameflower) | toadstool |
talipot | tobacco |
talipot palm | tobacco mildew |
tall bellflower | tobacco plant |
tall bilberry | toddy palm |
tall buttercup | Todea |
tall crowfoot | todea barbara |
tall cupflower | todea superba |
tall field buttercup | toe toe |
tall gallberry holly | toetoe |
tall goldenrod | tofieldia |
tall mallow | tofieldia pusilla |
tall meadow grass | toitoi |
tall oat grass | tollon |
tall sunflower | Tolmiea |
tall white violet | tolmiea menziesii |
tallgrass | Tolpis |
tamarack | tolu |
tamaricaceae | tolu balsam |
tamarillo | tolu balsam tree |
tamarind | tolu tree |
tamarind tree | tomato |
tamarindus | tomato plant |
tamarindus indica | tomentum |
tamarisk | tong ho |
tamarisk family | tongue fern |
tamarix | tongueflower |
Tamarix (tamarisk) | tonka bean |
tamus | tonka bean tree |
tamus communis | Toona |
tanacetum | toona calantas |
tanacetum balsamita | tooth fungus |
tanacetum camphoratum | toothache tree |
tanacetum coccineum | toothbrush tree |
tanacetum douglasii | toothed spurge |
tanacetum parthenium | toothed sword fern |
tanacetum vulgare | toothwort |
Tanacetum (tansy) | toowomba canary grass |
Tanakaea | top onion |
tanbark | torch |
tanbark oak | torchwood family |
tanekaha | Torenia |
tangelo | tornillo |
tangelo tree | torrey pine |
tangerine | torrey tree |
tangerine tree | torreya |
tangier pea | torreya californica |
tangier peavine | torreya taxifolia |
tangle orchid | Torreya (nutmeg yew) |
tanglebush | tortoise plant |
tangor | totara |
tannia | Tovara |
tansy | tower cress |
tansy leaf aster | tower mustard |
tansy mustard | Townsendia |
tansy ragwort | townsendia exscapa |
tapa | toxicodendron |
tapa bark | toxicodendron radicans |
tape grass | toxicodendron vernix |
Tapeinochilos | toyon |
tapioca plant | tracheid |
tappa | Trachelium |
tappa bark | Trachelium caeruleum |
taproot | Trachelospermum |
tara vine | tracheophyta |
taraktagenos | tracheophyte |
taraktagenos kurzii | Trachycarpus (chusan palm) |
taraktogenos | Trachymene |
taraktogenos kurzii | tradescantia |
taraxacum | Tradescantia (spiderwort) |
taraxacum officinale | tragopogon |
taraxacum ruderalia | tragopogon dubius |
tare | tragopogon porrifolius |
taro | tragopogon pratensis |
taro plant | trailing arbutus |
tarragon | trailing windmills |
tarrietia | transvaal daisy |
tarrietia argyrodendron | transvaal kafferboom |
tarweed | trapa |
tarwood | trapa bicornis |
tasman dwarf pine | trapa natans |
tassel flower | Trapa (water caltrop) |
tassel hyacinth | trapaceae |
taxaceae | trautvetteria |
taxales | treasure flower |
taxodiaceae | tree |
taxodium | tree branch |
taxodium ascendens | tree celandine |
taxodium distichum | tree clubmoss |
taxodium mucronatum | tree cotton |
Taxodium (bald cypress) | tree fern |
taxophytina | tree fuchsia |
taxopsida | tree heath |
taxus | tree lupine |
taxus baccata | tree mallow |
taxus brevifolia | tree of heaven |
taxus cuspidata | tree of knowledge |
taxus floridana | tree of the gods |
Taxus (yew) | tree onion |
tea | tree poppy |
tea family | tree stump |
tea rose | tree tobacco |
teaberry | tree tomato |
teak | tree trunk |
teakwood | treelet |
teasel | treetop |
teasle | trefoil |
teazel | trema |
Tecoma | tremella |
Tecomanthe | tremella foliacea |
Tecomaria | tremella fuciformis |
Tecophilaea | tremella lutescens |
tecophilaeacea | tremella reticulata |
tectaria | tremellaceae |
tectaria cicutaria | tremellales |
tectaria macrodonta | tribe bambuseae |
tectona | tribulus |
tectona grandis | tribulus terestris |
teff | trichoceros |
teff grass | tricholoma |
telanthera | tricholoma aurantium |
telegraph plant | tricholoma flavovirens |
Telekia | tricholoma irinum |
Telephium | tricholoma pardinum |
telingo potato | tricholoma pessundatum |
teliospore | tricholoma populinum |
Tellima | tricholoma sejunctum |
tellima affinis | tricholoma vaccinum |
tellima grandiflora | tricholoma venenata |
telopea | tricholomataceae |
telopea oreades | trichomanes |
telopea speciosissima | trichomanes boschianum |
Telopea (waratah) | trichomanes reniforme |
temple orange tree | trichomanes speciosum |
temple tree | trichophyton |
Templetonia | trichostema |
templetonia retusa | trichostema dichotomum |
tendergreen | trichostema lanatum |
tendril | trichostema lanceolatum |
tepal | trichostigma |
tepary bean | trifid bur marigold |
tephrosia | trifoliata |
tephrosia purpurea | trifoliate orange |
tephrosia virginiana | trifoliolate leaf |
terebinth | trifolium |
Terminalia | trifolium alpinum |
Ternstroemia | trifolium dubium |
terrietia | trifolium incarnatum |
terrietia trifoliolata | trifolium pratense |
testa | trifolium reflexum |
Tetracentron | trifolium repens |
tetraclinis | trifolium stoloniferum |
tetraclinis articulata | triglochin |
Tetradium (bee tree) | triglochin maritima |
tetragonia | trigonella |
tetragonia expansa | trilisa |
tetragoniaceae | trilisa odoratissima |
Tetranema | trilliaceae |
Tetraneuris | trillium |
tetraneuris acaulis | trillium erectum |
tetraneuris grandiflora | trillium family |
Tetrapanax | trillium recurvatum |
tetrasporangium | trillium sessile |
tetraspore | triostium |
Tetrastigma | triostium perfoliatum |
Tetratheca | tripleurospermum |
tetterwort | triplochiton |
Teucrium | triquetrous leek |
teucrium canadense | triticum |
teucrium chamaedrys | triticum aestivum |
teucrium marum | triticum dicoccum |
teucrium scorodonia | triticum durum |
texas bluebonnet | triticum spelta |
texas millet | triticum turgidum |
texas purple spike | tritoma |
texas snowbell | trollius |
texas snowbells | trompillo |
texas star | tropaeolaceae |
texas storksbill | tropaeolum |
textile screw pine | tropaeolum majus |
Thalia | tropaeolum minus |
Thalictrum | tropaeolum peregrinum |
thallophyta | tropical pitcher plant |
thallophyte | trout lily |
thallus | true blackberry |
thanksgiving cactus | true cedar |
thatch palm | true fir |
thatch tree | true fungus |
theaceae | true guava |
theca | true heath |
thelephoraceae | true jasmine |
Thelesperma | true laurel |
Thelocactus | true mahogany |
thelypteridaceae | true pepper |
Thelypteris | true pine |
thelypteris dryopteris | true puffball |
thelypteris palustris | true sago palm |
thelypteris phegopteris | true sandalwood |
thelypteris simulata | true senna |
theobroma | true slime mold |
theobroma cacao | true tulipwood |
theophrastaceae | truffle |
Thermopsis | trumpet creeper |
thermopsis macrophylla | trumpet flower |
thermopsis villosa | trumpet tree |
Thespesia | trumpet vine |
thespesia populnea | trumpet weed |
Thevetia | trumpets |
thevetia neriifolia | trumpetwood |
thevetia peruviana | truncocolumella |
thielavia | truncocolumella citrina |
thielavia basicola | trunk |
thimbleberry | tuba root |
thimbleweed | tuber |
thistle | tuber root |
thistledown | tuberaceae |
Thlaspi | tuberales |
thlaspi arvense | tubercle |
thorn | tubercularia |
thorn apple | tuberculariaceae |
thorny amaranth | tuberose |
thoroughwort | tuberous begonia |
threadleaf groundsel | tuberous plant |
thrift | tuberous vetch |
thrinax | tuckahoe |
thrinax keyensis | tufted centaury |
thrinax microcarpa | tufted gentian |
thrinax morrisii | tufted pansy |
thrinax parviflora | tufted vetch |
Thrinax (thatch palm) | tule tree |
throatwort | tulestoma |
Thryptomene (heath myrtle) | tulip |
thuja | tulip gentian |
thuja occidentalis | tulip orchid |
thuja orientalis | tulip poplar |
thuja plicata | tulip tree |
Thuja (thuja, arborvitae) | tulipa |
thujopsis | tulipa armena |
thujopsis dolobrata | tulipa clusiana |
Thujopsis (hiba) | tulipa gesneriana |
Thunbergia | tulipa suaveolens |
thunbergia alata | tulipwood |
thyme | tulipwood tree |
thymelaeaceae | tulostoma |
thymelaeales | tulostomaceae |
Thymophylla | tulostomataceae |
thymus | tulostomatales |
thymus serpyllum | tumble grass |
thymus vulgaris | tumbleweed |
Thymus (thyme) | tuna |
thyrse | tung |
thyrsopteris | tung tree |
thyrsopteris elegans | tupelo |
thyrsus | tupelo family |
thysanocarpus | tupelo tree |
ti | turban squash |
Tiarella | turfing daisy |
tiarella cordifolia | turkey oak |
tiarella unifoliata | turkish boxwood |
Tibouchina | turmeric |
tick trefoil | turmeric root |
tickseed | turnip |
tickseed sunflower | turnip cabbage |
tickweed | turnip plant |
tidy tips | turpentine camphor weed |
tidytips | turpentine weed |
tiger lily | turreae |
Tigridia | turritis |
tilia | turritis glabra |
tilia americana | turtlehead |
tilia cordata | tussilago |
tilia heterophylla | tussilago alpina |
tilia japonica | tussilago farfara |
tilia tomentosa | tussock bellflower |
Tilia (linden) | tutsan |
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Plants That Start With T Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The plants that start with T infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Plants Start With T
- Plants Start With T List
- Plants Start With T Info Graphics
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