Negative Adjectives

Negative adjectives can be painful also when they are genuine! Have you ever been so upset with a person that you claimed some things that you did not mean? Or perhaps you did indicate it. Maybe you explained their personality in words that weren’t always great. Maybe you were placed in a circumstance that you were not delighted concerning.
In some cases, bad individuals or scenarios generate adverse reactions from us. These negative reactions or words are called negative adjectives.
READ: Adjectives that start with Z
What Are Negative Adjectives?
Negative adjectives are essentially descriptive words that we use to define someone’s character negatively. We can utilize them to explain places or circumstances that we do not such.
Places, people, and situations are occasionally very unpleasant. Negative adjectives assist individuals in defining their negative and uncomplimentary points of view concerning people or situations. Authors can use these descriptive words to bring a tale to life. It helps the visitor recognize that a personality’s character is distasteful or discuss how poor a particular scenario is. Unfavorable adjectives can be used to describe any kind of and everything that is not pleasurable.
Negative adjectives are usually verbal responses toward something or somebody who has hurt you or made you mad. Words like these are frequently used during a debate. Although they may be used properly and perhaps precisely, they are words meant to disrespect, not praise.
There are many different negative adjectives. And of those, there are many negative adjectives that start with A.
First you should read article about “What is an adjective?”
Negative Adjectives Examples
Below is a list I have conformed of numerous negative adjectives and their significance and an example of exactly how they are used in a sentence.
Aloof — keeping others at a distance, distant or detached from others
Apathetic — indifferent or insensitive, lacking any concern or feeling for others
Arrogant — believing oneself to be superior to others
Boastful — possessions or abilities, tending to brag about one’s accomplishments
Big-headed — having an inflated sense of one’s importance
Callous — not influenced by the sorrow of others
Conceited — having an excessively high sentiment of oneself or one’s abilities
Condescending — talking down to those they consider less clever
Detached — not interested in another’s problems or interest; free of worry
Dismissive — quick to disregard others or brush them off as unworthy of attention
Egocentric — focused on serving the ego, self-centered or self-absorbed
Envious — status, or accomplishments of others, coveting the possessions
Greedy — amassing and collecting controls (or money, food, etc.) to oneself
Hedonistic — sensually self-indulgent, seeking one’s pleasure
Narcissistic — self-centered to the point that others are tools for self-gratification
Patronizing — talking down to those they consider inferior in some way
Pharisaical — hypocritical; quick to impose duties they’re not willing to carry
Petulant — bold or rude, childishly sulky or peevish
Pompous — acting with arrogance
Supercilious — acting superior or above your company; dismissive or aloof
Vain — having a high belief in one’s appearance or the feelings one is making
Vindictive — driven to retaliate against those who’ve crossed them in some way
List of Negative Adjectives
Let’s look at these negative adjectives to describe a persons, places or things. A-Z negative adjectives to improve your vocabulary, help you become a crossword master.
Negative Adjectives that Start with A
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with A. Here is a big list of negative A adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Abhorrent | Aimless |
Abject | Alarming |
Abnormal | Aloof |
Abrasive | Anemic |
Abrupt | Angry |
Absent | Annoying |
Absentminded | Antagonistic |
Absurd | Antiquated |
Abusive | Appalling |
Abysmal | Apprehensive |
Accidental | Argumentative |
Acerbic | Arrogant |
Aching | Artificial |
Acrimonious | Artless |
Adversarial | Ashamed |
Afraid | Astringent |
Aggravating | Atrocious |
Aggressive | Awful |
Agonizing | Awkward |
Negative Adjectives that Start with B
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with B. Here is a big list of negative B adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Babbling | Blistering |
Backhanded | Bloated |
Bacterial | Bloodied |
Bad | Bloodthirsty |
Baffled | Bloody |
Baffling | Blue |
Barbaric | Blundering |
Barbarous | Blunt |
Barren | Blurred |
Basic | Blurry |
Battered | Boastful |
Batty | Bookish |
Bawling | Boorish |
Beady | Bored |
Befuddled | Boring |
Belching | Bossy |
Belligerent | Bothered |
Berserk | Brainless |
Betrayed | Brash |
Bewildered | Brassy |
Bewitched | Breakable |
Biased | Bribable |
Bigoted | Brisk |
Biting | Bristly |
Bitter | Broken |
Bizarre | Brooding |
Blamable | Bruised |
Bland | Brutal |
Blank | Brutish |
Blaring | Bulky |
Blasphemous | Bumpy |
Bleak | Bungling |
Bleary | Bureaucratic |
Blind | Busiest |
Negative Adjectives that Start with C
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with C. Here is a big list of negative C adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Caged | Confused |
Cagey | Confusing |
Callous | Congested |
Cancelled | Conspicuous |
Cancerous | Constrictive |
Cantankerous | Contagious |
Capricious | Contemptible |
Captive | Contemptuous |
Careless | Contradicting |
Carsick | Contradictory |
Catastrophic | Contrarian |
Catatonic | Contrary |
Caustic | Contrite |
Cavalier | Controllable |
Certifiable | Controlling |
Challenged | Controversial |
Challenging | Convoluted |
Chauvinistic | Cornered |
Cheap | Corny |
Cheerless | Corporate |
Chemical | Corrosive |
Chicken | Corrupt |
Childish | Corrupting |
Chilling | Corruptive |
Chilly | Costly |
Choking | Cowardly |
Choppy | Cowering |
Chubby | Coy |
Chunky | Crabby |
Clammy | Cracked |
Clamoring | Crafty |
Clashing | Crammed |
Clingy | Cramped |
Clinical | Cranky |
Cliquish | Crass |
Clogged | Craven |
Cloistered | Crazy |
Clownish | Creaky |
Clueless | Creeping |
Clumsy | Creepy |
Cluttered | Crestfallen |
Coarse | Criminal |
Cockamamie | Crippling |
Cocky | Critical |
Coercive | Crooked |
Cold | Cross |
Coldhearted | Crotchety |
Colorless | Crowded |
Combative | Crude |
Commercial | Cruel |
Common | Crumbling |
Complacent | Crumbly |
Complaining | Crumply |
Complicated | Crushable |
Compulsive | Crushed |
Compulsory | Crusty |
Conceited | Crying |
Concerning | Cryptic |
Condemned | Culpable |
Condescending | Cumbersome |
Conditional | Cursed |
Conflicted | Curt |
Conflicting | Cutting |
Confounded | Cynical |
Negative Adjectives that Start with D
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with D. Here is a big list of negative D adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Daffy | Disconnected |
Daft | Discontented |
Damaged | Discordant |
Damaging | Discouraged |
Damp | Discouraging |
Dangerous | Discourteous |
Dark | Discredited |
Daunting | Discreet |
Dawdling | Discriminatory |
Dazed | Disdainful |
Deadly | Diseased |
Deafening | Disenchanted |
Decayed | Disgraceful |
Decaying | Disgruntled |
Deceitful | Disgusted |
Deceivable | Disgusting |
Deceiving | Disheartened |
Deceptive | Disheartening |
Decimated | Dishonest |
Decipherable | Dishonorable |
Declining | Disillusioned |
Decrepit | Disinclined |
Defeated | Disingenuous |
Defective | Disinterested |
Defenseless | Disjointed |
Defensive | Dislikeable |
Defiant | Disliked |
Deficient | Disloyal |
Deformed | Dismal |
Degenerative | Dismissive |
Degraded | Disobedient |
Dejected | Disorderly |
Delinquent | Disorganized |
Delirious | Disparaging |
Deluded | Dispassionate |
Demanding | Dispensable |
Demented | Displeased |
Demonic | Displeasing |
Deniable | Disposable |
Dense | Disproportionate |
Dependent | Disproved |
Deplorable | Disputed |
Depraved | Disreputable |
Depressed | Disrespectful |
Depressing | Disruptive |
Depressive | Dissatisfied |
Deprived | Dissimilar |
Deranged | Distant |
Derivative | Distasteful |
Derogative | Distracted |
Derogatory | Distraught |
Deserted | Distressed |
Desolate | Distressing |
Despairing | Distrustful |
Desperate | Disturbed |
Despicable | Disturbing |
Despised | Divided |
Despondent | Divisive |
Destroyed | Dizzy |
Destructive | Domineering |
Detached | Doubtful |
Detestable | Doubting |
Detrimental | Dowdy |
Devastated | Down |
Devastating | Drab |
Devious | Drained |
Diabolical | Dramatic |
Difficult | Drastic |
Digressive | Dreaded |
Dilapidated | Dreadful |
Dim | Dreary |
Diminishing | Dripping |
Diminutive | Droll |
Dingy | Drooping |
Dire | Droopy |
Dirty | Drowsy |
Disadvantaged | Drunk |
Disadvantageous | Dry |
Disaffected | Dubious |
Disagreeable | Dulcet |
Disappearing | Dull |
Disappointed | Duplicitous |
Disappointing | Dusty |
Disapproving | Dwindling |
Disastrous | Dysfunctional |
Discarded |
Negative Adjectives that Start with E
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with E. Here is a big list of negative E adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Eerie | Erroneous |
Egocentric | Estranged |
Egomaniacal | Evasive |
Egotistical | Evil |
Emaciated | Exacerbating |
Embarrassed | Exasperated |
Embarrassing | Exasperating |
Embittered | Excessive |
Embroiled | Excruciating |
Emotional | Exhausting |
Emotionless | Expendable |
Empty | Expired |
Encrusted | Exploitative |
Endangered | Exploited |
Enraged | Explosive |
Envious | Exposed |
Erasable | Expressionless |
Eroding | Extraneous |
Errant | Extreme |
Erratic |
Negative Adjectives that Start with F
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with F. Here is a big list of negative F adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Facetious | Foolish |
Faded | Forbidding |
Failed | Forceful |
Faint | Foreboding |
Faithless | Forgetful |
Fallacious | Forgettable |
Falsified | Forgotten |
Faltering | Formulaic |
Famished | Foul |
Fanatical | Fractious |
Fatal | Fragile |
Fatigued | Fragmented |
Faulty | Frail |
Fawning | Frantic |
Feared | Fraudulent |
Fearful | Frayed |
Fearsome | Freakish |
Feckless | Freaky |
Feeble | Freezing |
Feebleminded | Fretful |
Feigned | Fried |
Felonious | Frightened |
Fetid | Frightening |
Feverish | Frightful |
Fidgeting | Frigid |
Fidgety | Frilly |
Fiendish | Frivolous |
Filmy | Frosty |
Filtered | Frowning |
Filthy | Frozen |
Finicky | Frugal |
Fishy | Fruitless |
Flaky | Frumpy |
Flat | Frustrated |
Flavorless | Frustrating |
Flawed | Fumbling |
Fleeting | Fuming |
Flimsy | Furious |
Flippant | Furtive |
Floppy | Fussy |
Foggy | Futile |
Foolhardy | Fuzzy |
Negative Adjectives that Start with G
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with G. Here is a big list of negative G adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Gabby | Grave |
Galling | Greasy |
Gangly | Greedy |
Gaping | Green |
Garbled | Grim |
Garish | Grimacing |
Garrulous | Grimy |
Gasping | Gritty |
Gaudy | Groaning |
Gaunt | Groggy |
Gawky | Gross |
Generic | Grotesque |
Ghastly | Grouchy |
Ghoulish | Growling |
Glassy | Grubby |
Glib | Grueling |
Gloomy | Gruesome |
Glum | Gruff |
Gluttonous | Grumbling |
Gnarly | Grumpy |
Goofy | Guarded |
Grainy | Guilty |
Grating | Gullible |
Negative Adjectives that Start with H
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with H. Here is a big list of negative H adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Haggard | Hoarse |
Halting | Hollow |
Haphazard | Homeless |
Hapless | Homely |
Hard | Hopeless |
Harebrained | Hormonal |
Harmful | Horrendous |
Harried | Horrible |
Harsh | Horrid |
Hasty | Horrific |
Hated | Horrified |
Hateful | Horrifying |
Haughty | Hostile |
Hazardous | Huffy |
Hazy | Hulking |
Heartbreaking | Humdrum |
Heartbroken | Humiliated |
Heartless | Humiliating |
Heated | Humorless |
Heavy | Hungry |
Hectic | Hurried |
Heinous | Hurt |
Helpless | Hurtful |
Hesitant | Hushed |
Hideous |
Negative Adjectives that Start with I
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with I. Here is a big list of negative I adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Icky | Inane |
Iconoclastic | Inappropriate |
Icy | Inarticulate |
Idiotic | Inattentive |
Ignorable | Inauspicious |
Ignorant | Incapable |
Ill | Incessant |
Illegal | Incoherent |
Illegible | Incompatible |
Illegitimate | Incompetent |
Illicit | Incomplete |
Illiterate | Incomprehensible |
Illogical | Inconceivable |
Immature | Inconclusive |
Immodest | Incongruent |
Immoral | Inconsequential |
Impatient | Inconsiderate |
Imperfect | Inconsistent |
Imperial | Inconsolable |
Impersonal | Inconvenient |
Impertinent | Incorrect |
Impetuous | Indecent |
Impolite | Indecipherable |
Imposing | Indecisive |
Impossible | Indifferent |
Impoverished | Indignant |
Impractical | Indiscriminate |
Imprecise | Inefficient |
Improper | Infantile |
Imprudent | Inferior |
Impulsive | Infuriating |
Impure | Inhospitable |
Inaccessible | Insane |
Inaccurate | Insincere |
Inactive | Insipid |
Inadequate | Irksome |
Inadmissible | Irrational |
Inadvisable |
Negative Adjectives that Start with J, L
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with J, L. Here is a big list of negative J and L adjectives to describe people, places, or things.
Jaded | Lecherous |
Jeering | Leering |
Judgmental | Loathsome |
Lame | Lowly |
Laughable |
Negative Adjectives that Start with M, N
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with M, N. Here is a big list of negative adjectives that start with M, N.
Malevolent | Muddled |
Malignant | Myopic |
Manipulative | Narcissistic |
Melodramatic | Negligent |
Messy | Nosy |
Moody |
Negative Adjectives that Start with O, P, Q
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with O, P, Q. Here is a big list of negative adjectives that start with O, P, Q.
Obscene | Pessimistic |
Obstinate | Petty |
Odd | Petulant |
Opportunistic | Pitiful |
Oppressive | Predictable |
Parasitic | Prejudiced |
Pathological | Putrid |
Pedantic | Querulous |
Negative Adjectives that Start with R, S
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with R, S. Here is a big list of negative adjectives that start with R, S.
Racist | Sanctimonious |
Redundant | Sickening |
Reprehensible | Smothering |
Repugnant | Smug |
Rude | Squalid |
Negative Adjectives that Start with T, U, V, W, Y
There are a variety of negative adjectives that start with T, U, V, W, Y. Here is a big list of negative adjectives that start with T, U, V, W, Y.
Tacky | Tyrannical |
Tasteless | Upsetting |
Temperamental | Vacuous |
Thoughtless | Wasteful |
Timid | Wretched |
Toxic | Yellow |
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Negative Adjectives Info Graphics
Here are some printable infographics about Negative Adjectives. Printable infographics are a fantastic way to share a significant amount of details in a short time in an entertaining way. The Negative Adjectives infographic can help teachers and students to share their thoughts easily.

My Considerations
Since the Adjective is the main part of English reading, the importance of developing vocabulary cannot be undervalued without Negative Adjectives.
You can read the above simple list of Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person to improve your vocabulary.
Encourage your children to learn these basic but commonly used Negative Adjectives, by following the simple example given above. Then, save this list about English Adjectives that Start with A – Z to describe a person, handy for future use.
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Recap of what we just learned
- Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person
- List of Negative Adjectives
- List of Negative Adjectives
- Negative Adjectives Info Graphics
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- Adjectives That Start With P
- Adjectives That Start With Q
- Adjectives That Start With R
- Adjectives That Start With S
- Adjectives That Start With T
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