Places That Start With S

What are familiar places that start with S? In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of places beginning with S. You may check this list before deciding to travel! Here is a complete list of countries, regions & major places starting with the letter ‘S.’
Before teaching a kid how to read sentences, it is essential to make sure to know the 5 letter S places vocabulary.
Read also: Types of Sentences Worksheets
Places That Start With S are for students at the grade 5 to grade 10 levels. Here is a range of the S Places names that will assist students. I hope this will help!
Here are four letter places starting with S, five letter places starting with S, six letter places starting with S, seven letter places starting with S, and eight letter places starting with S in English, arranged in alphabetical order, which helps students correctly understand the S places names.
Virtually everyone living on earth has their favorite places that start with S. But there are many S starting places you may have never heard of.
5 Letter S places name lists can assist your kids in understanding the ways that other languages work. I hope, these free 4 letter S places collections will assist you in achieving your goals.
Also Check: 12 Verb Tenses Worksheets
Places That Start With S List
Here are places that start with S in English that will encourage your English Vocabulary.
It is a fact that there are too many lovely places that start with S; it is challenging to choose to include them in the list.
The following list of over over 500 places that start with S is for you. All these S places are validated using recognized world directories and yellow pages.
Saba | Sirsa |
Sabah | Sitapur |
Sachsen | Site |
Sacramento | Sitka |
Safaqis | Sitsang |
Safari Park | Sittwe |
Safety | Situation |
Sagebrush State | Sivakasi |
Saginaw | Sivas |
Sagittarius | Siverek |
Sagittarius The Archer | Sjaelland |
Sahara | Skagway |
Sahara Desert | Ski Resort |
Sahrawi Republic | Skid Road |
Saida | Skid Row |
Saigon | Skikda |
Saint Augustine | Skopje |
Saint Barthelemy | Skoplje |
Saint Christopher | Skyline |
Saint Cloud | Skyway |
Saint Eustatius | Slask |
Saint Helena | Slave State |
Saint John | Slezsko |
Saint Joseph | Slip |
Saint Kitts | Sliven |
Saint Kitts And Nevis | Slough |
Saint Louis | Slovak Republic |
Saint Lucia | Slovakia |
Saint Maarten | Slovenia |
Saint Martin | Slovenija |
Saint Paul | Sloviansk |
Saint Petersburg | Slum |
Saint Pierre And Miquelon | Slum Area |
Saint Vincent | Smederevo |
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines | Smolensk |
Saipan | Smyrna |
Sakartvelo | Snake Pit |
Sakkara | Snow Line |
Salem | Soacha |
Salient | Sobral |
Salina | Soccer Field |
Salisbury | Sochi |
Salonica | Society Islands |
Salonika | Sodom |
Salt Lake City | Sofia |
Salvador | Sogamoso |
Salzburg | Soho |
Samarang | Soil |
Samarcand | Soil Horizon |
Samaria | Soil Profile |
Samarkand | Soka |
Samoa | Solapur |
Samoa I Sisifo | Solar Apex |
Samoan Islands | Soledad |
San Angelo | Solihull |
San Antonio | Solikamsk |
San Bernardino | Solingen |
San Diego | Solitude |
San Francisco | Solomon Islands |
San Jose | Solomons |
San Juan | Somali Peninsula |
San Luis Potosi | Somalia |
San Marino | Somaliland |
San Mateo | Sombrero |
San Pablo | Somerset |
San Pedro Sula | Somewhere |
San Salvador | Songkhla |
San Sebastian | Songyuan |
Sana | Sonipat |
Sanaa | Sonoran Desert |
Sanctum | Sooner State |
Sanctum Sanctorum | Sorocaba |
Sandlot | Sorsogon City |
Sands | Sosnowiec |
Sandwich Islands | Soudan |
Sangay | Souk Ahras |
Santa Ana | Source |
Santa Barbara | Sousse |
Santa Catalina | South |
Santa Clara | South Africa |
Santa Cruz | South American Country |
Santa Fe | South American Nation |
Santa Maria De Belem | South Australia |
Santa Maria Del Tule | South Bend |
Santiago | South Carolina |
Santiago De Chile | South Celestial Pole |
Santiago De Cuba | South Dakota |
Santo Domingo | South Dum Dum |
Santos | South Frigid Zone |
Sao Bernardo Do Campo | South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands |
Sao Goncalo | South Island |
Sao Joao De Meriti | South Korea |
Sao Jose Dos Campos | South Of Houston |
Sao Louis | South Ossetia |
Sao Paulo | South Pole |
Sao Thome E Principe | South Side |
Sao Tiago Island | South Sudan |
Sao Tome | South Temperate Zone |
Sao Tome And Principe | South Vietnam |
Sao Tome E Principe | South West Africa |
Sapporo | South Yorkshire |
Saqqara | Southampton |
Saqqarah | Southeast |
Saragossa | Southeast Asia |
Sarajevo | Southend On Sea |
Sarasota | Southern Hemisphere |
Saratoga Springs | Southern Rhodesia |
Saratov | Southland |
Sarawak | Southwest |
Sardegna | Soviet Russia |
Sardinia | Soviet Union |
Sardis | Soweto |
Saskatchewan | Soyapango |
Saskatoon | Spa |
Saudi Arabia | Space |
Sault Sainte Marie | Spain |
Savanna | Spanish Guinea |
Savannah | Spanish Sahara |
Savoy | Sparta |
Saxe | Sphere |
Saxony | Sphere Of Influence |
Sayda | Spice Islands |
Scandinavia | Spitsbergen |
Scandinavian Country | Spitzbergen |
Scandinavian Nation | Split |
Scandinavian Peninsula | Spokane |
Scenario | Spot |
Scene | Spotsylvania |
Scenery | Sprawl |
Schenectady | Springfield |
Schlesien | Springs |
School District | Square |
Schoolyard | Srbija |
Schweiz | Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte |
Schwerin | Sri Lanka |
Scilly Islands | Srinagar |
Scorpio | St Helens |
Scorpio The Scorpion | St Louis |
Scorpion | St Paul |
Scotland | St Petersburg |
Scottsdale | St. Augustine |
Scour | St. Christopher |
Scranton | St. Cloud |
Scrapheap | St. Eustatius |
Scratch | St. John |
Scratch Line | St. Joseph |
Scrimmage Line | St. Kitts |
Scrubland | St. Kitts And Nevis |
Scythia | St. Louis |
Seafront | St. Lucia |
Sealand | St. Maarten |
Sealyham | St. Martin |
Seam | St. Mary Of Bethlehem |
Seam Reab | St. Paul |
Seaport | St. Petersburg |
Seascape | St. Thomas And Principe |
Seat | St. Vincent |
Seattle | Stabroek |
Sebastopol | Staffa |
Section | Stage |
Sector | Stage Left |
Sedalia | Stage Right |
See | Staging Area |
Seeland | Stagira |
Selangor | Stagirus |
Seleyang Baru | Stakhanov |
Selma | Stalinabad |
Semarang | Stalingrad |
Semidesert | Stalino |
Semipalatinsk | Stamboul |
Semitropics | Stambul |
Sendai | Stamford |
Senegal | Stamping Ground |
Sensible Horizon | Stand |
Seongnam | Stanley |
Seoul | Star Sign |
Separation | Stara Zagora |
Sequoia National Park | Starsy Oskol |
Serampore | Start |
Serbia | Starting Line |
Serbia And Montenegro | State |
Serdica | State Boundary |
Seremban | State Line |
Serengeti | State Of Bahrain |
Serengeti National Park | State Of Eritrea |
Serengeti Plain | State Of Israel |
Sergiyev Posad | State Of Katar |
Serpukhov | State Of Kuwait |
Serra | State Of Qatar |
Sertaozinho | Staten Island |
Service Area | Station |
Service Line | Stavanger |
Sete Lagoas | Stavropol |
Setif | Stepanakert |
Seto | Sterling Heights |
Setting | Sterlitamak |
Settlement | Stockbroker Belt |
Setubal | Stockholm |
Sevastopol | Stockport |
Seven Hills Of Rome | Stockton |
Seventh Avenue | Stonehenge |
Severodvinsk | Stop |
Seversk | Stopover |
Sevilla | Storm Center |
Seville | Storm Centre |
Seward Peninsula | Strand |
Seychelles | Strasbourg |
Seychelles Islands | Strassburg |
Seyhan | Stratum |
Sfax | Street Address |
Shadow | Strike Zone |
Shah Alam | String Line |
Shahe | Stuttgart |
Shahjahanpur | Subdivision |
Shahrekord | Subotica |
Shahrud | Substrate |
Shakhty | Substratum |
Shanghai | Subtopia |
Shangluo | Subtropics |
Shangqiu | Suburb |
Shangrao | Suburban Area |
Shangzhi | Suburbia |
Shantou | Suceava |
Shantytown | Sucre |
Shanwei | Sudan |
Shaoguan | Sudbury |
Shaowu | Suez |
Shaoxing | Suez Canal |
Shaoyang | Suhaj |
Sharjah | Suihua |
Shchyolkovo | Suining |
Sheberghan | Suisse |
Sheffield | Suita |
Sheikdom | Suizhou |
Sheikhdom | Sukabumi |
Sheikhu Pura | Sukhumi |
Shenyang | Sukkur |
Shenzhen | Sulamaniya |
Sheopur | Sulawesi |
Sherbrooke | Sullana |
Sherman | Sultan Kudarat |
Shetland | Sultanate |
Shetland Islands | Sultanate Of Oman |
Shihezi | Sultanbeyli |
Shihung | Sumatra |
Shijiazhuang | Sumer |
Shikarpur | Sumgait |
Shikoku | Summit |
Shillong | Sumy |
Shimizu | Sun City |
Shimla | Sun Valley |
Shimoga | Sunbelt |
Shimonoseki | Suncheon |
Shinyanga | Sunda Islands |
Shipside | Sunderland |
Shiraz | Sundsvall |
Shire | Sunflower State |
Shire Town | Sungai Petani |
Shishi City | Sunnyvale |
Shishou | Sunshine Coast |
Shivpuri | Sunshine State |
Shooting Preserve | Suomi |
Show Me State | Superfund Site |
Showplace | Superior |
Shreveport | Superstrate |
Shrubbery | Superstratum |
Sialkote | Supply Line |
Siam | Supply Route |
Sian | Suqian |
Siberia | Sur |
Sibiu | Surabaya |
Sibu | Surakarta |
Sichuan | Surat |
Sicilia | Surat Thani |
Sicily | Surface |
Side | Surgut |
Sideline | Surigao City |
Sidon | Surinam |
Siegen | Suriname |
Sierra Leone | Surrey |
Sieverodonetsk | Surround |
Sign | Surroundings |
Sign Of The Zodiac | Susa |
Siirt | Susah |
Sikar | Susiana |
Sikkim | Sussex |
Silang | Sutton Coldfield |
Silay City | Suva |
Silchar | Suwon |
Silesia | Suzano |
Silhouette | Suzerainty |
Silicon Valley | Suzhou |
Siliguri | Suzuka |
Silk Road | Svalbard |
Silver City | Sverige |
Silver State | Svizzera |
Simferopol | Swansea |
Simi Valley | Swap File |
Simpson Desert | Swap Space |
Sinai | Swaziland |
Sinai Desert | Sweden |
Sinai Peninsula | Swindon |
Sincelejo | Swiss Canton |
Sind | Swiss Confederation |
Singan | Switzerland |
Singapore | Sydney |
Singapore Island | Syktyvkar |
Singkawang | Syracuse |
Sinkiang | Syria |
Sint Eustatius | Syrian Arab Republic |
Sint Maarten | Syrian Desert |
Sinuiji | Syzran |
Sion | Szczecin |
Sioux City | Szechuan |
Sioux Falls | Szechwan |
Siping | Szechwan Province |
Siracusa | Szeged |
Sirjan |
Also Check: Definite and indefinite articles Worksheet and Active and Passive Voice Worksheets!
Places That Start With S Info Graphics
Printable infographics are an excellent way to communicate a large number of details in a brief time in a delightful way. The places that start with S infographic can help educators and learners share their thoughts.
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Also Read: Sentence Structures Worksheets
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Recap of what we just learned
- Places Start With S
- Places Start With S List
- Places Start With S Info Graphics
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