Plants That Start With M

What are common plants that start with M? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of plants starting with M.
There are so many plants and flowers that start with M. Most M plants can only be found in specific geographical zones, while a good number can be planted in any region.
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter M plants vocabulary.
Plants That Start With M are for students at the grade 2 to grade 5 levels. Here is a range of the M Plants names that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets
Here are four letter plants starting with M, five letter plants starting with M, six letter plants starting with M, seven letter plants starting with M, and eight letter plants starting with M in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the M plant names.
Virtually everyone living on earth has their favorite plants that start with M. But there are many M starting plants you may have never heard of.
5 Letter M plant name lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter M plant collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
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Plants That Start With M List
Here are plants that start with M in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely plants that start with M; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 200 plants that start with M is for you. All these M plants are validated using recognized English dictionaries.
Maackia | menyanthaceae |
macadamia | Menyanthes |
macadamia integrifolia | menyanthes trifoliata |
macadamia nut | Menziesia |
macadamia nut tree | menziesia ferruginea |
macadamia ternifolia | menziesia pilosa |
macadamia tetraphylla | mercurialis |
macadamia tree | mercurialis annua |
macamba | mercurialis perennis |
macaroni wheat | Merendera |
Macfadyena | mericarp |
Machaeranthera | meristem |
Mackaya | merlot |
Macleania | Merremia |
Macleaya | merry bells |
macleaya cordata | Mertensia |
Maclura | mertensia virginica |
maclura pomifera | meryta |
macowanites | meryta sinclairii |
macowanites americanus | mescal |
Macropidia | mescal bean |
macrosporangium | mescal button |
macrospore | mesembryanthemum |
macrothelypteris | mesembryanthemum edule |
macrotyloma | mesocarp |
macrotyloma uniflorum | mesophyte |
Macrozamia | mesophytic plant |
macrozamia communis | Mespilus |
macrozamia spiralis | mespilus germanica |
mad apple | mesquit |
madagascar jasmine | mesquite |
madagascar pepper | mesua |
madagascar periwinkle | mesua ferrea |
madagascar plum | metasequoia |
madake | Metasequoia (dawn redwood) |
madder | Metrosideros |
madder family | metroxylon |
madderwort | metroxylon sagu |
madeira winter cherry | Meum |
madia | mexican cypress |
madia elegans | mexican fire plant |
madia oil | mexican flameleaf |
madia oil plant | mexican hat |
madia sativa | mexican husk tomato |
madnep | mexican hyssop |
madonna lily | mexican jumping bean |
madrona | mexican juniper |
madrono | mexican mint |
madwort | mexican nut pine |
magic mushroom | mexican poppy |
Magnolia | mexican sunflower |
magnolia acuminata | mexican swamp cypress |
magnolia family | mexican tea |
magnolia fraseri | mexican tulip poppy |
magnolia grandiflora | Mexicoa |
magnolia macrophylla | mezcal |
magnolia soulangiana | mezereon |
magnolia stellata | mezereum |
magnolia tripetala | michaelmas daisy |
magnolia virginiana | Michauxia |
magnoliaceae | Michelia |
magnoliid dicot family | michigan lily |
magnoliid dicot genus | Microbiota |
magnoliidae | Microcachrys |
magnoliophyta | microflora |
magnoliopsid | microgametophyte |
magnoliopsid family | microgramma |
magnoliopsid genus | Microlepia |
magnoliopsida | Micromeria |
maguey | micromeria chamissonis |
mahagua | micromeria douglasii |
mahernia verticillata | micromeria juliana |
mahoe | micropyle |
mahogany | microsorium |
mahogany family | microsorium punctatum |
mahogany tree | microsporangium |
Mahonia | microspore |
mahonia aquifolium | microsporophyll |
mahonia nervosa | microsporum |
mahuang | microstrobos |
maianthemum | midgrass |
maianthemum bifolium | midrib |
maianthemum canadense | midvein |
Maianthemum (May lily) | mignonette |
maiden pink | mignonette family |
maidenhair | Mikania |
maidenhair berry | mikania scandens |
maidenhair fern | mildew |
maidenhair spleenwort | milfoil |
maidenhair tree | Milium |
Maihuenia | milk thistle |
maikoa | milk vetch |
maize | milkcap |
majagua | milkweed |
majorana | milkweed family |
majorana hortensis | milkwort |
makomako | milkwort family |
malabar kino | Milla |
malacca | millet |
malacothamnus | Millettia |
malanga | milo |
malaxis | milo maize |
malaxis ophioglossoides | miltomate |
malcolm stock | miltonia |
Malcolmia | Miltonia (an orchid genus) |
malcolmia maritima | Miltoniopsis (pansy orchid) |
male berry | Mimetes |
male fern | Mimosa |
male orchis | mimosa bush |
maleberry | mimosa pudica |
Malephora | mimosa sensitiva |
malheur wire lettuce | mimosaceae |
mallee | mimosoideae |
mallow | Mimulus (monkey flower) |
mallow family | ming tree |
Malope | miniature fan palm |
malope trifida | minnie bush |
malosma | minniebush |
malosma laurina | mint |
Malpighia | mint family |
malpighia glabra | mint geranium |
malpighia obovata | minuartia |
malpighiaceae | Mirabilis |
maltese cross | mirabilis californica |
malus | mirabilis jalapa |
malus angustifolia | mirabilis laevis |
malus baccata | mirabilis longiflora |
malus coronaria | mirabilis multiflora |
malus fusca | mirabilis oblongifolia |
malus ioensis | mirabilis uniflora |
malus pumila | mirasol |
malus sylvestris | miro |
Malus (apple, crabapple) | Miscanthus |
malva | mission bells |
malva moschata | missouri goldenrod |
malva neglecta | missouri gourd |
malva sylvestris | missouri primrose |
Malva (mallow) | mistflower |
malvaceae | mistletoe |
malvales | mistletoe cactus |
malvasia | mistletoe family |
Malvastrum | mistletoe fig |
malvastrum coccineum | mistletoe rubber plant |
Malvaviscus | mitchella |
mamey | mitchella repens |
mammea | Mitchella (partridge berry) |
mammea americana | Mitella |
mammee | mitella diphylla |
mammee apple | mitella pentandra |
mammee tree | miter mushroom |
Mammillaria | miterwort |
mammillaria plumosa | mithridate mustard |
mamoncillo | Mitraria |
mandarin | mitrewort |
mandarin orange tree | mitrula elegans |
Mandevilla | mixed bud |
mandevilla boliviensis | moccasin flower |
mandevilla laxa | mock azalia |
mandioc | mock orange |
mandioca | mock privet |
mandragora | mockernut |
mandragora officinarum | mockernut hickory |
Mandragora (mandrake) | moehringia |
mandrake | moehringia lateriflora |
mandrake root | moehringia mucosa |
Manettia | mogdad coffee |
mangifera | mohria |
mangifera indica | mohria caffrorum |
Manglietia | mojave aster |
mango | mold |
mango tree | mole plant |
mangold | Molinia |
mangosteen | molle |
mangosteen tree | molluga |
mangrove | molluga verticillata |
mangrove family | molucca balm |
manihot | molucella |
manihot dulcis | molucella laevis |
manihot esculenta | mombin |
manihot utilissima | mombin tree |
manila bean | momordica |
manila grass | momordica balsamina |
manila hemp | momordica charantia |
manila maguey | monarda |
manila tamarind | monarda citriodora |
manilkara | monarda clinopodia |
manilkara bidentata | monarda didyma |
manilkara zapota | monarda fistulosa |
manioc | monarda pectinata |
manna | monarda punctata |
manna ash | monardella |
manna grass | monardella lanceolata |
manna gum | moneses |
manna lichen | moneses uniflora |
manroot | money plant |
manzanita | moneywort |
maple | monilia |
maple family | monilia albicans |
marang | moniliaceae |
marang tree | moniliales |
Maranta | monkey pod |
maranta arundinaceae | monkey puzzle |
marantaceae | monkeypod |
marasca | monkshood |
marasca cherry | monocarp |
marasmius | monocarpic plant |
marasmius oreades | monocarpous plant |
marattia | monocot |
marattia salicina | monocot family |
marattiaceae | monocot genus |
marattiales | monocotyledon |
maravilla | monocotyledonae |
marblewood | monocotyledones |
marchantia | monotropa |
marchantia polymorpha | monotropa hypopithys |
marchantiaceae | monotropa uniflora |
marchantiales | monotropaceae |
marginal placentation | monstera |
marginal wood fern | monstera deliciosa |
margosa | monterey cypress |
marguerite | monterey pine |
marguerite daisy | montezuma |
Margyricarpus | montezuma cypress |
maria | montia |
marigold | montia chamissoi |
mariposa | montia cordifolia |
mariposa lily | montia lamprosperma |
mariposa tulip | montia perfoliata |
marjoram | moon carrot |
markweed | moon daisy |
marlberry | moon trefoil |
marmalade box | moonflower |
marmalade bush | moong |
marmalade orange | moonseed |
marmalade tree | moonseed family |
marri | moonwort |
marrow | moor berry |
marrow squash | moorwort |
marrubium | moosewood |
marrubium vulgare | moraceae |
Marrubium (horehound) | morchella |
marsh andromeda | morchella angusticeps |
marsh bellflower | morchella conica |
marsh clematis | morchella crassipes |
marsh cress | morchella esculenta |
marsh elder | morchella semilibera |
marsh felwort | morchellaceae |
marsh fern | morel |
marsh gentian | morello |
marsh horsetail | moreton bay chestnut |
marsh mallow | moreton bay pine |
marsh marigold | moreton bay tulipwood |
marsh milkweed | morning glory |
marsh orchid | morus |
marsh pea | morus alba |
marsh pink | morus nigra |
marsh plant | morus rubra |
marsh rosemary | mosquito fern |
marsh tea | moss |
marsh trefoil | moss campion |
marsilea | moss family |
marsilea drummondii | moss genus |
marsilea quadrifolia | moss locust |
Marsilea (pepperwort) | moss phlox |
marsileaceae | moss pink |
martagon | mossy saxifrage |
martynia | mossycup oak |
martynia annua | moth bean |
martynia arenaria | moth mullein |
martynia fragrans | moth orchid |
martyniaceae | moth plant |
marum | mother cell |
marumi | mother of thyme |
marumi kumquat | motherwort |
marupa | mould |
maryland golden aster | mount cook lily |
mascarene grass | mountain alder |
masdevallia | mountain andromeda |
Masdevallia (an orchid genus) | mountain anemone |
mash bean | mountain ash |
massachusetts fern | mountain avens |
mast | mountain azalea |
masterwort | mountain birch |
mastic | mountain bladder fern |
mastic tree | mountain blue berry |
mastigomycota | mountain box |
mastigomycotina | mountain clematis |
matai | mountain clubmoss |
matchbush | mountain cranberry |
matchweed | mountain daisy |
mate | mountain devil |
matilija poppy | mountain ebony |
matricaria | mountain everlasting |
matricaria chamomilla | mountain fern |
matricaria inodorum | mountain fetterbush |
matricaria oreades | mountain grape |
matricaria recutita | mountain heath |
matrimony vine | mountain hemlock |
Matteuccia | mountain hollyhock |
matthiola | mountain laurel |
matthiola incana | mountain lily |
Matthiola (stock) | mountain male fern |
maul oak | mountain maple |
Maurandella | mountain mint |
Maurandya | mountain oak |
maxillaria | mountain parsley fern |
Maxillaria (an orchid genus) | mountain phlox |
may | mountain pine |
may apple | mountain pride |
may blob | mountain rice |
may lily | mountain rimu |
mayaca | mountain rose |
mayacaceae | mountain sandwort |
mayapple | mountain spinach |
mayeng | mountain spleenwort |
mayflower | mountain starwort |
mayhaw | mountain sumac |
maypop | mountain swamp gum |
Maytenus | mountain tea |
mayweed | mountain watercress |
Mazus | mournful widow |
mazzard | mouse ear |
mazzard cherry | mouse eared chickweed |
meadow beauty | moxie plum |
meadow bright | mucor |
meadow buttercup | mucoraceae |
meadow clary | mucorales |
meadow cranesbill | mucuna |
meadow cress | mucuna aterrima |
meadow fern | mucuna deeringiana |
meadow fescue | mucuna pruriens utilis |
meadow foxtail | mud midget |
meadow goldenrod | mud plantain |
meadow grass | mugho pine |
meadow leek | mugo pine |
meadow lily | mugwort |
meadow mushroom | muhlenbergia |
meadow pea | muhlenbergia schreberi |
meadow rue | mulberry |
meadow saffron | mulberry family |
meadow salsify | mulberry fig |
meadow saxifrage | mulberry tree |
meadow spikemoss | mule fat |
meadowgrass | mullein |
mealberry | mullein pink |
mealie | multiflora |
mealy sage | multiflora rose |
means grass | multiple fruit |
meat | multiplier onion |
Meconopsis | mum |
meconopsis cambrica | mung bean |
medic | mung bean plant |
medicago | munj |
medicago arborea | munja |
medicago echinus | munjeet |
medicago falcata | muntingia |
medicago intertexta | muntingia calabura |
medicago lupulina | mus rose |
medicago sativa | musa |
Medicago (alfalfa) | musa acuminata |
medick | musa basjoo |
Medinilla | musa ensete |
medinilla magnifica | musa paradisiaca |
mediterranean cypress | musa textilis |
mediterranean hackberry | musaceae |
medlar | musales |
medlar tree | muscadet |
medullary ray | muscadine |
Meehania | muscari |
meeting house | muscari comosum |
Megacodon | muscari neglectum |
megagametophyte | musci |
Megaskepasma | mushroom |
megasporangium | mushroom pimple |
megaspore | musk clover |
megasporophyll | musk mallow |
mei | musk rose |
melagueta pepper | musk thistle |
Melaleuca (paperbark) | muskat |
melampodium | muskmelon |
melampodium leucanthum | muskus grass |
melampsora | muskwood |
melampsora lini | mustang mint |
melampsoraceae | mustard |
melancholy thistle | mustard family |
melanthiaceae | mustard oil |
Melasphaerula | mustard tree |
Melastoma | mutinus |
melastoma malabathricum | mutinus caninus |
melastomaceae | mutisia |
melastomataceae | mycelia sterilia |
Melia | mycelium |
melia azadirachta | myosotis |
melia azedarach | myosotis scorpiodes |
melia azederach | myosotis sylvatica |
meliaceae | myrcia |
Melianthus | myrciaria |
Melica (melic) | myrciaria cauliflora |
melicocca | myrica |
melicocca bijuga | myrica cerifera |
melicocca bijugatus | myrica gale |
melicoccus | myrica pensylvanica |
Melicytus | myricaceae |
melilot | myricales |
melilotus | myricaria |
melilotus alba | myricaria germanica |
melilotus officinalis | myriophyllum |
Melinis | myristica |
Meliosma | myristica fragrans |
melissa | myristicaceae |
melissa officinalis | myrmecophyte |
Melissa (balm) | myrobalan |
Melittis (bastard balm) | myrobalan plum |
Melocactus | myroxylon |
melon | myroxylon balsamum |
melon tree | myroxylon pereirae |
melon vine | myroxylon toluiferum |
melosa | myrrh |
meniscium | myrrh tree |
menispermaceae | myrrhis |
menispermum | myrrhis odorata |
menispermum canadense | myrsinaceae |
Menispermum (moonseed) | myrsine |
mentha | myrsine family |
mentha aquatica | myrtaceae |
mentha arvensis | myrtaceous tree |
mentha citrata | myrtales |
mentha longifolia | myrtillocactus |
mentha piperita | myrtle |
mentha pulegium | myrtle beech |
mentha rotundifolia | myrtle family |
mentha spicata | myrtle flag |
mentha suaveolens | myrtle oak |
Mentha (mint) | myrtle spurge |
mentum | myrtus |
mentzelia | myrtus communis |
mentzelia laevicaulis | mysore thorn |
mentzelia lindleyi | myxomycete |
mentzelia livicaulis | myxomycetes |
Mentzelia (starflower) | myxomycota |
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Plants That Start With M Info Graphics
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Recap of what we just learned
- Plants Start With M
- Plants Start With M List
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