Personality Traits – Negative and Positive Personality Traits

Personality Traits Definition
What are personality traits? A personality trait is a consistent, relatively stable, and enduring internal characteristic that is inferred from a pattern of attitudes, behaviors, feelings, and habits in the person. In order to describe the personality of any person, we must have a vocabulary about behavior, and feelings. There are two types of personality traits, positive personality traits, and negative personality traits.
In this article, I am going to explain different adjectives we can use to describe the personality of a person and look at a variety of example sentences about personality traits.
If you recognize your grammar, you’re most likely already well aware of adjectives. Personality traits are adjectives describing a person.
Personality Traits Examples With Meaning
There are a lot of words that can be used, some of which talk about positive attributes of a person and others that are more negative. I will take a look at each of these in a little more detail by examples with meanings.
- Humble: Not arrogant or prideful; marked by modesty
- Brave: a person having or displaying courage
- Courageous: a person able to face and deal with danger
- Serious: a person of great consequence
- Mischievous: naughtily or annoyingly playful
- Lazy: a slow worker, disinclined to work or exertion
- Successful: having succeeded
- Patriotic: inspired by a love for your country
- Eager: showing keen interest or intense desire
- Shy: a person having a lack of self-confidence
Also check: Adjectives That Start With A

Personality Traits Examples Sentences
All of these words can be used within a sentence to talk about the positive and negative traits of a person. Let’s now look at some example sentences.
- People who are humble tend to be viewed as those who can succeed.
- Sofia’s father is a very honest and brave man.
- When I first met William, I thought he was patient and I was wrong.
- My friend Hannah is a very patriotic woman.
- The boy who works in the office is extremely amiable.
- My daughter is a very smart girl.
- Your sister seems like a friendly person.
- Her brother, Daniel used to be very judgemental.
- My boss is a very dishonest person.
- Jacob’s ex-girlfriend was a very jealous person.
- My brother was very selfish when we were kids.
- My teenage son is still very childish.
- Being helpful to others is a personality trait.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With B
Personality Traits Types: List of Positive & Negative Personality Traits
There are two types of personality traits, positive personality traits, and negative personality traits. Here I will explain these in detail!
Positive Personality Traits
Positive Personality Traits mean the definition of a person in a positive way. Like good qualities of the person. Let’s take a look at some examples of positive personality traits.
- Ambitious – having a strong desire for success.
- Adaptable – a person who can make changes easily.
- Adorable – a person who is sweet.
- Adventurous – someone who is not afraid to try new things.
- Brave – a person having or displaying courage
- Capable – someone who is able to achieve things.
- Charming – someone who draws attention in a positive way.
- Clever – someone who is smart.
- Compassionate – someone who shows understanding to others.
- Courageous – a person able to face and deal with danger
- Confident – someone who has full confidence.
- Cultured – a person having a lot of cultural experience.
- Dependable – someone who can rely on.
- Determined – someone who sticks with their decisions.
- Empathetic – someone who can understand the emotions of others.
- Encouraging – someone who is full of encouragement.
- Fearless – someone who shows no fear.
- Friendly – someone who is easy to get along with.
- Helpful – someone who likes to assist others.
- Honest – someone who is truthful.
- Humble – someone who does not have an ego.
- Imaginative – someone who has a good imagination.
- Independent – someone who can manage well.
- Intelligent – someone who is smart.
- Keen – someone who is eager.
- Loyal – someone who remains supportive to those close to them.
- Meticulous – someone who pays attention to detail.
- Patient – someone who shows patience.
- Precise – someone who does things to an exact standard.
- Patriotic – inspired by a love for your country
- Sociable – someone who likes to interact with others frequently.
- Successful – having succeeded
- Trusting – someone who trusts others.
- Trustworthy – someone who can be trusted.
- Understanding – someone who can understand others.
- Vibrant – someone who is colorful and loud.
- Rich – possessing material wealth.
- Talented – endowed with talent or talents.
- Wise – a person having intelligence.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With C

Positive Personality Traits Example Sentences
Here are some positive personality traits sentences.
- Joseph is a very honest man
- Victoria is a trustworthy woman.
- My wife is a very loyal lady.
- My brother is a very intelligent boy.
- Your uncle seems like a friendly person.
- Courage and confidence can help a person choose to do what is right.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With D
Negative Personality Traits
Negative Personality Traits mean the definition of a person in a negative way. Like bad qualities of the person. Let’s take a look at some examples of negative personality traits.
- Catty – someone who makes nasty remarks about others.
- Childish – Someone who behaves in an immature manner.
- Clumsy – Someone who is prone to accidents.
- Cocky – Someone who has an overinflated ego.
- Controlling – Someone who likes to take control of a situation.
- Cruel – someone who is not nice to others for fun.
- Dishonest – someone who is not truthful.
- Evil – someone who is calculating, nasty, bad.
- Fussy – someone who pays too much attention to detail.
- Grumpy – someone who is not friendly and often in a bad mood.
- Gullible – someone who will believe anything that they are told.
- Impatient – Someone who does not display patience.
- Impatient – someone who does not display patience.
- Insecure – Someone who does not have self-security or confidence.
- Jealous – suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival
- Judgemental – someone who judges others, especially before knowing all the information.
- Lazy – a slow worker, disinclined to work or exertion
- Lonely – lacking companions or companionship
- Mischievous – naughtily or annoyingly playful
- Naggy – someone who repeats themselves in order to get others to do something.
- Paranoid – someone who constantly worries that something bad will happen.
- Pessimistic – someone who sees the worst in everything.
- Rebellious – Someone who goes against the rules.
- Rowdy – is someone who is loud and brash, often disruptive.
- Selfish – concerned chiefly with your own advantage.
- Shy – a person having a lack of self-confidence.
- Sleazy – someone who is sordid or corrupt.
- Spoiled – someone who is entitled or believes they deserve everything and more than others.]
- Stubborn – someone who will not budge from their opinion even if it is incorrect.
- Unethical – willing to do anything to get ahead no matter how it might affect others.
- Weak – wanting in physical strength.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With E

Negative Personality Traits Example Sentences
Here are some negative personality traits sentences.
- David used to be very judgemental.
- Aurora is quite a grumpy person.
- Addison’s boss is very dishonest.
- She will often be unethical in her decisions.
- My ex-boyfriend was a very jealous person.
- My daughter was very selfish when she was a kid.
- My teenage son is still very childish.
- People who are bossy tend to come across as self-centered individuals.
Also read: Adjectives That Start With F
Personality Traits InfoGraphics
Here are some printable infographics about Personality Traits. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in a stunning way. The Personality Traits infographic can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

My Considerations
In order to successfully talk about yourself, another person, or indeed a fictional character, it’s important to be mindful of the different personality traits in English. These words can greatly help you in describing a person to someone. They’re also excellent for use in your written English, especially if you’re writing a fictional story and need to give your audience a detailed description of the type of person your character is.
Since the Adjective is the main part of English reading, the importance of developing vocabulary cannot be undervalued without Personality Traits.
You can read the above simple list of Personality Traits to improve your understanding of English grammar.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but commonly used Personality Traits, by following the simple example sentences given above. Then, save this list of Personality Traits, handy for future interview use.
If you enjoyed a printable infographic about Personality Traits, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!
Recap of what we just learned
- What is Personality Traits?
- Personality Traits Definition
- Personality Traits Examples With Meaning
- Personality Traits Examples Sentences
- Personality Traits Types: List of Positive & Negative Personality Traits
- Positive Personality Traits
- Positive Personality Traits Example Sentences
- Negative Personality Traits
- Negative Personality Traits Example Sentences
- Personality Traits InfoGraphics
If you’re having any doubts about the qualities of Personality Traits, you can leave a comment below, and we’ll attempt to give you feedback as early as possible. Thank you!
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- V Adjectives to Describe a Person
- W Adjectives to Describe a Person
- X Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Z Adjectives to Describe a Person