500 English Adjectives that Describe Personality

What are adjectives? Are you searching for English Adjectives that Describe Personality, for your kids? Are you searching for printable worksheets about adjectives? You are in the right place!
What are Adjectives?
What exactly are adjectives? In the simplest terms, an adjective is a word used to define a noun. The adjectives can give a piece of additional descriptive information to the sentence.
- We live in a old village.
- Mia was wearing a sleeveless shirt.
- He wore a awesome shirt.
- Smith writes meaningless words.
- This shop is much cheaper.
Personality traits
Personality traits!! Personality traits are permanent features or aspects. They can change slowly in time, but they’re generally permanent. We ask, “What are you like?” to inquire about our personality. This lesson will teach the basics of adjectives to describe people’s personalities in English with valueable examples.
Personality is the tendency of an individual to act, think and behave in a particular manner. Many sociologists agree that personalities originate from the cultures and families where people are educated.
What Are Personality Adjectives?
A particular set of adjectives are used to describe the personality. Personality refers to how someone acts, behaves, or behaves. Personality adjectives are commonly referred to as personality adjectives. Personality adjectives could be among the top kinds of adjectives you can comprehend. They will help you determine what makes someone happy or sad, difficult or easy, speedy or slow. They can help us understand what we can expect from people around us. This can be a valuable thing to know.

List of 500 Personality Traits
Here is the the list of 500 English Adjectives that Describe Personality!
Academic | Dynamic | Patriotic |
Accurate | Eager | Polite |
Adaptable | Efficient | Positive |
Adorable | Elated | Powerful |
Adventurous | Emotional | Practical |
Affectionate | Endurable | Precise |
Aggressive | Ethical | Prudent |
Agreeable | Exclusive | Quick |
Alert | Faithful | Quiet |
Alluring | Fanatic | Rational |
Ambitious | Feminine | Realistic |
Amused | Firm | Reasonable |
Appreciative | Flexible | Relaxed |
Artistic | Fool | Religious |
Assertive | Forceful | Reserved |
Athletic | Formal | Resilient |
Attractive | Frank | Respectable |
Beautiful | Friendly | Responsive |
Boastful | Fun | Robust |
Bold | Funny | Romantic |
Brave | Generous | Sane |
Bright | Gentle | Sensible |
Bungling | Great | Serious |
Calm | Happy | Sincere |
Capable | Helpful | Sociable |
Carefree | Hermetic | Spiritual |
Careful | Idiot | Sporty |
Caring | Immaculate | Stable |
Casual | Immature | Steady |
Cautious | Independent | Strong |
Charming | Influential | Tactful |
Cheerful | Informal | Thoughtful |
Clean | Insipid | Tolerable |
Clever | Intellectual | Trusting |
Comfortable | Intense | Trustworthy |
Competent | Inventive | Unassuming |
Confident | Jaded | Understanding |
Contrary | Keen | Unique |
Cool | Kind | Unreliable |
Creative | Learned | Untrustworthy |
Dazzling | Likable | Venerable |
Decent | Lively | Verbal |
Decisive | Logical | Versatile |
Decorous | Loving | Violent |
Dedicated | Loyal | Wholesome |
Deliberate | Maniac | Wild |
Delightful | Mature | Willing |
Detailed | Mean | Wise |
Determined | Methodical | Witty |
Devoted | Neat | Youthful |
Dignified | Noble | Zany |
Diligent | Optimistic | Obliging |
Disagreeable | Discreet | Original |
Positive Personality Adjectives
A variety of adjectives used to define personality include positive. Below is a list of some positive adjectives for personality. They are great to impress people or admire, for those you’d like to impress and even yourself.
Active | Empathetic | Neat |
Adaptable | Energetic | Nice |
Adventurous | Faithful | Optimistic |
Affable | Fearless | Passionate |
Amiable | Friendly | Patient |
Amicable | Funny | Plucky |
Amusing | Generous | Polite |
Brave | Gentle | Popular |
Bright | Good | Powerful |
Calm | Gregarious | Practical |
Careful | Helpful | Rational |
Charming | Honest | Realistic |
Circumspect | Hopeful | Reliable |
Communicative | Humorous | Resourceful |
Compassionate | Imaginative | Romantic |
Conscientious | Intelligent | Sensible |
Considerate | Intuitive | Sincere |
Courageous | Inventive | Smart |
Courteous | Joyful | Sociable |
Creative | Kind | Sympathetic |
Determined | Loving | Tidy |
Diligent | Loyal | Understanding |
Diplomatic | Lucky | Willing |
Discreet | Mature | Wise |
Dynamic | Motivated | Witty |
Negative Personality Adjectives
Other adjectives that describe personality are negative ones. Below are a few negative adjectives for personality. They should be used cautiously as negative words to describe someone’s character are generally interpreted poorly.
Abrasive | Egotistical | Moody |
Aggressive | Evasive | Morbid |
Apathetic | Evil | Nasty |
Argumentative | Fanatical | Nosy |
Boring | Flaky | Obsessive |
Bossy | Foolish | Paranoid |
Callous | Forgetful | Pessimistic |
Catty | Frivolous | Petty |
Childish | Gossipy | Posessive |
Cocky | Greedy | Prejudiced |
Confrontational | Grumpy | Pretentious |
Controlling | Gullible | Reckless |
Cowardly | Hostile | Resentful |
Cruel | Humorless | Rotten |
Cynical | Hypocritical | Rude |
Defensive | Ignorant | Selfish |
Deceitful | Impatient | Sleazy |
Dense | Impractical | Spoiled |
Devious | Inconsiderate | Stingy |
Dim | Irrational | Stupid |
Dishonest | Jealous | Unlucky |
Disloyal | Judgemental | Unmotivated |
Disorganized | Lazy | Unreliable |
Disrespectful | Manipulative | Untidy |
Disruptive | Mean | Vain |
Neutral Personality Adjectives
Some adjectives aren’t negative or positive in their own right; however, they can define personality. Certain of the adjectives listed below are usually neutral. Some are positive or negative, based on the context in which they’re utilized. They’re often an excellent thing to substitute for negative words because they’re a way of saying something that’s not overly positive but isn’t necessarily negative, too. They’re also helpful for those who cannot determine whether you should use negative words or positive words.
Ambitious | Impressionable | Private |
Anxious | Independent | Questioning |
Breezy | Inhibited | Rebellious |
Businesslike | Intellectual | Relaxed |
busy | Intense | Reserved |
Casual | Introverted | Sarcastic |
Cerebral | Irreverent | Sensitive |
Cautious | Loud | Serious |
Chatty | Martyr | Shy |
Childlike | Mercurial | Silly |
Competitive | Mischievous | Smooth |
Complex | Modern | Soft |
Conservative | Modest | Solemn |
Decisive | Moralistic | Straightforward |
Emotional | Neutral | Strict |
Enigmatic | Noncommittal | Subservient |
Extravagant | Noncompetitive | Surprising |
Extroverted | Opportunistic | Timid |
Exuberant | Ordinary | Tough |
Folksy | Outspoken | Unassuming |
Forceful | Perfectionist | Unchanging |
Frank | Persistant | Uncompromising |
Frugal | Philosophical | Undemanding |
Idiosyncratic | Political | Unyielding |
Impartial | Predictable | Quiet |
Example Sentences of Personality Traits
Academic: Smith wasn’t very academic and hated study.
Anxious: Charlotte was anxious to preserve her reputation
Beautiful: William was even more beautiful than I had remembered.
Calm: Mia’s so calm, nothing seems to faze her.
Naughty: They’re a very naughty boys! Look what they’ve done!
Dazzling: Olivia gave me a dazzling smile.
Eager: Liam was eager to talk about life in the Army.
Fanatic: She is a fanatic jogger.
Sensitive: He is very sensitive to other people’s feelings.
Generous: Benjamin is very generous.
Lazy: Ava felt too lazy to get out of bed.
Happy: We are happy to announce the engagement of our sun.
Idiot: You blundering idiot!
Intelligent: Benjamin seemed intelligent and well educated.
Jaded: They look very jaded; they need a holiday.
Keen: Emma’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.
Learned: James is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.
Maniac: She drives like a maniac; I’m sure he’ll cause an accident.
Neat: Isabella keeps his room clean and neat.
Obliging: You were very obliging and offered to wait for us.
Patient: I know your leg hurts, just be patient until the doctor arrives.
Quick: He is normally quick to complain about the shoddy service.
Rational: She was too upset to be rational.
Sane: In the doctor’s opinion, he was sane at the time of the murder.
Sincere: Elijah was sincere in his wish to help us.
Trusting: If you’re too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.
Unique: His designs have a unique brand of stylishness.
Emotional: She got quite emotional during the speech.
Verbal: We have a verbal agreement with her.
Willing: Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk.
Youthful: She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance.
Zany: She’s special because her coat looks zany. It is sharply divided between horse and zebra.
Energetic: Oliver seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
Understanding: He pleaded with his parents for a more understanding attitude.
Attractive: Sophia was not exactly good-looking, but definitely attractive.
Crazy: She’s crazy to drive her bike so fast.
Unreliable: Noah’s totally unreliable as a source of information.
Romantic: They’re getting quite romantic in their old age!
Tactful: I tried to be tactful, but she seemed to be mortally offended.
Nervous: They get very nervous before a big race.
Rude: Mia is so rude that nobody can bear her.
My Considerations
Since the Adjective is the main part of reading, the importance of developing vocabulary cannot be undervalued.
You can read above simple English Adjectives that Describe Personality to improve your vocabulary.
Encourage your children to master these basic but often encountered adjective words by following the simple example given above. Then, save this list about English Adjectives that Describe Personality, handy for future use.
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Recap of we just learned
- What are Adjectives?
- Personality traits
- What Are Personality Adjectives?
- List of 500 Personality Traits
- Positive Personality Adjectives
- Negative Personality Adjectives
- Neutral Personality Adjectives
- Example Sentences of Personality Traits
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[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with C. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with C. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with C to describe a person. […]
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[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with F. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with F. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with F to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with G. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with G. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with G to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with H. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with H. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with H to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with I. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with I. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with I to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with J. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with J. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with J to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with K. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with K. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with K to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with L. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with L. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with L to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with M. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with M. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with M to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with N. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with N. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with N to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with O. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with O. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with O to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with P. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with P. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with P to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with Q. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with Q. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with Q to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with R. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with R. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with R to describe a person. […]
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[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with T. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with T. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with T to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with U. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with U. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with U to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with V. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with V. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with V to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with W. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with W. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with W to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with X. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with X. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with X to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with Y. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with Y. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with Y to describe a person. […]
[…] There are a variety of adjectives that start with Z. You could create a big list by adding the superlative and comparative variants of adjectives starting with Z. Here are some commonly used modifying words, including definitions and examples with a separate list of adjectives starting with Z to describe a person. […]
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